Chapter 54

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Izuku :"I'm going to be a dad again and you are going to be a great grandma again Grandma Nana"

Nana :"what?"

Izuku :"I said that you are going to be a great grandma again. *Sigh* "you know my girlfriend"

Nana nods.

Izuku :"well she's pregnant"

Nana :"so you in short you knocked her up"

Izuku :"NO we used protection"

Nana :"sometimes kid you have to have a backup so you don't mess things up"

Izuku :"I know"

Nana :"so now what are you going to do?"

Izuku :"well first I have to resign from Anteiku so we can go back to Musutafu"

Nana :"so go and give them the notice tomorrow"

Izuku :"yeah"

Now you would be wondering how the hell did he met Nana so let's flashback.

Flashback 3 months ago

Izuku teleported to Tokyo's 20th ward. Well actually in an alleyway of 20th ward. He had nowhere to go so he sat down and leaned his back on the wall with Eri in his hands. He didn't noticed 2 thugs approaching him.

Thug 1 :"oh look what we have here"

Thug 2 :"look kid if you don't want trouble give us all you money"

He then heard a woman's voice

??? :"HEY ganging up on a kid how shameful of you"

Thug 1 :"and what do you want bitch"

Thug 2 :"hey this bitch may be old but she still looks like a snack let's have some fun"

After he heard this he teleported next to the woman.

Izuku :"would you mind taking this snowball for a minute or 2?"

??? :"Of course not but why?"

Izuku :"there are somethings that I don't like and 1 of it are rapist and criminals" 'sadly I am one of the criminals now'

In under one minute both the thugs were lying in their own blood puddle. He then took Eri with him and was about to go away but he felt a hand on his shoulder.

??? :"Looks like you don't have a house to stay. You can stay at my place I have an extra room" 'i don't know why but he kinda feels familiar'

Izuku :"sorry but I don't want to be a burden"

??? :"Nonsense it will be nice to have some company and where will you keep this little bundle of joy"

Izuku :"yeah you're right. I'm Izuku Midoriya"

Nana :"I'm Nana Shimura let's head back. It's not far just two blocks away"

After they reached the apartment.

Nana :"you can go and take a bath first. You look like you need it"

Izuku :"ok thanks"

He kept his phone and Eri in living room and went to take a bath. He was bathing and Nana was playing with Eri. Until she heard a ding. She looked at the phone and saw the wallpaper.
She then took the phone in her hand . The wallpaper was Izuku and his parents in front of their new house. She looking at the picture and was tearing up. That the boy she took in was her own grandson. She thought if he is her grandson the Eri would be her granddaughter. She then heard of shower stopping. Izuku came out with the clothes on which Nana gave him.

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