Chapter 48

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R.g. :"let's be blunt. You're pregnant"

Nejire :"w-w-what?! b-b-but how we u-used protection"

R.g. :"what did you use?"

Nejire:"he put on a condom"

R.g. :"ah that's why. You see condom is only 98% effective. You should've taken a contraceptive pills as a backup"

Nejire :"so now what?"

R.g. :"there are 2 options"

Nejire :"they are"

R.g :"1st is abortion-"

Nejire :"NOPE No no no no no i will not do an abortion"

R.g. :"then you're going to raise the baby"

Nejire :"yup this is the only way"

R.g. :*sigh* "then you should go and talk to principal Nezu"

Nejire nods and exits the room and goes to principal's office. After she reached the office she knocked.

Nezu :"come in"

Nejire the came in the office and sat across the principal. Who was drinking his tea.

Nezu :"I see you are well Miss.Nejire"

Nejire :"yes sir"

Nezu :"what brings you here" *takes a sip"

Nejire :"well you see sur I'm sort of pregnant"

Nezu choked on his tea.

Nezu :*coughs*"what?"

Nejire :"I mean I'm pregnant"

Nezu :"who's the father"

Nejire :"Izuku"

Nezu :"oh and you want to raise the baby"

Nejire :"yes sir"

Nezu :"ok then let me think what I can do"

Nejire :"thank you sir"

Nezu :"you may go now and not to your dorm to your home once I've decided what to do I'll e-mail you"

Nejire :"ok sir and thank you once again"

Nezu nods. Nejire then left the office and went to staff room. When she reached she asked for Hisashi. He then took her to the teachers lounge.

Hisashi :"so what you want to talk about?"

Nejire :"well you see I'm pregnant"

Hisashi choked on air after hearing this.

Hisashi :"you're what?!"

Nejire :"I'm pregnant"

Hisashi :*sqeauls* "second grandbaby" *both hands in the air*" so you're going to raise the baby" *excited*

Nejire nods.

Hisashi :*sqeauls more* "I have another grandbaby to spoil. And don't worry I and Inko will help you anyway possible."

Nejire :"Thank you Hisashi"

Hisashi :"so what will you do now? You said that you are going to find Izuku right?"

Nejire :"wait how do you-"

Hisashi :"I asked Mirio"

Nejire :"oh well that explains it. As for the answer for you questions are first I will go home and share this information with my parents. And when the baby is born then I will start the search"

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