Chapter 62

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Izuku was standing in front of Nejire's house. He took a deep breath and knocked the door. When Izuku heard the door being open. He bowed with his eyes closed.

Izuku :"I'm sorry for not being there for your daughter but I'm back and I am willing to take full responsibility"

After few seconds he heard sniffs. When he looked up and saw that door was opened by Nejire. She was crying tears of joy. Izuku then looked at her bump. He then walked towards Nejire and hugged her.

Nejire :"where were you,"*sniff* "you" *sniff* "you big dummy?"

Izuku :"sorry I'm very sorry but I have to it would have been bad if I haven't done it"

Nejire :"I" *sniff* " missed you" *sniff* " so much"

Izuku :"I missed you too."

Nejire :"come inside"

They then went in the house and sat on the couch. Nejire was still clinging on to him as if her life depends on it. He wrapped his arm around her and started stroking her hair.

Izuku :"hey Neji"

Nejire :"yeah Zuzu?"

Izuku :"when you graduate"

Nejire :"hmm?"

Izuku :"Marry me"

Nejire then released him from the hug and started staring at him with wide eyes.

Izuku :"I know it came out of nowhere and we haven't dated that much and because of me we were 3 months apart. But still I am asking you this. Nejire Hado will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"

Nejire didn't say anything, she just closed her eyes and leaned in. When they were millimetres away they heard the door being open by.

Junji :"we're back"

Izuku : *whispers* "dammit not again"

Nejire :*giggles* "Dad, Mom come in the living room I have some news"

Neri :"ok sweetie"

Neri was the first to enter the living room. When she saw Izuku she froze in her path. After that Junji was entered the room and saw Izuku

Junji :"what was the ne- YOU"

Izuku :"long time no see Neri, Junji"

Junji then started  walking towards Izuku in full anger. Stomping with every single step. Izuku then stood up and bowed.

Izuku :"I'm sorry for what I did but I am going to take responsibility. And I want to marry her. So please give us your blessings"

Junji :"what did you just said?"

Izuku :"I am willing to take full responsibility and I want to marry your daughter"

Neri :"it's her decision. We are no one to interfering in our daughter's life"

Junji nods in agreement.

Izuku :"what do say Nejire?"

Nejire just stood up and kissed him.

Nejire :"does this answer your question" 'i missed this feeling so much'

Izuku :"crystal clear" 'man I missed this feeling'

Junji :"so when will be the marriage? Have you decided yet?"

Izuku :"after Nejire is graduated"

Neri :"what about you?"

Izuku :"after I get my pro hero license. I will be leaving U.A. and start a career as a hero for sometime and then I will create a business empire"

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