Chapter 38

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Today was the day when class-1A is going to the camp. They were waiting for their bus to come. Till then Aizawa was informing them what will they do at the camp and how they will not get time to rest. He then asked

Aizawa :"any questions?"

Ojiro raises his hand.

Aizawa :"yes Ojiro"

Ojiro :"why the big 3 are with us sir?"

Kaminari :"yeah I thought it was only us first years"

Aizawa :"well it happens like this"


Aizawa was arranging some papers at his desk in the staff room. When he was interrupted by Mirio and following him was test of the big three.

Mirio :"uh Mr.Aizawa?"

Aizawa :"what you want Togata?"

Mirio :"I was thinking is it ok if we 3 come with you at the camp?"

Aizawa :"No"

Mirio:"what? But why sir?"

Aizawa :"what will you do when we will the camp?"

Mirio :"we can analyse and help them with their quirks. If you want any help with anything we can do it"

Nejire just nodded in agreement and Tamaki was just looking down.

Aizawa :"No it's better if you stay here and train. As for helping them with tthe qurks the Pussycats and Izuku can help."

Mirio and Nejire then did the puppy dog eyes. Aizawa was resisting it but gave in.

Flashback ended

Aizawa :"that's how"

Everyone just did the 'oh' look. The class was happy that the big 3 were coming to watch their quirks. In all this a certain someone was very happy that his girlfriend was coming to the camp with him. His friends noticed this and had a smirk on their face. Their conversation was disturbed by a loud mouth from class-1B.

Monoma :"huh I heard that there are some of you from class-1A that had failed and have to take extra classes. That means that class-1A is not that perfect as they say -"

He was cut off by Kendo neck chopping him.

Kendo :"sorry about him"

Izuku and Momo :"No worries Itsuka/Kendo"

Momo :"huh you know her Midoriya"

Izuku :"yeah we met before the final exam and then we were discussing about it. That's how we know and after spending more time with her we became friends. How you know her"

Momo :"oh we took the same agency at the time of internship"

Izuku :"oh"

After that their buses arrived they boarded it. Izuku and his group were sitting in the back. With Izuku at the right window seat beside him was Nejire. Mirio was seating between Tamaki and Nejire. Tenya got the left window seat and Katsuki and Ochaco were seating in seat in front of Izuku and Nejire.

Time skip 1 hour

After an hour Nejire was feeling sleepy so she set her head on Izuku's shoulder. Before anybody can see what was happening Izuku made an illusion that both of them were sitting as they were when the bus started.

Time skip 2 hour

Everyone exited the the bus and saw that they were on a cliff. Then they looked around and saw that there was a car but no class-b's bus. Then the car opened and piped out the 2 members of Pussycats they were Mandalay and Pixie-bob. They introduced themselves and Aizawa then spoke up.

Aizawa :"big three come and stand beside me please."

They did as they were ordered, Aizawa then continued.

Aizawa :"these are the pro heroes who will be training you at this camp they are-"

He was cut off by Izuku needing out.

Izuku:"they are the Wild Wild Pussycats, there are total 4 members. They specialise in mountain rescue. They were found out when we kids which was like forever. This year will mark as their 12th year anniversary-"

He was cut off by Pixie-bob shoving her hand on his face.

Pixie-bob :"I think you have a bad maths. I am 18 at heart."

Izuku :"understood"

Kirishima and kaminari :'that's so sad'

After that they all said their hellos to the Pussycats and Mandalay started to explain.

Mandalay :"the land you see here belong to the Pussycats and our camp is their" *points in the centre of the forest* "at the base of the mountain"

Ochaco :"then why are we here"

Tsuyu :"I think I know"

Satou :"don't tell me"

Sero :"everyone back to the bus"

As everyone was started running to the bus they were stopped by Pixie-bob jumping in front of them.

Aizawa :"you should've kniw that"

Pixie-bob then used her quirk to throw the students of the cliff to the ground safely.

Aizawa :"the training camp has started"

Mandalay then shouts.

Mandalay :"now is 9 am you should be at the camp by noon that is if you can pass the beast forest".

Then she went back to Aizawa and the others.

Pixie-bob :"you think they will make it by noon"

Aizawa :"as long as Izuku is with them they will"

Mandalay :"who is Izuku?"

Nejire :"the one that Pixie-bob shoved her paw on" *slightly annoyed*

Mandalay :"oh is he your boyfriend or something"

Nejire :"yeah and you know what"

Pixie-bob :"what?"

Nejire :"they will be at the camp by 10:30 am"

Mandalay :"huh you are just kidding"

Aizawa :"don't underestimate that kid if he wants he can get his classmates and himself at the camp in 1sec."

Pixie-bob :"how?"

Mirio :"you remember the one with multiple quirks from the festival"

Mandalay and Pixie-bob nodded.

Aizawa :"well that's him"

Same time with class-1A

Izuku :"ok do you want to get their fast or you want to explore the forest"

Kaminari :"didn't you hear what Mandalay said it's beast forest"

Izuku :"about that close your eyes for a few minutes a nd when I say open it ok"

Everyone nodded in agreement. For a few minutes everyone heard boulder crush noise, then trees ripping and explosions.

Izuku :"ok you can open your eyes"

Everyone opened theoreyes they saw that every beast in the forest was destroyed, disintigrated.

Kirishima :"what the "

Katsuki :"fuck. Yeah I know"

Izuku :"shall we"


(A/n : I have a question for you.

What do you think of crossover should I do it?

Cause I have something on my mind)

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