Chapter 56

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With Kaneki

He was tied up in a chair and was being tortured by Oomori A.K.A Yamori A.K.A Jason. Yamori was cutting off Kaneki's toes. He stops till it regenerates and cuts it again and again. And now the torturing session was going on. Kaneki was screaming at his loudest because of the pain.

Kaneki :'What is this? I don't understand. What am I doing here?'

At Anteiku.

Touka :"I'm fine with Izuku but I don't want this bastard with us" *points towards Shuu* "Whatever his reasons they aren't for our benefit"

Yoshimura :"I know how you feel but the hard truth is that we are short on allies at the moment x

Izuku :"you can leave that to me Yoshimura"

Yoshimura :"what?"

Izuku :"I mean I have an army"

Nishki :"what army"

Izuku :"you all know my quirk right?"

Everyone except Shuu nods.

Izuku :"well I can make 20 clones and then the clones will make their 20 clones and those clones will make their clones. And we have infinite number of allies"

Yoshimura :"that's a good idea"

Hinami :"that's so cool"

Touka :"but how are you even alive we left you for dead"

Shuu :"well in desperation I heeded your advice and to my surprise it actually worked. Not only did I fully healed I also discovered I'm quite tasty"

Izuku :"ok that's disgusting"


Yomo the comes at the door.

Yomo :"He won't get one. I'll make sure of it. So put it out of your mind"

Yoshimura :"has there been any movement from CCG yet"

Yomo :"it looks like they'll be going for a full assault once the civilians are clear"

Yoshimura :"that's when we'll move if we use their attack as cover we will have the best chance of getting Kaneki back. Are there any objections?"

With Kaneki

Currently Yamori was cleaning his tools. He then heard movement from behind he knew that Kaneki woke up.

Yamori :"Oh good you're awake. This is my room make yourself comfy. Thought that I decided he didn't need you after all. But one man's garbage is other man's hobby. I'm glad you're here I've wanted to invite you over for a while now. Since the moment we met infact."

He then cracked his right hand's index finger with his thumb. He then wears his Jason mask as I like to say it.

Yamori :"or maybe since even before we met. So please do your best not to disappoint me alright. RC imbition fluid you know what that does once it gets into a ghoul's bloodstream. It suppresses all Kagune activity when that happens the flesh might as well be construction paper. At least as far as my scalpel can slice right through it. Just like a human. *Prepares a syringe of RC imbition fluid* * walks up to Kaneki* "Hypodermic needless... don't work on ghoul bodies. But there is one place where the needle will pass through. And the mucosa" *injects the syringe in Kaneki's eye*

Kaneki shouts in pain.


They were discussing about the plan on how they will attack the Aogiri tree headquarters which is situated in the 11th ward. On how they will infiltrate it and how many soliders the will take. Then the door open they announced that the civilians have been evacuated.

Marude :"LET'S GO MEN"

Everyone :"yes sir"

They then moved into buses and they started heading towards the Aogiri tree Headquarters. A news helicopter was roaming above the CCG buses reporting the news to various parts of Japan.

News Reporter (N.R) :"CCG nad the police are waiting to charge the 11th ward with a joint force over a thousand men."

At UA Dorms 1-A

The class were watching the news in the common room. Shoto entered the room.

Shoto :"so their going at it huh?"

Tenya :"yeah they evacuated the citizens"


Ochaco :"katsu calm down"

Katsuki :"sorry I got worked up"

Ochaco :"it's ok just sit down"

On the TV

Marude was speaking about the operation they will conduct.

Marude :" we will stake our lives to protect the citizen population's safety up to 99%. The last 1% will come from everyone's joint cooperation. Let us all work together to take back the peace in the 11th Ward!"

N.R :"that was the Special Investigator Marude. Now back at the studio-"

With Kaneki

Kaneki was shout as Yamori was cutting of his toes again with his pliers. Yamori asked him

Yamori :"how many was that again?"

Kaneki :"559....552"

Yamori :"I'll be back after you recover"

Kaneki :"545"

Yamori started walking towards the exited. He stopped and gave a command to the guard outside.

Yamori :"clean that up"

Guard :"yes sir"

The guard then started moving towards Kaneki with a mop in his hand and started cleaning the floor which was covered in blood.

Guard :"Kaneki"

Kaneki :"Mr.Banjo"

Banjo :"I swear, I'll find an opening to get you out of here. Just hang in there for a while."

Kaneki :""

Banjo :"I heard that Rize is dead. You didn't tell me in order to spare my feelings right? You're a good guy. Shu and Haru who will be taking over for me, are my friends. If anything comes up, you tell them. Kaneki hang in there"

Banjo then exited the room. Tears started streaming from Kaneki's eyes.

At Anteiku

Everyone was waiting for the right time to start the mission. Yomo the entered the cafe with Uta.

Yomo :"is everyone ready?"

Touka :"Uta you're coming with us?"

Uta :"yes I am. Kaneki is one of my valued customer after all"

Yoshimura :"that's everyone right. Let's go"

Touka :"izuku you have a mask"

Everyone turned towards him.

Izuku :"yeah"

He then takes out a mask which was this.

He then takes out a mask which was this

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Wears it.

Izuku :"you can call me Frankenstein"


(A/n : I hope you are enjoying.)

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