Chapter 20

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He then snap his fingers of right hand. Everyone in the building froze. He the ran and took his friends, classmates and teachers out of the building. When they were out of the building they unfrozed, but those who were in the building didn't. When they were outside he used rewind on everyone who were injured. He then told them with a serious tone.

Izuku :"stay outside everyone"

Aizawa :"what are you going to do problem child?"

Izuku :"they attacked you all they are going to suffer"

Nejire :"just be careful"

Izuku :"yeah"

Izuku then went inside and snap his left hand fingers to unfreeze them. Shigaraki looked around and see only the villians.

Shigaraki :"the fuck? What happened?"

Izuku :"I happened"

Then every villian in the building looked at Izuku who was climbing down the stairs.

Shigaraki :"what do you think you can beat us?"*points at Nomu*"that thing created to kill All might in his prime and you are only a brat."

Izuku :"if you have to kill All might then you have to go through me."

Shigaraki :*scratches his neck*"NOMU KILL HIM"

Nomu ran towards Izuku and punched him in the face. The wind was so intense it blew everything that was around Izuku and the Nomu. The wind was so intense that it send the villains flying and knocking them out. Shigaraki was laughing.

Shigaraki :"Hahahahaha see this what you get if try to beat me. .......................huh?"

He saw Izuku stopped Nomu's punch. But only with his index and middle fingers of right hand.

Shigaraki :"i-i-impossible"

Izuku :"so this is your killing machine for All might. How pathetic. You know I can kill it in one move"

He open his left palm made a small portal above Nomu's head and slowly dragged it down till it's neck.

Izuku :"I just have to close the portal but it will not be enough for what you did"

He then let go of Nomu by taking the portal again on his head away from his neck and closed it.

Shigaraki :"Nomu get back here"

Nomu then jumped backwards. Izuku then combined quirks which were saiyan , kryptonian, gamma radiation(Hulk but he has control over him), symbiote , muscle augmentation, OFA at 100% and other physical enhancement quirks. He became big in size bigger than the Nomu

Shigaraki :"what are you?"

Izuku :"I am your worst nightmare"

He then started to glow with a silvery aura and the black colour of the symbiote turned white and white eyes turned black. Then he gave the Nomu an right upper cut the Nomu was sent flying out of the building by the roof. The punched created a gust of wind which was so powerful that the ones outside felt it.

With everyone outside.

Everyone was shocked by what they saw and felt.

Kirishima :"woah was that the Nomu thing"

Kaminari :"is this wind coming from Midoriya"

Tokoyami :"such power"

Everyone's jawed dropped by what they saw after the Nomu went flying .

With Izuku

After izuku sent the Nomu flying he used another move to destroyed it.

Izuku :'all fire quirks combine with' "KA...ME...HA....ME.....HAAAAA"

A blue light ray with fire spiralling it was shooted at the hole from which the Nomu went and disentigrated it to dust. Izuku then went back to human form.

Shigaraki :"you YOU CHEATED"

He started to scratch his neck violently and ran towards Izuku and hold his hand.

Shigaraki :"hahahahaha now die brat"

But nothing happened.

Shigaraki :"what? WHY ISN'T IT WORKING?

Izuku :"did you forget what I said I am your worst nightmare and you don't need this"

Izuku then put his hand on Shigaraki's hand and used All for One and took his quirk.

Shigaraki :"what did you do?"

Izuku :"I took your quirk away"

Shigaraki's eye widen.

With everyone outside

All might came outside the USJ and saw everyone outside.


Ochaco :"Izuku he came and save us but he is still inside"

All might then rushed to the door and busted in. He saw that Shigaraki was crying and screaming.

Kurogiri :"Tomura shigaraki let's go their reinforcements are here. We can't stand a chance now"

He then warped them to their base. All might approached izuku.

All might :"WHAT DID YOU DO?"

Izuku :"I took away his quirk he used it on uncle Aizawa and was going to use it on Asui. And who knows on whom did he used it"


Izuku just nodded.

With Shigaraki

Shigaraki :"doctor there was a brat who killed that Nomu and took away my quirk I failed doctor"

(A/n: Spoilers ahead)

Dr. :"WHAT?!" *sigh* "no need to worry I will give you another quirk which is one of my acquaintance's long time ago. I have his blood sample which I have preserved"

Shigaraki :"what is the quirk doctor?"

Dr. :"The quirk that he used on you. All for One"

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