Chapter 26

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Next day

Izuku and Katsuki were going to U.A. on the train fully crowded.

Man 1 :"psst hey psst you are Midoriya and you are Bakugou from the sports festival right."

Man 2 :"oh yeah they are. You two were awesome ,man"

Woman1:" congratulations on winning the first place Midoriya and Bakugou congratulations on coming in 3rd"

Most of the train ride for those two was like this. People congratulating, Izuku being.....well izuku was a nervous wreck and Katsuki being Katsuki was exploding and thanking people.
Whe they were walking they felt a tap on the their shoulders.

Izuku :"huh oh hey Tenya"

Katsuki :"hey"

Tenya :"hey guys how are you?"

Izuku :"woah you aren't going to lecture us how we will be late or we are the students of prestigious U.A. high school or like that stuff"

Tenya :"I took your advice and I am starting to loosen up so no more that but if there is something inappropriate like Mineta's perverted behaviour then I am going to just scold him"

Katsuki :"it's about time you take out the stick that is up your ass"

Tenya :"yeah I realised that I was not just killing my happiness but everyones who is the room. So yeah"

Izuku :"so Tenya I read about-"

Tenya :"if it's about my brother then you don't have to worry he is in the hospital and alive"

Izuku :"well that's a relieve" 'after our festival Tenya's brother was all over the news. Apparently he was attacked by the infamous hero killer : Stain'

Rest of the walking was quite. When they reached the class they saw everyone was talking about how the people reacted to them when they got recognised. And how only one sports festival gave them so much fame. After sometime Aizawa entered.

Aizawa :"Morning"

Everyone :"good morning Mr.Aizawa"

Aizawa :"so I have some news for all of you. As you can see we don't have Mineta present here"

Tsuyu :"oh yeah I haven't seen him since I came here this morning"

Kaminari :"I think he is sick"

Aizawa :"no he is not sick or anything like that. He have been replaced"

Every girl in the class cheered for midget has been replaced. Every guy was relieved but a little sad too.

Tenya :"so sir who he has been replaced with"

Aizawa :"you can come in now"

A boy with indigo colour hair and what looks like he has been sleeping in months or years.

Aizawa :"he has been replaced with Hitoshi Shinsou from general studies because I saw his perverted behaviour and uselessness in the sports festival and the fact he didn't even made it to the 1 on 1 tournament. Now please take seat behind Midoriya"

Hitoshi :'Midoriya huh this will be good I want to make friends with him really'

As Hitoshi was going to his seat Izuku waved at him with a closed eye smiled. Which in return he waved too and sat in his seat.

Aizawa :"now that is done we will be having a big class today for hero informatics"

Everyone tensed up.

Kaminari :'please don't be pop quiz'

Kirishima :'i hope it's not the laws I am not good at that'

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