Chapter 4

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Toshinori :"I want you to inherit my quirk"

Izuku :"eh?"

Toshinori :"you see my quirk is one of the biggest mystery and everytime in an interview they ask me what is your quirk I just make a joke out of it. It is passed from generation to generation. It is called One for All"

Izuku :"One.... for.... All but why me?"

Toshinori :"tell me young Midoriya why did you rush to save that girl"

Izuku :"I don't know my legs move on their on"

Toshinori :"that is another reason for you to be my successor.
Most of the true heroes have the same story for themselves whenever they were ask why did you risk your life they would say my body move on it's own. So young Midoriya will you inherit my quirk and become the next holder of One for All"

Izuku :"sorry all might I have to refuse"

Toshinori :"refuse? But why"

Izuku :"do you know what my quirk is?"

Toshinori :"Yes it's a strong telekinetic quirk. I saw it when you used it on the sludge villain"

Izuku :"you were there then why didn't you rushed for help"

Toshinori lifts up his t-shirt to show izuku his scar

Toshinori :"pretty gross right? I got this scar many years ago in a fight with big fight. After that fight my stomach and the left lung was completely damage and the time for me to do hero work also started to decrease it was 8 hours a day ten years ago now it became 3 hours a day I have to find a successor before my time is up"

Izuku :"time is up? Will you die because of that injury?"

Toshinori :"Yes. Now will you please be my successor ?"

Izuku didn't answer the question and started to panic because he found that his idol was going to die in few years. When he was panicking his hand started to glow and a small horn started to form on his forehead

Toshinori :"young Midoriya why there is a horn on your forehead now and why is your hand glowing so much"

This makes izuku snap out of his panic state

Izuku :"huh?" 'huh a new quirk' *he stared at his hand* and thank you to his analysis quirk he come to know that the quirk gives ability to reverse a being's body to a previous state and It is called rewind.

Izuku :"All might I still have to refuse but you told me your secret so I have to tell you mine"

Toshinori :"What secret?"

Izuku :"my quirk is not an telekinetic quirk"

Toshinori ;"ehh"

Izuku :"my quirk is called All in one it allows me to have every single quirk in existence including yours to and as new quirks are born it automatically transfers a copy of the quirk to me"

Toshinori :"That's.....a..... pretty strong quirk" 'why do I think that he is HIS son'

Izuku :"That's why I can't accept your offer. But I can help you with your injury so you can work full time hero"

Toshinori :"what? how?"

Izuku :"you saw now that my hands glowed and I had a small on my forehead before right?"

Toshinori nodded

Izuku :"that means I have a new quirk and when I  analyse it I found out that the quirk name is rewind. It helps to reverse a being's body to previous state. Meaning I can revert your injury where you can have a good left lung and get back your stomach"

Toshinori :"oh... Can you do that?"

Izuku :"Yes "

Toshinori :"thank you young Midoriya for your help"

Izuku then put a hand on toshinori scar and the hand starts to grow and the horn again starts to come out from his forehead head. After a few minutes it was done now all might was all fine.

Izuku :"how does it feels?"

Toshinori :"I feel pretty good actually and there is no blood coming from my mouth so I think it worked"

Izuku :"your 3 hour limit is over right?"

Toshinori nodded

Izuku :"well then give it a try"

Toshinori went in to buff form and can keep it now without any strain.


Goes back to skeleton form. All might has a question in mind for Izuku

Toshinori :"so tell me young Midoriya. why did you want become a hero"

Izuku :"oh that's simple. I want to become a hero to save everyone with a smile on my face, to let everyone know that they are safe"

Toshinori :"oh that's a good"

Izuku :"hey all might will you come and train me here? Before my entrance exam at U.A."

Toshinori :"ok but where?"

Izuku :"here at this beach"

Toshinori :'let's test him one more time' "why here there is trash everywhere in this place"

Izuku :"I want to clean this beach but also train my body and heroes work is not only to fight villains but to help the community too"

Toshinori :'oh so he really has a heart of a hero' "fine then come here at 6:00 tomorrow here we will train your body 10 months straight"

Izuku :"ok"

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