Chapter 9

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Today was Izuku and Katsuki's first day of high school at U.A..
And they are lost in the hallways.

Izuku :"it's like a maze"

Katsuki :"yeah no kidding"

When they were at the corner he saw a familiar periwinkle haird girl

Izuku :"Miss Hado"

Katsuki :"you know her?"

Izuku :"yeah you the girl from the sludge incident"

Katsuki :"yeah. Wait she is her but how do you know each other. Cause if I remember you slipped away before the press reached you"

Izuku :"yeah after that when I was cleaning the beach she came up for thanking me and after that we became friends. Let's go and ask her if she knew where our class is"

Katsuki :"yeah only 15 minutes remains"

Both reached Nejire and Izuku asked

Izuku :"Hey Miss Hado how are doing today?"

Nejire :"oh Midoriya. I'm fine and please call me Nejire"

Izuku :"fine then please call me Izuku uhh I want to ask you something can you show us where's class 1-A"

Nejire :"sure"

Along the way to their class they were talking well mostly Nejire asking questions. When they reached the class front door.

Izuku :"it's huge"

Katsuki :"yeah that's what she said"

Izuku :"dude what the hell there's girl over here"

Katsuki :"yeah yeah whatever i'mma head inside and don't take too long to talking to your girlfriend"

Izuku :"s-she's not m-my g-g-girlfriend*

Katsuki :"whatever"

Izuku :" hey-"

Izuku was about to grab Katsuki only to be cut off by the door closing. After a few seconds of awkward silence. They started to hear noises on the other side of the door. Izuku sighed knowing who was making those noises

Nejire :"sooo I see you at lunchtime"

Izuku :"yeah ok"

Nejire then leave, after seeing her out of his sight he started heading in. When he opened the door he saw Katsuki and Tenya arguing about something doing some weird hand motion almost like robots.

Tenya :"Please put your legs off of the desk it is very disrespectful for our upperclassmen who sat here and those who made these"

Katsuki :"shut up four eyes where were you in middle school where they shove that stick up your ass"

At this point Izuku was just sighing to hear Katsuki's statement.

Tenya :"let me start from the beginning. I am Tenya Iida and I am from Someii Private school"

Katsuki "so you're an elite, I will like to crush you"

Tenya :"you threaten your own classmate. Due want to become a hero"

Katsuki :"tch"

Tenya in defeat turned around to see Izuku and started to walk in towards him

Tenya :"Midoriya you knew there was something more to the exam am I correct?"

Izuku :"actually Iida I -"

Ochaco :"oh I know that green bushy hair"

Izuku turned around to see

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