Chapter 65

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After saving Midnight from the villians izuku dashed towards Toshinori who was going to get crushed under Machia's foot.
He saved him just before the foot touched Toshinori's bangs.
After that he took Midnight and Toshinori where Momo and the recon group were. He then healed Midnight and Toshinori.
After that he saw, Machia was heading towards Jaku so he sent his clone in the sky. When the clone disappeared in the clouds they all heard a roar.

Then storm started forming in the area where the clone was. Few minutes later a golden dragon with 3 heads and size approximately 500 feet came crashing down. The dragon then stomped on Machia's head. Momo then asked Izuku.

Momo :"uhh Izuku. What is that?"

Izuku :"oh that is a new quirk I like to call it Gidhorah. It is based on ancient rival of Godzilla which is no more both of them actually" 'thank god I made those two quirks before I reached here'

Momo :"oh. But what about the pro hero Godzillo?"

Izuku :"oh him. We still don't know which quirk will be manifested. We can only guess it. Like let's assume that a parent of a child has fire based quirk and another parent have a quirk which can manipulate fire. So the child can manifest either the fire based quirk or the fire manipulating quirk or the combination of both quirks or some other like the child can even manifest opposite quirk like water based quirk."

Momo :"oh I get it now"

Izuku :"anyways take care of the casualties I am going to Jaku"

Momo nods. Izuku then teleports to a nearby building's rooftop. Then he sees something that enrages him. He saw his best friend getting stabbed and his soon-to-be wife get scorched by flames. He then looks at the source of everything. He sees Shigaraki or should I say Tenko out stretched his hand and flames coming out of the palms. Izuku then jumps of the building and lands behind Endeavor. Izuku then starts walking towards Tenko. With his right hand out stretched at the side and something started forming in the palm. It's not like when he uses creation quirk, it is forming out of thin air. Tenko was shivering in his shoes after he saw Izuku.

Izuku :"you know Tenko I was reading a book few months back. It was about a power way before the era of quirks. In that book a girl finds this power accidentally and it affects her tribe. After she dies the king let's his daughters eat her in order to gain this power. But then the power gets divided into 9. Every power has it's own speciality. The power was passed down for 2 thousand years. Until a boy started collecting these powers to make it whole again and lift the curse. But he get to know that he only has 13 years to live when he acquired the first . But he didn't lose hope he still was looking for these. He collected the first two but he was killed by his own family. That boy's name was Eren Yeager"

Now he have a big hammer in his hand. The hammers size is 6 feet almost as big as Izuku. Izuku the swinged the hammer which collided with Tenko's side. He was thrown in a building. Izuku then went to Katsuki and Nejire to check on them. He was relieved that the both were alive. He healed them quickly and made his way to Mirio.

Izuku :"Mirio I want to show you the power within One for all. I know that you manifested the 6 quirks from it. But you are not using it to it's limits."

Mirio :"I'm using One for All at 100%"

Izuku :"you can go beyond that"

Mirio :"you mean like a million percent"

Izuku :"no beyond that"

They then see Tenko coming out of the building all wounded but after sometime he was all healed up.

Izuku :"let me show you that power cause Tenko here has regeneration. Move back like 100 meters"

Mirio nods and he floats far away from Izuku. Izuku then starts powering up One for All.

Izuku :'One for All 1 quintillion percent'

(A/n: if you don't know how much a quintillion is. It is this much 1,000,000,000,000,000,000)

Izuku the takes a step and vanishes in thin air leaving a 50 meter radius crater. After few seconds he reappeared in front of Mirio.

Mirio :"izuku where did you go nothi-"

He was cutt of by the wind pressure coming from where Tenko was. Afte the wind pressure died down they saw Tenko lying with his right hand, left leg, left part of the torso and right part of the waist missing.

Mirio :"how much did you used?"

Izuku :"just quintillion percent"

Mirio :"q-quint-tillion"

Izuku :"now that we are done he let's do something about Tenko"

Izuku then walked towards Tenko and puts a hand on his forehead. He the uses One for All and All for One both at the same time to take all the quirks he gained by killing people's and he also took All for one from him. All for one took a little more then 100 percent of both One for All and All for One. When this was going on the heroes around Izuku was just in awe that a rookie hero completed the mission which the no.1 and no.2 heroes were having a hard time handling the villian.

Endeavor :'I'm going to ask his father about Quirk marriage between him and fuyumi'

Eraserhead :'that's my student and nephew right there'

Of course Aizawa didn't showed his emotions on face.

Nejire :'that's my husband for y'all'

Katsuki :'as expected of the nerd'

Shoto :'good job now I can spend time with Camie'

Izuku then healed Tenko up and picked him up. He then started walking towards Aizawa.

Izuku :"Eraserhead I want him to be in our villian rehab program"

Eraserhead :"we can but we first need acceptance of the principal"

Izuku :"I'll talk with him." *Turns around* "ok now I'm going to take you all U.A. to get treated."

Everyone nods. Izuku then made portals beneath everybody and warped them to U.A.. He too teleported to U.A. and restrained Tenko to a hospital bed. He then teleported to where his clone was holding Machia. He used telepathy to render him unconscious. Then he chased the remaining League of villians and Paranormal Liberation Front's members and arrested them. He transported everyone to Tartarus using his clones and portals. He then made his clones teleport every hero to U.A. for treatment of their wounds.

(A/n: If you think that I'm rushing things then I'm sorry and if you think this chapter is short then you are mistaken this chapter has over 1000 words including this note. And lastly I hope you are enjoying)

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