Chapter 27

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Izuku :"My hero name is The Alpha Hero: Singularity"

Midnight :"ooh that's one heck of a name"

Kirishima :"yeah so manly"

Everyone was talking about his name and admiring it.

In the staff room.

Cementoss :"huh the offers for first years are still coming"

Toshinori :"really"

Cementoss :"yeah have a look"

Toshinori sees the list and one name caught his eyes on Izuku's list.

Toshinori :"WHAT why he wants him?"

Hisashi :"hey why are you being loud?"

Toshinori :"because I saw my teacher on your son's offer list"

Hisashi :"yeah so what?"

Toshinori :"he is the one who taught me" *shivering like hell*

Hisashi :"really" *sees Toshinori shivering* "why are you shivering"

Toshinori :"he is very harsh while teaching and I don't want that  to happen to Young Midoriya

Hisashi :"so let's just say izuku not take his offer"

Then Toshinori's phone starts to ring.

Toshinori :"uh Hello?"

??? :"Hello Toshinori"

Toshinori :"uh sir how are you?"

??? :"I am fine and you never kept your promise to come visit"

Toshinori :"sorry sir I will. Anyways why did you call?"

??? :"I want that boy Izuku Midoriya son of all for one or may I say Hisashi Midoriya to intern for me and me only for the week. I want to see how capable he is. And you have no say in it"

Toshinori :"ok sir I'll talk to him"

Then the phone call ends.

Hisashi :"who was that you were shivering like crazy"

Toshinori :"the phone call was from my teacher he wants Young Midoriya to intern for him and him only for the week"

Hisashi :"ok so that's puts us in a bizarre position"

In the class

Midnight :"Now then Bakugou you are the last one try again"

Katsuki then walked to the podium again and showed his name.


Midnight :"uh no"

Time skip after the class.

Aizawa :"with that out of the way now we will move back to the internships. The internships will be for a week and choose carefully for the agency you are interning. There are over 40 agencies for you to intern so choose carefully."

Then Midnight spoke up.

Midnight :"say you want to rescue people then the agency for you will likely be 13. Think it like that way"

Aizawa :"from seeing the offers number and knowing Izuku he is going to look at every offer. So i am going to give you till Friday that means you have 4 days including this one. And that's plenty of time so start thinking"

And with that Aizawa left the class with Midnight. Everybody started to talk about the offers and how did they decided from the big numbers on the other hand Izuku was in his muttering storm. Then Katsuki blowed up.

Katsuki :"HEY NERD CALM DOWN YOU FUCKING SCARING OTHERS" *pointing at the rest of the class*

They were staring at Izuku.

Izuku :"sorry" *scratching back of his neck and smiling sheepishly*

When the school was over he was about to leave the class when both of the teachers. I mean All might and Hisashi came sliding in a hurry.


Then they took Izuku too a secluded area and explained him everything and they want him to intern for All might's teacher. Izuku accepted it and went to his friends who were waiting for him.

With Hisashi and Toshinori

All might then changes back to Toshinori when Izuku left.

Hisashi :"I hope that Gran Torino won't go overboard like you said to me he will"

Toshinori :"I hope that too"

(A/n: Thank you all for suggesting hero names but unfortunately I have to choose. One but in this case I chose two one will go in the title and other in the hero name. The names I used is the combination of the names these to suggested @MrCreeperBoi13 and @dekiru12 .)

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