Chapter 15

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Next day after their combat training.

Izuku was called in the principal's office.

Izuku :"you called me sir?"

Nezu :"ah young izuku please come in"

They entered and sat in front of him.

Izuku :"so why did you needed us?"

Nezu :"young izuku yesterday was your combat training yes?"

Izuku :"yes sir"

Nezu :"and in the last round you were going against the whole class and you won?"

Izuku :"yes sir"

Nezu :"so the big three saw your classmates and asked for a battle to see for themselves how strong you are"

Izuku :"I accept"

Nezu :"ok the battle will be 6 days from now you may leave"

Izuku :"yes sir"

For the next 6 days he trained hard it means he never even had lunch with Nejire. Both were sad but promised each other that after the battle they will hang out. So they all trained for the next 6 days. Till this time everybody on the campus knows that izuku is going to fight the big three.

Time skip 6 days later

Now the day has come izuku is going to fight the strongest trio in the hero course of U.A.. They were standing in gym Gamma and it was full of students and teachers.


Izuku :"I am going to ask you the same that asked my classmates do you want me to go all out or do you need a handicap"

Everyone except the teachers and students of class 1-A were ahock to hear this that a 1st year student thinks he is better than the big three.

Mirio :"no no go all out"

Tamaki :"Miri-"

Izuku :"ok it's your choice it's been so long that I have gone all out but I will still hold back I don't want you guys to get hurt."


They fought for a long time but in the end the big three won. Everyone was cheering for them. Pffft I am just kidding.

Take two.


(A/n: izuku's hero costume and p.e. uniform is made specially for him.)

Mirio used his quirk and gone underground and appear behind izuku without clothes. All the girls in the gym covered their eyes. When Mirio was behind izuku he try to punch him but went through.

Mirio :"hey did you use my quirk?"

Izuku :"yup"

Mirio :"then why did your clothes didn't fall like mine"

Izuku :"my p.e. uniform and hero costume are made for my quirk it means it can't be burn, can't be fall and can go through wall or underground when I use quirks like permeation and if it gets torn it get fix on it's own"

Mirio attacked again but was sent flying by Izuku's telekinesis. When Mirio sent flying Tamaki caught him with his tentacles. Izuku then flew up and dodged Nejire's attack. Then he gave her a low charge lightning just to get her unconscious. Everyone except class1-A and the teachers were talking about multiple quirks izuku used. When she was falling he caught her bridal style and laid her next to teachers and went to fight other two. Mirio again tried the same tactic but Izuku went for Tamaki but Tamaki but used his tentacles to catch him. Izuku used fire for the tentacles coming towards him. Tamaki then change his hand into a clamp to avoid getting burn but izuku went from the ground. Izuku appears behind Tamaki, Mirio sees this and says to Tamaki to look out but when Tamaki turns izuku gives him a hard punch in the face knocking him out. Then he took Tamaki to teachers where Nejire was laying.

Izuku :"now it's just you and me"

Mirio :"yeah let's go"

Mirio ran towards Izuku and was about punch him but Izuku used air cannon. When the air was about to hit Mirio he used his quirk and went into the ground. Izuku turned he thought that Mirio will come from behind but when he turned Mirio kicked izuku's back. When he kicked izuku he again went underground and give an upper cut to him. But this time izuku didn't budge cause he used shock nullification. Izuku used pyrokinesis with low temperature to burn Mirio and it worked when he stopped Mirio was unconscious with some burns. Then Present mic announced.


Everyone ws in awe how a first year beat the big three and how he used the quirks. But the biggest question for them was what is Izuku Midoriya's quirk? By this time Izuku carried the big three to recovery girl cause he thought he over did it.

With Izuku

Izuku barged in the nursecs office and startled recovery girl.

Izuku :"Recovery girl!"

Recovery girl jumped from her seat and saw he was carrying the big three.

R.G. :"lay them on the bed"

Izuku laid them on the beds and recovery started beating him with her cane.

R.G. :"don't barge in like that you all are going to give me a heart attack someday"

Izuku :"sorry sorry I thought I over did it that's why I barged in"

R.G. :"what happened?"

Izuku :"you know one week ago we class1-A had our combat class."

R.G. :"yes.... don't tell me that Mirio asked you to fight them"

Izuku just nodded and then recovery girl just sighed.

R.G :"now go to your class you will be late for your lecture"

Before izuku left he give a kiss on Nejire's forehead.

R.G. :"don't worry I'll take care of your girlfriend"

Izuku realised what be did and tensed up and said.

Izuku :"s-she's not m-my g-g-girlfriend"

R.G. :"whatever you say sonny now go"

Izuku :"yes"

And he left.

R.G. :"ah young love but he is so dense"

A/n :thank you so much for reading the story and for votes too.

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