Chapter 29

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Time skip next day

Izuku and G.T. trained all day and now izuku can be calm, can charge up whatever quirk he wants faster.

G.T. :"you sure are fast learner kid"

Izuku :"so what are we doing now? I mean it's evening now. Do you want to spar more or rest."

G.T. :"No no suit up we are going patrolling"

Izuku :"patrolling yay"

Izuku then runs to his room and suits up as fast as he can. When he was done he saw G.T. was outside waiting for him in front of a taxi.

Izuku :"I thought we were going patrolling"

G.T. :"yeah we are but not here in Shibuya. There are low rank villians so you can take them out"

Izuku :"cool"

They then went into the taxi and they started going to the train station. When they were traveling through the taxi Izuku gets a text message.

??? :Yo Midoriya.

Izuku :Yo Toga


4 days ago

Izuku was walking to arcade where his friends were waiting. When he was walking he saw a blue light in an alley. He then went to investigate it he saw a man of mid twenties with burns all over his body and a teen blonde girl with two messy buns fight over something. He then intervene with creating Aizawa's capture tape and Erasure. When he uses that on both of them they turned around and said at the same time.

Both :"Eraserhead!?"

Izuku :"oh you know him. So I will assume 2 things 1st you are a hero nerd like me or 2nd you are villians."

Man :"let us go it's none of your business"

Girl :"yeah. He ate my burger"

Man :"what I didn't?"

Izuku then smashed both of them to the wall.

Man :"what is your problem. I told you it's none of your business. But if you want I can kill you right now"

Izuku :"yeah how I have captured you it is called capture tape for a reason"

Girl :"we are two and you are only one did you forget to count"

Izuku :"sure I am alone. But can you really defeat me"

He then uses teleport and gets behind her. He then whispers in her ear.

Izuku :"now who will win if I can knock you both out and give you to the police"

Man :"y-y-you are I-Izuku Mi-Midoriya fthe one tha -that has multiple q-quirks"

Girl :"oh shit"

Izuku :"let give you a deal. You both are in the league of villians right"

Both :"yeah"

Dabi :"I am Dabi"

Himiko :"and I am Himiko Toga"

Izuku :"nice to meet you and you know me. So the deal is I will let you both go but you both have to give me intel on the plans of the league"

Dabi :"and what if we don't"

Izuku :"I know where you are and who you really are Touya Todoroki"

Dabi's eyes widen, when he heard that name.

Dabi :"h-how?"

Izuku :"mind reading"

Dabi :"ok ok we will"

Toga :"yeah we will just don't take us to the police"

Present time

Toga :I heard that Shigaraki is planning to get the Hero killer on his side

Izuku : that's bad anyways thanks for informing me

Toga :it's alright

Izuku :where is Dabi?

Toga :oh he is on his date with Hawks

Izuku :Toga how many times I have to tell you that secret meeting is not a date

Toga :yeah but I saw them kissing you know

Izuku : oh then that's a date. We found something to tease him

Toga :yeah anyways I have to go bye

Izuku :yeah bye

G.T. then spoke up

G.T. :"what you got their kid"

Izuku then quickly changes it to Tenya's chat and showed it to G.T.

Izuku :"oh nothing it's just we are going to Shibuya and Hosu is in the way and my friend is interning there so I messaged him that we will be crossing Hosu in sometime"

G.T. :"oh ok"

Izuku :'i have to keep the secret that I am friends with the enemy. When we first met we just connected I don't know how but I can talk with them freely like rest of my friends. But since they are villians I have to keep it a secret'

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