Chapter 32

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The next day

Aizawa :"well it's almost time for summer vacation. But don't get too excited. You will not be relaxing for entire vacation"

Kaminari :"does that mean"

Aizawa :"you will be training camp in the woods"

Everyone :"ALL RIGHT" *hands in the air*

Mina :"a big sleepover"

Tsuyu :"fireworks"

Tenya :"curry"

Kaminari :"dude seriously?"

Tenya :"what you don't you like curry?"

Kaminari :"oh forget it"

Momo :"We have been training in the city area till now. Training in the woods will be a whole new experience"

Tokoyami :"No matter what the condition. We must endure it very wise"

Toru :"hanging out with all of you all summer it's nice"

Aizawa :*activates quirk* "however" *everyone went silent* "those who don't pass the final exam before the semester is over will have summer school"

Kirishima :"everyone do your best"

Katsuki :"this is stupid"

Izuku :"hey don't explode now"

Aizawa :"with that being said now let's move onto exams. Your final exam will be in 2 weeks. Written exam is only one thing of it the practical exam will be tough. So good luck for it"

Aizawa then exits the room. Then class went in uproar how they didn't have studied anything and how they will pass and everything like that. Then Momo spoke up

Momo :"if you want I can help you with your studies"

Mina and kaminari :"really yaomomo"

Momo :"yes but I can't help you with practical exam though"

Jiro :"uh yaomomo if it is not troublesome can I join too"

Sero :"me too I want to improve my Japanese"

Ojiro :"I want some help too"

Mina :"please Yaomomo"

Kaminari :"yes pleeease"

Momo :"ok then I will ask my mother to open the hall for our study session"

Jiro and kaminari :'hall'

Momo :"and I can serve you different kinds of tea"

Ojiro and Sero :'tea'

Momo :"in our family we most likely drink Harrod's or Wedgewood but if you have any other preferences just let me know"

Kaminari :'she casually slapped me with the huge difference in how we were born'

Jiro :'her bounciness is so cute that I don't care'

Kaminari :"what was that? Harry's? That's fine"

Momo :"Harrod's right?"

Izuku :"hey Pomeranian aren't you a little bit nervous"

Katsuki :"I can do it. Did I want to beat that into you"

Izuku :"then I am counting on you boom boom boy"

Time skip lunchtime

Katsuki was sitting Ochaco who was sitting on the left side of Tenya. On their opposite side Mirio was sitting between Nejire and Tamaki. Nejire on the right and Tamaki on the left. On right sid of Nejire Izuku was sitting. Shoto came and sat beside Tenya.

Katsuki :"hey half n half why are you sitting here"

Shoto :"I am friends with Izuku and Tenya that's why"

Mirio :"oh then welcome to the squad then. Wait aren't you Endeavor's kid"

Shoto nodded

Shoto :"you can call me Shoto all of you"

Ochaco :"hey what you think will come in practical exam"

Izuku :"well as far as I know Uncle Aizawa it will be something interesting"

Tenya :" hey Mirio what was in the practical exam at your time?"

Mirio :"if I remember correctly it was robots like the ones from your entrance exam"

Tamaki :"but you have already defeated that so it can be anything"

Tenya :"yeah I wonder what it will be"

Izuku :"let's list th-"

Izuku sensed that something's going to hit him so he used kryptonian to tank it.

??? :"OW"

Izuku :"oh it's you Neito Monoma from class-1B am I correct?"

Everyone then turned towards Monoma.

Neito :"yeah what are you made of it hurt like hell?. Anyway I heard you met the hero killer eh? It's like the sports festival class-1A is just to have all attention huh? It's not because people have high hopes from you. It's just that you put yourself in the trouble but one time you will take everyone with you in that trouble an-"

He was cut off by Itsuka neck chopping him to knock out.

Kendo :"that's enough Monoma."

Tenya :"Kendo"

Kendo :"sorry 1A he is like this towards your class only. I don't know why?"

Ochaco :"it's okay"

Kendo :"well you were talking about the practical exam weren't you?"

Izuku :"uh yeah"

Kendo :"then can I sit with you all"

Everyone :"sure"

Kendo sat with them to eat and discuss about the exam. In discussing they got little sidetracked and made friends with Kendo. After lunch was over they went to their classes.

(A/n: My dear guys and gals I will not be able to update this story till 30th because of exams. Just a quick heads up)

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