44. Car

240 18 5

1017 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written December 31 2020
Posted January 21 2020

NEXT UPDATE is on February 4 2021

Kaito had been right, and as of now, the sleuth was seriously wishing that the other had been wrong. Concern and fear nestled themselves deep in his stomach as Shinichi knelt down next to Kaito, the magician was holding his left side, face scrunched up in pain as he took in controlled breaths. They'd managed to avoid the cameras easily after dropping off their luggage in a bush, but that meant that the culprits hadn't known of their presence. The two males had just barely managed to jump out of the way as the car had rounded the bend, the greenery making it impossible for either party to have seen the other before it was too late.

The magician hadn't been hit full on, just clipped in the side since he'd been closer to the road than the sleuth. Obviously the black car didn't stop to check on them "Did you catch the licence plate?" Kaito bit out through gritted teeth, doing his best to keep the pain out of his voice.

"No" Shinichi's tone was soft "I was too busy trying not to get hit" He held a hesitant hand just above Kaito's side "You're not coughing up blood so there shouldn't be any major internal damage, can you walk or should I check you here?" The sleuth bit his lip "Or do you need an ambulance?" Kaito knew his body quite well and was sadly much too experienced when it came to taking stock of impact injuries "Even if you don't, we're still taking you to the hospital or Haibara" He just wanted to know whether Kaito needed immediate care or not.

Kaito closed his eyes, focusing on how his insides felt "I think my hip is messed up, and that's it besides the pain" His hand moved to his stomach "I would be freaking out if we weren't told that it would be near impossible to lose the babies from blunt trauma" None of his bones had broken and pierced his insides, so he should be fine.

Shinichi let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding "That's good" He'd forgotten that bit of information. He gently felt around Kaito's hip, frowning "It doesn't feel like it's too bad, I should be able to pop it back into place" They were definitely going to the hospital after this, just to be safe.

The Magician grimaced "Do it, then go check the body. One of the officers you call can drive us back" He patted the ground beside him "I'll be fine waiting here" Kaito blinked, suddenly noting their exact location "Okay, maybe you should help me get away from the road first" He didn't need to get hit a second time.

"I'm not going to just leave you injured just to check on an already dead body" Shinichi countered "I'll call Megure-keibu and tell him what happened and that there's probably another body"

Indigos softened "Fine, just make sure he doesn't send an ambulance, I'd rather they be used for people who are dying" He was in a lot of pain, but his life wasn't in danger. He wasn't feeling the tiredness that internal bleeding could cause so there wasn't any real rush.

"Okay" Shinichi made the call, then went about popping the other's bone back in. By the time the police arrived, Kaito was as comfortable as he could be while sitting in a pile of grass with Shinichi.

"Oh, it's Saguru!" Kaito beamed at his friend who'd just arrived, the blond heading towards them while the other officers headed into the warehouse.

The blond eyed Kaito with concern "I'm glad to see that you're still lively" He crouched down next to Kaito "Can I check?" Seeing was better than not knowing and imagining something worse.

Kaito rolled his eyes "Yeah, I can feel that it's started to swell" He shifted a bit in order to lower the hem of his pants a bit on his side "Whoa, that darkened fast" It'd been an ugly red from minor broken blood vessels, but now it was a harsh purple. He was glad that Shinichi had popped his bone back in place before that had happened. Both detectives let out a sympathetic hiss at the sight.

"I highly doubt that you'll be able to walk with that much swelling" Saguru concluded darkly.

Azure narrowed "Why didn't you say that it was getting worse?" He'd thought that Kaito had matured enough by now when it came to things like this.

The magician offered a sheepish smile in response "It's just bruising and swelling, I'm not dying or anything" He just couldn't move his leg at all right now since there was so much swelling.

"Let's just get you to the hospital" Saguru took Kaito's left arm, motioning for Shinichi to get the other.

It was a struggle to keep from looking too pained from the motion of being lifted but the magician somehow managed it "Will the glamour work in the hospital?" Kaito inquired as they carried his weight "I don't want pain medication if it'll hurt the babies" The doctors wouldn't know any better since there'd be no reason to assume that he could be pregnant, he was obviously male.

Shinichi grimaced at the implication of no pain medication "I'm sure we can get you something that's safe" The magician wasn't showing his pain, but that didn't mean that he wasn't still hurting.

Saguru nodded "Indeed" They both helped Kaito into the car "Sato-san wanted to be the driver but I managed to convince her that her wild driving could cause more damage to you" Being jostled around with a hip injury hadn't seemed like all that great of an idea.

Kaito shot the blond a thankful smile "Thanks" Normally Sato's driving was really fun, but he was sure that it wouldn't have been this time around.

"I'm just glad that I came with you today" Shinichi breathed, Kaito had initially left his phone in the backpacks. They could have stopped the car and finished Kaito off while he was still reeling from being hit. Or they could have left him, forcing the magician to drag himself back to get his phone.

Me: Kaito got off somewhat lightly~

Hope you enjoyed~

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