48. Consequence

219 13 4

1023 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written January 27 2021
Posted March 4 2021

Kaito yawned, stretching out contentedly in his shared bed with Shinichi. He almost couldn't believe that he'd actually spent all of the previous day doing nothing but eating and lounging about. It had been a very enjoyable day, much better than the previous ones where he'd been confined to a bed. The magician sighed happily, curling up against the sleuth, he was comfortable. Being able to sleep how he wanted was a lot better than being forced to lay in a specific position.

Half lidded indigos peeked over the other, noting with annoyance that the alarm was going to go off soon. The prospect of disabling it was tempting, if not for the scolding and disappointed look Shinichi would give him as a result.

Shinichi grimaced, annoyed at the alarm that'd woken him up. He blindly reached for it, not bothering to open his eyes. When he couldn't find it, Shinichi let out an annoyed huff, sitting up angrily only to see that the alarm wasn't in its place. The sleuth blinked dumbly at the empty space.

Kaito snickered, Shinichi was so cute when he was sleepy. He leaned over to wave the still ringing alarm in front of the other's face "It's sight here" He'd snatched it just to mess with him.

"Morning" Shinichi covered his yawn, taking the alarm clock with his free hand, turning it off.

Indigos softened "Do you want me to get you some coffee?" He asked teasingly.

The sleuth barely stopped himself from nodding "No, you're not supposed to do things like that yet" Not to mention that Kaito might spill it if he used his crutches like he was supposed to. He wasn't going to voice that part out loud though, he knew Kaito well enough to know that the other one would take it as a challenge.

"I feel great though" Kaito grinned "It didn't even hurt when I stretched like it did yesterday" Which was nice, less pain was always a good thing.

Shinichi hummed in acknowledgement "No trying anything new until you get X-Rayed again" He got up from the bed and stretched.

Kaito pouted but didn't voice an argument, knowing that Ai would be X-Raying him again today like she had been every day due to his unpredictable healing speed "I'll have cereal today since you need to go soon" Cereal was nice once in a while and Ai would kill him if she caught him cooking since it could require a lot of standing. Cereal was a safe bet.

The sleuth nodded "Okay, and I'll pick something up for myself on the way" He promised, knowing that Kaito didn't like it when he skipped meals. With that he proceeded to get dressed and head downstairs to start the coffee. He wasn't going to leave without drinking any.

Since there was no need for himself to get up, Kaito laid in bed for a while longer until he heard the sleuth leave. Even though the other wasn't around to scold him, Kaito used the crutches when he got up even though he didn't feel like he needed them. The Disappointed look Shinichi had given him the other day was still fresh in his mind. He had just made it to the top of the stairs, only to see Ai carrying a more sleek machine than before.

"So you do know how to behave" Ai stated with a raised brow "I guess that I didn't need to come over here so early" It was a nice surprise.

Kaito's cheeks flushed at the implication of him needing to be watched "I'm a responsible adult" He argued, earning an eye roll from the other.

"Go back to your bed since I had Kudo put the protective equipment there" Ai ordered. She hadn't wanted to carry everything over since she'd known that Shinichi wouldn't be here when she arrived.

"Of course" Not wanting to get on the other's bad side, Kaito obeyed. Nobody wanted to have Ai mad at them, it just wasn't safe.

Once the X-Raying process was complete, Ai studied the results with a frown before turning towards Kaito "You're finished healing" She declared.

Kaito beamed, shrugging off the lead gear "I like how I heal fast now" He hopped off the bed excitedly, glad that he no longer had to be careful.

Ai watched him do so curiously "Go jog down then back up the stairs" The magician blinked in confusion before shrugging and obeying.

When he returned he was frowning "My left side felt weird, I think I'm not completely healed" It hadn't hurt, it had just felt weird.

The scientist nodded "I didn't say that you were completely healed, I said that you were done healing" Ai shot him a dark glare "Because you didn't listen, you'll have to live with a slight limp for the rest of your life"

Kaito frowned "But I didn't do much"

"Your healing was irregular, yet you still jostled yourself by hopping to the washroom and back" Ai bit out "You hurt yourself again and then you healed too much before the problem could be addressed so it healed wrong" Her gaze narrowed "Just like I said it would if you weren't careful"

"Oh..." Kaito moved his leg experimentally "I really should have listened" He sighed sadly.

"Correct" Ai's expression softened at Kaito's upset one "You're lucky that it won't really affect the quality of your life" Kaito had rested properly after the incident so the limp was just a slight one "It could have been worse, maybe now you'll take my health advice more seriously" She breathed.

Kaito nodded, feeling both sad and stupid "I will" He really was lucky, what if he'd ended up needing a cane instead of just having a slight limp? Sure hitting people with it would be fun, but needing it wouldn't have been fun.

"Good" Ai offered a soft smile "I want to check up on your overall health today so follow me to the professor's" Kaito's situation was new so she wanted to monitor it.

"Okay" The magician agreed softly. He didn't want to mess up anything to do with his health again, especially not so soon. Kaito would allow himself to be prodded by needles, even if he really didn't like it.

Me: Kaito should have listened to Ai~ Actions have consequences~

Hope you enjoyed~

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