29. Guns, Feelings, Happy

432 38 15

1015 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written August 9 2020
Posted September 10 2020

Much to Kaito's appreciation, Megure hadn't wasted much time when questioning him, he'd been careful to make sure that he refrained from asking the magician stupid questions. Instead, he'd just asked him to retell his story in person for the records, trusting that the magician wouldn't have missed anything that could be important.

"Thank you for your time Kuroba-kun" Megure stated as he closed his notebook, it was a shame that the magician had no interest in joining the force. Kaito was highly perceptive and had a better eye for clues than most of his officers, barring Shinichi and Saguru of course.

"I hope they're caught soon" Kaito called as the inspector left the house. When Megure was no longer in earshot he sighed "It was still so boring" When he was the one being questioned, it never failed to make him bored.

"I do too" Shinichi replied, eyeing the other "I don't want you to do something reckless and get hurt"

Kaito snorted "Pot" He pointed at the sleuth "Kettle" He pointed at himself. Indigos gleamed with amusement "You of all people have no right to say that" Shinichi got hurt helping with cases all the time. At first he'd thought that it was due to the other being trapped in a child's body, sadly, that hadn't been true. Shinichi was just as reckless as he'd been as Conan, often even more so since he wasn't a child anymore.

Shinichi wanted to make a comment about how Kaito wasn't just taking care of himself anymore, but refrained from doing so. He didn't want to upset him "At least I don't try to get armed gunmen to chase after me" He may occasionally get chased, but it was never actually his intention for it to happen "You seem to still get a thrill from it"

The magician snickered "What can I say? Habits are hard to break" Getting a thrill from it was better than being paralyzed by fear "It's worked out for me so far"

"I guess those ten gunshot scars don't count" Shinichi countered.

"Neither do your twenty two gunshot scars count then" The magician huffed, crossing his arms "You get shot more often than I do" He raised a brow "And you're not even the one who antagonized trigger happy gunmen all the time" He still wondered how Snake could have possibly risen so high in the power ladder with how reckless the guy had been.

Shinichi's shoulders slumped "How do we manage to get shot so often?" They lived in a country that had some pretty strict gun laws, it wasn't like they were in the states or anything "I think we've both been shot more than most officers..." He sighed, they weren't even thirty yet.

Kaito smirked "It's because we're more proactive than most people" They both went above and beyond in order to protect others, thus they were in danger more often "We confront more bad guys, so of course we get shot more often" That, and they both had a tendency to jump in front of bullets to save people.

Azure softened "As much as that is the truth..." Shinichi wrapped his arms around the other from behind "Can you please avoid bullets? At least for now?" Kaito leaned back, tail wagging "I know better than to ask for it to be permanent, so at least be more careful?"

The feather light touch of the sleuth's fingers on his stomach lasted for only a second before resting on his hips. It wasn't a sexual touch, but a comforting one. Kaito couldn't help but grimace, oh yeah, getting shot right now would be worse than usual... He'd actually forgotten "I'm sorry" He breathed, resting his hands over Shinichi's "I honestly forgot"

Shinichi blinked, he actually forgot? "Does that mean that you're no longer freaked out?"

Kaito gave a small shrug "I guess?" He was silent for a few moments "I don't feel panicked anymore at least" He hated feeling panicked, it also made him feel so helpless since he can't just easily stop panic. It was called panic for a reason after all.

The sleuth made a curious noise in the back of his throat as he turned Kaito to face him "But you still don't want it do you?" At least Kaito's mental stability was better.

"Not really" The magician bit his lip "It still seems too weird and I don't feel like I'm ready" But he still had time to make his final decision, he wouldn't be forced to have it if he didn't want it, so he was mainly just weirded out and a bit nervous now. It was a much better feeling compared to the panic and fear from before.

Azure softened as he nodded "I understand, I wasn't trying to persuade you or anything" He offered a small smile "I just wanted to see how you were doing so far" He breathed "I'll love you no matter what choice you make since you're more important to me right now"

Kaito returned the smile, cheeks tinting "I love you too" He tilted his head "Want to have a stay at home date today?" He knew better than to try to get the sleuth to actually go somewhere for a date. That would just be asking for trouble.

"Hmm that depends..." Shinichi's eyes glinted "Can we watch Sherlock Holmes?" At Kaito's subtle grimace he laughed "I'm just joking, we did that last time" It was always nice whenever someone actually paid attention to his internists "What about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?"

Indigos lit up "Okay, maybe I'll try to copy some of the desserts in the movie" Was it candy grass or chocolate grass? He couldn't really remember but chocolate sounded better.

"You can do that, but I won't help you" Shinichi replied, happy that Kaito seemed happy "I'll get the movie started while you go and raid your chocolate stash that I know exists somewhere in this house" He's never seen said stash, but he just knew that it had to exist.

"You'll never be able to find it" Kaito snickered before disappearing in a plume of white smoke. He changed its location regularly.

Me: I'm so sleepy as I write this...

Hope you enjoyed~

>~< supposed to get mini freezer tomorrow if things go well

•-• I better not have jinxed myself

I can't wait until I can always have ice cream laying around... well it's labeled as ice milk but it tastes like ice cream O.o

Burning (not smoke breathing) or drowning to death, which seems worse?

I think burning would be worse since with drowning, you can only hold so much air, time is more limited o.o

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