69. Complete Family

307 15 13

1022 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written August 10 2021
Posted September 9 2021

No sexy stuff, don't worry ^-^

The next two weeks were filled with excitement and worry. Taking care of both Arashi and Yukina had become a nightmare once they'd learned how to shift between their forms on their own. At that point Kaito had mostly moved from the den, not because he was ready to, but because he'd been worried about then shifting from their pup forms while he was sleeping. Their pup forms could properly handle the weather, their human forms could not.

Shinichi had been caring and very doting towards Kaito and their children, doing his best to make sure the magician felt comfortable. He often distracted the magician whenever his milk unexpectedly let down while he was in human form in response to their children's whining. The sleuth knew that Kaito didn't like it, that it made him uncomfortable, so he did his best to make it easier on him.

Saguru had ended up leaving after the first few days, but was now currently looking after both Arashi and Yukina in the living room. The two were a handful and the three of them suspected that they'll probably take after Kaito more personality wise with how much mischief they could get up to. Sure their human forms were all wobbly and unsteady, but their pup forms had good motor skills and the ability to run. It was jarring to think that just two weeks ago, both kids were smaller than their hands.

"Saguru's too good, why is he still single?" Kaito mused, both he and Shinichi were in their room. Finally getting some proper alone time.

Shinichi smiled "It's a mystery" The blond was a great friend "But seriously, once Arashi and Yukina are old enough to go back to Beika, we need to do something for Saguru to show our appreciation"

Kaito nodded eagerly "Then we'll show everyone our adorable kids" Aoko was going to love them, and he would have to make sure Akako behaved.

"I've been keeping in touch on the phone with Ran, she's excited to meet them"

The magician smiled snuggling against the sleuth, the bed they'd picked out was nice "We soundproofed our room right?"

Shinichi blinked, a light blush tinting his cheeks as he read Kaito's expression "Of course"

A sly grin spread across Kaito's lips, his body felt warm, it felt a bit familiar but he couldn't pinpoint why. It was different from his normal arousal "Are you up for some fun?"

Even though he'd been expecting it, Shinichi still couldn't help but blush "That's why Saguru's in the living room"

Kaito's ear twitched, it felt weird that their friend had known that he'd be going into heat again before they did. It was also embarrassing. He covered Shinichi's lips with a finger "Shush, do not speak of that" His body was strange, but extra strange right now. They hadn't even done anything so far, yet the bedding already needed to be changed. Had there been this much slick the last time he'd been in heat? Or had he been too out of it to notice? Yuck, Kaito wanted to get naked already just so he could get out of his pants. They were sticking to him uncomfortably. He did not approve.

Shinichi let out a laugh "Right" At the affirmation, the magician took no time in removing both of their clothes, Azure widened "Wait!"

Ears flattened, Kaito had paused "What's wrong?" There was a slight pout on his lips, he wanted to be with Shinichi.

Relieved that Kaito had stopped, the sleuth pulled out a box of condoms that Saguru had given him, insisting that he use them. The blond hadn't trusted them to buy their own after they'd apparently neglected to use them the first time "Arashi and Yukina are perfect, but I doubt that you want to go through that again anytime soon" Even if Kaito did, he himself wasn't ready mentally for more than two kids.

Kaito eagerly took the box "I've never actually held or used one of these things before" His reason had first been that they were both clean, then it was that he was already pregnant "I didn't even think about buying any..." A small thrum of fear settled in Kaito, he could have gotten pregnant again from his lack of caution.

"Same" Shinichi winced "Saguru got them for us" The blond's lack of trust in them had been completely valid.

"I'm never going to be able to pick on him if he keeps being so conscientious..." Kaito complained softly.

"Isn't that a good thing?"

"Bleh" Kaito stuck out his tongue, deftly applying a condom to Shinichi before they ended up forgetting about them.

"Kaito, can you bite me again like last time?" Shinichi had been thinking about it a lot, and had asked Akako and Saguru their opinions. He'd come to the conclusion that he wanted to be like Kaito and their kids.

Indigos gleamed "I thought you weren't into biting?" Kaito teased.

Shinichi squirmed a bit, Kaito's hands were distracting "I'll bite you back, that way we can properly bond together"

The mischief quickly left Kaito's gaze "You want to be a werewolf too?!" The thought warmed his heart, he couldn't get his tail to stop wagging.

"I want to be able to understand both you and our kids better" Shinichi replied, face flushed. He loved them all so much. He sat up a bit so that Kaito wasn't half on top of him anymore "You're all my family" The timing wasn't great, he really should have expected Kaito to almost jump him after giving confirmation. He snatched a box from his pants that Kaito had discarded "I'd been hoping to give you this before our clothes were removed"

Kaito's face was beet red as he accepted the small velvety black box, he forced himself to look away from Shinichi's soft gaze in order to open the box. The ring was a simple silver band that had smooth amethyst running through the whole horizontal middle of the band "Yes!" He practically tackled the sleuth.

Shinichi smiled softly, wrapping his arms around the other "It's smooth so it shouldn't catch on anything during your tricks" Their relation had progressed completely out of order, thankfully it had turned out okay despite that.

Me: QAQ Another finished book, I am so happy~

Kaito finally got a ring, first they moved in together, then they started dating, Kaito got pregnant that first time, they had a baby, then Shinichi figured that it was time for a ring... XD 

I really hope you enjoyed this story~

^-^ I'm doing good after removal of my 4 wisdom teeth. Was very lucid so I didn't make a fool of myself, and I didn't wake up in pain the next morning~ Minimal red drool on my cheap pillow too... (Via swelling/numb)

The biggest problem was that I was stuck holding up folded toilet paper to my mouth for a few hours at home because frozen/numb face, lots of bloody then later red drool despite being lucid (red means tinted, bloody means bloody)

I went through 1/3 of a two ply- double toilet paper roll, gah

I managed to bite through a choco chip on the first day ^-^.... If I failed I would have just stuck it to the top of my mouth and licked it, not sucked, sucking is bad. I was just curious and it was something that's just melt away, eventually

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