59. Calm Talking

164 14 6

1031 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written May 14 2021
Posted June 10 2021

Kaito was very pleased, his hunger had been sated and he'd caught and consumed quite a few animals. The wolf laid down on a nice patch of grass that the sun was hitting, tongue licking away the blood from around his muzzle as he did so. Maybe he'd eaten too much? He'd caught a few rabbits, squirrels, and even managed to pounce on a pigeon before remembering that pigeons were too cute to hunt. Kaito had ended up eating it since it'd been crushed under his paws. The plump bird had tasted a lot tastier than it had any right to.

The wolf tilted his muzzle upwards, looking into the branches. He wanted to eat another one. Sadly, no cooing or grey feathers was heard or spotted amongst the trees. Kaito's ears flattened, he'd been hoping to catch a few to make or attempt to make a pigeon pie. It was an actual meal, so if the caught birds had been tested as safe, he could have had Shinichi eat it. He ignored the part of him that felt saddened at the prospect of killing more pigeons. They were tasty.

After a little while of just laying in the sun, Kaito figured that he should probably head back to Shinichi. The only problem was, that he was very comfy and didn't want to move from his current spot. So he let out a howl, hopefully Shinichi would come over. Kaito closed his eyes, laying his head down on his forepaws as he waited for the other to arrive.

"Were you seriously too lazy to come back?" Shinichi sighed as he arrived. It had taken him a few minutes to find Kaito after hearing the howl.

"I'm full, comfy, and warm" Kaito murmured softly, eyes still closed "I don't want to move"

Shinichi let out another sigh, though this time he had a small smile on his face "That spot does look rather nice" He sat down next to the other, lightly scratching behind Kaito's ear. Kaito's brown fur was warm from absorbing the sunlight. They stayed like that, with the sleuth's fingers carefully moving through the other's fur. Kaito enjoyed the feeling of being pet, eventually falling asleep from the motion while the sleuth just enjoyed how soft Kaito's fur was. The action also allowed the sleuth to curiously touch the other's stomach area without seeming weird. He'd seen right, Kaito was getting pudgy as a wolf.

When Kaito did awaken, it was to Shinichi still carding his fingers through his fur "I didn't mean to fall asleep" He yawned, still feeling a bit sleepy.

The sleuth smiled, azure soft "It's fine, petting you is very relaxing" It really was, it was nice to do something so simple once in a while. He splayed his fingers across Kaito's side "How do you feel?" He inquired, hoping that Kaito wasn't feeling uneasy with how his body was changing. Even if it wasn't his human form.

Kaito's pelt warmed in place of blushing. So it was noticeable to others besides himself... "A little conflicted but also excited I guess?" Indigos gazed down at his own stomach "It helps that I'm not feeling any of the bad side effects that most people go through" There was no nausea, no strange aches, nor any inability to do anything that he could normally do. Besides consuming lots of chocolate, but that was more of a mostly forced decision.

Shinichi nodded, feeling relieved that Kaito wasn't too uncomfortable with the situation "I'll admit that seeing you like that, it makes me really happy for some reason" He began to gently rake his fingers along the other's ribs. Smiling at how Kaito's tail was wagging "It's proof that we're going to have a family soon"

The wolf huffed, enjoying the scratches he was getting "Being a wolf won't be too comfortable when I'm further along" So he might as well enjoy it before he got too big to hunt properly.

Azure gleamed "I won't let anyone tease you" Though if Kaito really started to feel uncomfortable with others seeing him like that... "What do you think of getting a house in the woods?"

Kaito's ears perked up "Where did that come from?" Shinichi had never mentioned anything of the sort before.

"It would be nice and secluded, safe for our children to grow up until their ageing becomes normal" Shinichi replied.

He'd be closer to the woods... That made Kaito feel really happy "I like that idea, but if we were to have a house in the woods, I wouldn't want it to be near Tokyo" He leaned into Shinichi's touch when the other began to scratch his ear "I wouldn't want any visitors" It would be for an escape "So having people know where it is would be bad"

Shinichi hummed at the statement, he agreed with it "Maybe Kyoto? It's close enough if there ever was an emergency" Definitely not Osaka, Heiji would no doubt do his best to sniff them out and then drop in whenever he wanted to.

"Maybe" Kaito agreed "But it can't be anywhere near where hunting is allowed" The wolf inwardly shivered at the thought of one of their kids or himself getting hunted.

Azure widened "Of course, we'd buy a lot of land and put up markers and a wire fence that uses chains instead of wires to tell people they're on private property" It should allow wildlife to pass through and thick chains weren't as likely to strangle an animal. The fences would just be more of a visible deterrent than a block

"Security cameras at the fences in case they do anything suspicious" People jumped fences often, and with fences they couldn't say that they didn't know it was private property.

"That sounds nice" Shinichi agreed "It also wouldn't be impossible for you to reach your den" He highly doubted that Kaito would abandon the den that he'd made. At least not until it served its purpose that is.

Kaito shifted into a human, stretching his arms above his head "I really want a house in the woods now" His tail was wagging excitedly behind him. He wanted to go out and start picking one out! It would also help with distracting Shinichi as well.

Me: A nice and simple chapter... Pigeons and doves are the same creature... Good thing this Kaito doesn't have any pet doves... 

So domestic...

Comment? ^-^

°^° Can summer end already?... I miss winter so much.

Silicone ice pop trays are awesome >~< I can just push them out without using warm water first

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