50. Distract

195 12 6

1022 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written February 20 2021
Posted March 18 2021

NEXT UPDATE is April 1 2021

Kaito just smirked, tail swaying lazily "Danger is fun" At least when it didn't involve murder or poisonings. Only those who were trusted would be at the party so the danger levels wouldn't really be all that high all things considered. If anything, being acquainted with Akako still felt more dangerous than most things.

Shinichi sighed, Kaito was just being Kaito again "At least tell me why I'm supposed to dress up as a vampire" It really didn't make much sense "We're not exactly enemies you know" They were anything but that. Vampires and werewolves were usually written as enemies or at least characters that don't really like each other.

The magician just smiled "It's for the irony" Indigos softened, he leaned in to give Shinichi a quick peck on the cheek "And it's a play on how we were once detective and thief, opposing sides that somehow worked well together" Running from the sleuth had set a fire through his veins, it'd always been a thrilling heist whenever Shinichi had been involved.

"Of course" Shinichi snorted, it wasn't really all that surprising that Kaito's reasoning would be like that.

"Well..." A mischievous look crossed over Kaito's face, indigos glimmering in a way that made Shinichi feel a bit nervous "There was another option that I contemplated for you to dress up as..."

"A werewolf?" Shinichi inquired, matching seemed like something that Kaito would like.

Kaito laughed "Nah, I was thinking of putting a sheet on your head and cutting some eye holes for you"


Shinichi's flat tone made Kaito burst out in a fit of giggles "It would have looked so pathetic and horrible compared to the other costumes" It would've been hilarious, especially since everyone would have known that Shinichi would've been capable of acquiring a proper costume.

"That's just mean" The sleuth countered, crossing his arms looking very unimpressed "Everyone would pester me..." He suddenly grimaced "Please don't tell me that my parents are invited" He didn't want to deal with the chaos they brought on top of everything.

"They're not invited" Kaito offered a soft smile "They'd stress you out too much which is the opposite of what I want" They'd claimed a different house and the Kudo mansion was actually under Shinichi's name now. They had no right to barge in randomly on them anymore. It'd been a relief to see Shinichi relax when he'd read over the documents. Shinichi's parents cared, but the way they showed it was wrong. The sleuth was still unaware that Kaito had basically threatened them to back off after seeing Shinichi stress over them too many times. Kaito would have stolen Shinichi away if they hadn't backed off.

Tension bled out of Shinichi's shoulders "That's good, mom plus costume parties..." He grimaced, shivering a bit.

Kaito nodded, nuzzling Shinichi to hide his frown "There won't be any big tricks involved in the party" It was less fun that way, but he'd rather have Shinichi enjoy it "Well, I'll steal Saguru's Sherlock Holmes costume before the party but that's it" The old thing needed to be retired, Saguru wore it every single time a costume was required. Enough was enough.

Shinichi chuckled "I'm sort of surprised that you've never done that before" It seemed like something the magician would do.

The magician pulled away, offering a shrug "Well now he's not expecting it so I must do it" At the start of their friendship Saguru had been very protective of the costume whenever Halloween was around, but over the last few years that distrust had left the blond.

"That's really messed up" Despite his words, it was hard not to smile "Don't make Saguru develop trust issues" The blond was a really good friend to them.

"Fine" Kaito gave an exaggerated sigh "I'll force him to wear something different but won't touch his beloved Sherlock Holmes costume" Indigos glinted "Maybe he'll get the ghost costume"

"No" Shinichi shook his head in exasperation "What is with you and getting impulses to pick on Saguru?" There were no bad feelings between his two friends, even though he wouldn't blame Saguru for getting pissed as Kaito.

"He needs it, it lets him know that we don't care about his upbringing" Kaito replied seriously, brows furrowing "I still see people trying to get close to him for either his social standing or his father's connections" It pissed him off because Saguru wasn't good at making friends. The disappointment and acceptance in his friend's eyes whenever he realized that the friendliness was a lie was something that he hated "He likes when I mess with him" To an extent. Some of his pranks have been too much, he always apologized and felt guilty whenever he went too far.

"Lately it's gotten better though hasn't it?" Shinichi could somewhat understand Kaito's messed up logic.

"Some, but it still happens enough that he isn't really surprised when it does happen" Indigos narrowed "At least they usually end up having bad luck for a week or two afterwards"

"Kaito" Shinichi admonished, feeling like he should even though it was a bit funny.

Kaito stuck out his tongue "Let's eat a nice meal while I tell you how the party is going to play out" The less unknown factors there were for Shinichi to worry about, the better. Surprises could be fun, but sometimes they weren't necessary "I'm starving" He really was.

"I'm feeling a bit hungry too" Shinichi admitted with a smile.

The magician inwardly preened at that, that meant that plan 'Distract Shinichi' was already working well "The fridge was just restocked so we have many options to choose from" He'd bought the ingredients to make lemon pie. Shinichi was going to help him make lemon pie afterwards even if he had to bully him a bit. Being busy was key when it came to people with minds like their own.

"...Are you sure that you want me to cook too?" Shinichi inquired nervously. The way that had been phrased made it seem like Kaito wasn't planning on cooking on his own.

"I'll be working with you so it should be fine" Kaito grinned. He'd just have Shinichi work on the stuff that would be less likely to cause harm if done wrong.

Me: So distractions, something Kaito is good at~

Hope you enjoyed~

°^°... *Cat keeps spitting out med*..... Fine, suffer *forces cat to chew up the tablet or keep it in it's mouth until it dissolves*

Thankfully as long as I don't mess up the first try, it's easy

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