11. Chapter 11

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1009 Words excluding (A/N)~ I don't own MK/DC~

Written February 18 2020
Posted April 16 2020

The sleuth let out a small, disappointed sigh "That's a shame" They really didn't have any solid leads for the case.

Indigos narrowed a bit as the wolf side eyed Shinichi "I refuse to go around sniffing dead bodies" He wouldn't let Shinichi talk him into it.

A small smile made its way onto Shinichi's lips "I guess it would seem really weird to you" Kaito wasn't a real dog.

Kaito rolled his eyes "You're one of the few people in the world that it wouldn't seem weird to" Kaito was weird, but when it came to solving murders, Shinichi outclassed him in weirdness. He padded over in the direction of the kitchen, pausing halfway to glance over his shoulder "Let's scope out what foods Ran-chan has left you" Hopefully there would be a lot more foods that were safe for him to eat.

As it turned out, there was a fair amount of food that Kaito could eat. Kaito had ended up eating some cooked beef, blueberries, and some cooked eggs. Both the eggs and meat had been quite blackened, but had thankfully tasted great to Kaito. His taste buds were different in this form. Shinichi on the other hand had stored away his own portion for Kaito in favour of some toast much to the wolf's annoyance. If he'd been human, he could have cooked Shinichi a nice nutritious meal. Surely his own cooking would have been more appealing to the detective than the charred beef and eggs.

"At least eat some blueberries" Kaito scolded, his ears flattened as he gave Shinichi's hand a little nip. Some fruit should do him some good.

Shinichi grimaced, rubbing his hand. That had actually hurt a bit "Fine" He grabbed a small handful of blueberries and ate them. Kaito was sometimes almost as bad as Ran when it came to his health. Kaito nodded, appeased for now. He'd make the sleuth eat something else in a little while.

A week easily passed with Kaito following Shinichi around crime scenes, occasionally giving chase to some of the criminals that had tried to run. Living as a wolf had taken a lot of adjustments on Kaito's part, especially since the toilet was hard to balance on. Thankfully he had yet to soil himself, or fall into the toilet. Shinichi would have never let him hear the end of it if he'd actually fallen into it. He'd practised squatting on it before he'd actually needed to go, that way if he did fall, it wouldn't have been in his own waste.

They'd solved many murders during the week, which had earned Kaito division one's favour. They'd actually gotten him a police dog jacket and often tried to sneak him some treats. Shinichi pretended to care about Kaito's diet, often refusing the treats when spotted. While in reality both of them were quite amused by how some of the officers thought that they were being sneaky whenever they slipped Kaito a piece of jerky or other foods.

Though they still hadn't solved the warehouse murder case. Which left a bad taste in Shinichi's mouth despite how there was nothing that they could do about it.

Shinichi glanced over towards where Kaito was playing fetch with a little girl. She'd been the one to find the body, which meant that she'd obviously been distressed. Kaito, true to his kind nature, had approached her, wagging his tail and licking at her like a real dog would in an attempt to cheer her up. Azure gleamed, Kaito looked so adorable in the doggy police vest. He already had dozens of photos of Kaito wearing it.

"Kai really is good to have around" Takagi commented as he followed the other's gaze. Not just for cases, but Shinichi seemed to be doing a lot better ever since he'd gotten Kai.

The sleuth turned his attention back towards the officer "He's good with kids, so even if he's not required for the case, he can still calm any children" It would have been the same if Kaito had been human, except that instead of playing fetch, he'd be doing magic tricks instead. They both paused to watch the murderer get dragged into a police car, the man was kicking and screaming the whole time. Azure narrowed in distaste. If the guy was willing to kill someone, he should have also been willing to go to jail for the crime if caught. Though that was just his own opinion.

Takagi nodded, offering a small smile "He's like our new unofficial mascot..." Conan was long gone, and it hadn't really been the same since.

Azure sharpened a bit at the comment "I don't know how long Kai will be around until he has to leave" Hopefully it wouldn't be years like it had with Conan "But maybe I'll be able to get him to visit occasionally" Werewolves could shift right? So maybe after they figured out what was stopping Kaito, the other could learn to shift whenever he wanted. He'd miss Kaito's furry form otherwise. His fur was nice and soft, and it was less weird to cuddle him like that.

The officer blinked "I hope so" Takagi replied "You've been taking better care of yourself ever since you got Kai"

A small blush tinted Shinichi's cheeks. So Takagi had noticed? It wasn't his fault that Kaito got whiny whenever he thought that he should be taking care of himself. Not to mention that Kaito would just stare at him in disappointment whenever he didn't listen to him, he didn't like disappointing Kaito "If I can't care for myself, then how could I possibly care for a dog?"

"True" Takagi nodded "To be honest, we were all a little worried when we found out about Kai" His gaze softened "Thankfully you proved our worries to be unfounded"

The sleuth inwardly grimaced at the other's comment. He'd forgotten to feed Kaito so many times. Division one's worries would have been quite valid if Kaito had been an actual dog "I'm glad" Shinichi replied, deciding that it was better if Takagi believed that he was more capable now.

Me: So even as a 'Dog' Kaito can win officers over XP

If some real dogs can use a toilet, Kaito sure as hell can learn how to use one as a dog XD Having Shinichi scoop his poop would be weird...

Hope you enjoyed~

>^< been playing fire emblem echos recently~

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