46. Bad Behaviour

221 16 4

1021 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written January 14 2021
Posted February 11 2021

Kaito enjoyed himself, all for a grand total of four days. He really only could sit still for so long before he just couldn't anymore. Even with the pain, he still wanted to move around. Kaito hadn't told Shinichi, but Ai had stopped giving him pain meds on the second day. He sort of understood that in doing so, the scientist was showing that she cared about his health. The magician didn't want to make Shinichi upset or get Ai in trouble.

Long story short, Kaito wanted to do something that didn't involve him just laying in bed. Other people could at least use crutches if they were in his position, so all in all, his situation was grossly unfair in his opinion. It shouldn't be that bad if he just bathed himself right? He was feeling gross with just having sponge baths because apparently bathing isn't important enough to warrant him moving from the bed.

Indigos narrowed as he eyed the connected bathroom, it wasn't even that far. Kaito checked his phone, noting that nobody was due to come visit for almost two hours. That would be plenty of time for him to finish up. He'd get in trouble once he was inevitably found out, but that would be fine. With his mind made up, Kaito slowly made his way towards the bathroom.

Shinichi frowned as he made his way over to Kaito, the other looked clean and he could smell shampoo and soap in the air "Kaito" His shoulders drooped as he sat down beside the bed, levelling the magician with a very disappointed stare.

"Hello" Kaito was avoiding meeting Shinichi's gaze "How was your day?" He inquired, ignoring the fact that he knew that Shinichi knew that he'd had a bath.

"Kaito, Haibara is going to kill you" Shinichi deadpanned.

It's not like he had any pain meds to take away, Kaito pouted "Please don't tell, I needed to move, and I needed a proper bath"

The sleuth was silent for a few moments "Fine" But only because Kaito hadn't tried to do anything extra stupid "I'll talk to Haibara about you possibly getting crutches to use instead of being stuck in bed" Kaito's good behaviour had lasted longer than they'd expected anyways.

Kaito grinned, excited "Thank you"

Shinichi smirked "Don't thank me yet, she'll have to do new X-rays to determine if it's safe or not"

The magician just stuck out his tongue "I didn't feel anything weird when I hopped" Besides the pain, but that was to be expected really.

"You were hopping?"

Both males grimaced, turning their attention towards the door "I wasn't here when it happened" Shinichi quickly stated, not wanting to be the main target of Ai's ire.

Traitor, Shinichi was such a traitor "I didn't do much" The magician tried to appeal.

The scientist just narrowed her gaze, fingers tightening around the handle of the portable X-Ray machine she'd been carrying "I had been planning to do another check anyways since his exact healing speed is unknown" It wasn't consistent, and healed a bit too fast at times.

"I'll get the lead protection" Shinichi quickly escaped the room.

"..." Great, now Kaito felt like a guilty child.

"You better not complain if things don't go your way" Ai scolded as Shinichi reentered the room, giving Ai the protection before leaving.

"... I'll try" The magician breathed, watching her put on the protection before she draped it over the parts of him that didn't need to be checked. The process ended up being quick and easy and it was done within a few minutes.

Ai glared at the X-ray once it had finished developing "You've healed a lot more than we initially expected" She side-eyed Kaito "You must have had a large healing burst recently..."

Kaito eyed the woman hopefully "Am I allowed to leave the bed?" He wasn't asking for much was he?

"Yes, you can tomorrow" She sighed "Any sooner may be risky since your healing isn't linear, and it's both expensive and dangerous to just keep doing X-Rays on you" Radiation was a thing, but after the initial one in the hospital, that they'd thought nothing of until it was over, they'd contacted Akako in a panic to make sure things would be fine. Thankfully the babies were high enough in Kaito to allow them to get shielded from the radiation.

Shinichi smiled, having reentered the room "That's a relief" He wouldn't have to worry as much about Kaito hurting himself out of boredom "Thanks for helping so much Haibara"

The scientist rolled her eyes "Don't thank me, Kuroba isn't healed yet"

"We're still grateful" Kaito added, offering a smile. Ai didn't have to learn more about medical science, but she had since Shinichi and Kaito often ended up getting hurt. It was nice to have a friend that could and would help when they wanted to keep things discreet "I don't know how we would have explained things if I had to stay at the hospital" some doctors could be horrible gossips.

"Just go easy on yourself after you start using crutches, you're still able to do some bad damage if you start healing extra fast after messing up and re-injuring yourself" Science could be weird, especially when magical healing speeds were involved.

"I'll do my best" Kaito promised.

Shinichi eyed the scientist "I'll help you move these back" He offered, collecting all of the lead protection.

Ai nodded her thanks "Then let's go"

Once they had left his house Shinichi frowned "Did you see something wrong?" Ai had been quite repetitive, more so than usual with telling Kaito to be careful.

"Possibly, but it's not too bad" She admitted "Maybe he'll be more careful in the future, it's nothing to worry about"

Shinichi sighed, disappointed "If you say so" He trusted her judgement, so if she says that Kaito was fine, Kaito was fine.

"Just keep a good eye on him to stop him from doing anything stupid" It was a simple task to those who didn't know any better, but in actuality, it was a difficult one.

"I'll take some time off work" That way Kaito wouldn't be tempted to help him go after some criminals "Maybe even order in some random desserts periodically to keep him happy" 

Me: Of course Kaito wouldn't be able to behave, it's Kaito

Hope you enjoyed~

... When I was little one of the prongs of a plug fell off and was left in the wall socket...

I liked to poke it because the tingly feeling was fun...

... I sometimes licked my finger before poking it... I was so stupid

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