36. Talking in the Woods

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1015 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written October 15 2020
Posted November 12 2020

Saguru nodded "You did" It was actually a bit worrying since the other wasn't even a month in, but he wasn't going to mention that. It wasn't like anything could be done, they'd just have to be more accommodating to Kaito's odd traits "But it was to be expected" Just later on.

Kaito let out an annoyed breath "Oh wise one, please bestow your knowledge upon me"

The blond snorted "That was the plan since I figured that you'd rather hang around me than Koizumi-chan" It was also why he'd waited so long before attempting to have this sort of talk with the other. It just would have been frustrating if they ended up with more questions than answers.

"Akako doesn't have much tact" Kaito's ears flattened against his head.

"Indeed" Saguru agreed, absently noting that the sky was getting quite dark "Now to continue, I was informed that you'd probably end up making a den somewhere at some point" He motioned towards the small hollow Kaito had dug out "It's part of your instincts to create a safe haven where your offspring will be born"

Indigo narrowed "But I feel safe with both you and Shinichi, wouldn't it make more sense to hide away in a room?" None of the people close to him would ever harm him.

Saguru smiled at the trust "You're correct, but when it's time, you'll be driven to hide away from everyone" Gold softened "It's apparently a very private affair that not even your partner can be around to witness. You won't even be aware enough to worry until it's already over" A blessing since he's heard that childbirth could be very painful.

Kaito felt something cold settle in his stomach, he was going to be alone? "What if something happens?" He didn't want to be alone.

"You will be fine" The blond's words were firm, like he had no doubt at all. He held the other's gaze "Omegas were made for carrying and protecting their young, the mortality rate is almost non-existent if they're not suffering from other serious illnesses" Saguru offered a reassuring smile "You're now made of some really tough stuff, the babies will be fine so long as they're not pierced" He tilted his head "Your abdomen is actually the most durable part of you until the babies are born"

The wolf's right ear twitched, he tilted his head "You're saying 'babies' as in plural" Kaito glanced down at his furred stomach, concerned.

Saguru winced, nodding as he did so "It would be very strange if there was only one child in you" Wolves often had four to six, but thankfully werewolves usually had less "At the very least, you should have two" Four at most if it turned out to be a good session, but he wouldn't make Kaito worry about it just yet. Four wasn't common at all, even less so than a single baby.

"Two..." Kaito's voice was small, fearful "They must be small if I'm not going to get fat..." Normal babies were already so small, so how tiny would his end up? He scraped his claws against the ground, nervously.   

"About the size of the average adult hand" Saguru confirmed "But they'll grow quickly until they look like they're about a year old"

"Oh my god" Unable to keep sitting still, Kaito paced back and forth a few times before turning towards Saguru "Then they'll have to stay hidden until then..." He and Shinichi were both somewhat prominent figures, they couldn't have oddly ageing children around. It wouldn't be safe "How long will that take?" His tail was wagging with nervous energy.

"Approximately three months, they should be weaned by then, which is must faster than normal" Though very slow for months.

Kaito's tail suddenly stopped wagging, his whole body going still "Weaned" His tone sounded a bit far away. He then flopped onto the ground, resting his head on his forepaws "Am I going to get breasts?" He was male, not female, he didn't want that.

"No" Saguru shook his head "As a human, the only change would be a bit more sensitivity and non-visible softness just from the presence of milk, all of which will go away when they're weaned" He paused "Or shortly after birth if you decide to bottle feed them. The appearance of your chest will not change"

The wolf was silent for a few moments "Okay" He could deal with that "Human males can lactate with the right hormones... And so can newborns if they still have too much of their parent's hormones inside of them" He gave a small nod to reassure himself "It's not completely abnormal at least, it's odd, but I should be able to handle this" Hormones could do a lot of odd things, like newborn baby girls having something like a period for a bit until their bodies settled down. So him lactating to feed his own children shouldn't be all that bad, it was normal, in a weird way. He tilted his head "How will I change as a wolf?" Saguru had used the words 'As a human' that meant there would be changes to his wolf form.

"You will just look like a nursing wolf" Or dog if anyone asked.

Kaito nodded "That would make sense" It was disappointing, but he'd already lucked out with his human form being mostly unchanged "I'm probably going to raise and hide them as pups until they're old enough to not look like they're ageing oddly" His ear twitched "We'll claim that they're test tube babies" They were made from both himself and Shinichi, he wasn't going to claim otherwise "Lies of a surrogate could just cause problems" What if random woman tried to stake a claim? Shinichi was quite famous after all.

Gold softened "I'm glad that this conversation wasn't held earlier" When Kaito had been confused and scared "You're taking this well"

"It's a lot of information" Kaito agreed "But I should be fine, I have you and Shinichi to help me" Indigos darkened a bit "Though the thought of being all alone when it's time kinda scares me, even though I now know that it won't kill me"

Me: So unlike a lot of kinky omega fics, no breast growth for Kaito~ And the lactation won't be used in a kinky way~

Even though it'd be funny to see Kaito freak out~

Kaito is a werewolf, a mammal that doesn't lay eggs, how else were omegas in the old days going to feed their young?

Hope you enjoyed~

I got steel bottoms for my rat cage, so happy >^< no more duck tape repairs... O.o the plastic replacement trays are so expensive

Sometimes it pays to have mainstream cages XD some non-affiliated groups made perfect fit trays~ and made it 3in high instead of the plastic 3/4in high...

•0• no more poop being shoved out of the cage~ Or at least not as much

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