62. Landscape

146 12 9

1026 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written June 12 2021
Posted July 8 2021

After purchasing the house, the next few weeks passed by quite quickly for the two as they busied themselves with making sure that their getaway home was perfect. That included making sure that the area was both toddler and puppy safe. Thankfully they'd been able to have Saguru come by occasionally to help with some of the tasks. The blond was one of the few people that would be told of the location, he wouldn't bother them there without a very good reason.

The whole property was now surrounded by tall wooden fences for privacy. With the exception of some highly monitored entrances for the local wildlife to come and go as they pleased. The idea of just using animal safe chains had been switched out for them after Kaito had become worried about someone spotting one of their kids shifting. The entrances were large enough for any of the local wildlife to go through them, but were strategically placed so that anybody who peeked in wouldn't see anything unless they truly trespassed. The magician had also added in some custom tunnels leading under the fence to discourage most animals from attempting to make their own.

In addition to the fence, all of the unfriendly plants within their property were carefully moved out. Neither one of them had wanted one of their kids to ingest a poisonous berry or get a very annoying rash. Thankfully Kaito had only needed to transfer two berry bushes.

During those few weeks, Kaito had also managed to get into contact with the wolf pack. It had been a complete accident, the wolves had been curious about all of the strange activity. Thankfully they'd been amendable and had agreed on a truce where they wouldn't hurt anyone within the borders of the wooden fences so long as he didn't take their prey when times were hard.

Kaito sighed, he was splayed across an outdoor lounge chair. He felt exhausted. He'd been working on creating a shallow pond that would forever be void of any fish.

Saguru smirked at his friend "I told you that using a shovel would have been easier than using your paws" It was the first day of December, so the ground wasn't as soft as it could have been. He was actually mildly impressed with the other's plans. The pond would be large enough to allow a cute little island with a path when it was done. A young Sakura tree would then be planted in the middle of it.

The magician huffed, right ear twitching with annoyance "It's faster to just send dirt flying out" They'd clean it up at the end, he just wanted to get the hole finished before the ground got too hard.

"Yes" Saguru rolled his eyes "But I also don't appreciate having dirt flung at me" He'd been using a shovel to help and had gotten dirt to the face multiple times already.

Kaito offered a small smile "I'll be more careful" He flexed his hands a bit, they felt a bit sore "I'll use a shovel for a bit when we start back up again" His wolf paws weren't indestructible, they were just more strong and durable than his hands.

The blond eyed the action with concern "I hope that you're not pushing yourself too hard" With only approximately a month left of the other's pregnancy, Kaito's wolf form was quite plump. His normal form actually showed a bit, but only if he was wearing a tight shirt. The magician didn't wear tight shirts anymore after realizing that fact.

Indigos narrowed a bit "I'm plenty able to do everything I need to right now" Sure digging was a bit hard with his stomach in the way, but that was his only problem "Unlike with how so many fanfictions have depicted them, omegas are very tough and sturdy" They were the protectors of the house and arguably just as strong as alphas.

"I know" Saguru agreed, taking the other's defensiveness in stride. Shinichi was in town to pick some things up because Kaito was a bit snappy when it came to concern being directed towards him. Hormones and all that. The blond directed his gaze towards Kaito's hands "I just don't want you to damage your hands because your instincts are making you feel rushed"

Kaito relaxed a bit at the reason "I'm being careful, that's why I'm not currently digging" He did not want to damage his hands. He was silent for a few moments before he spoke "How is that serial murder case going?" Shinichi wasn't around so it felt safe to ask. Getting the house had been a great distraction for the other.

Gold darkened "There have been 36 deaths so far, thankfully we caught one of the culprits" He grimaced "Unfortunately they both refuse to talk, and don't show up in any database" They had no new clues despite capturing one of the criminals.

"Oh?" Kaito perked up "How did they get caught?"

"An ambush" Saguru sighed "If only we managed to catch them all right then. No more bodies have been dumped in the warehouse, but that's because we suspect that others have changed their dumping spot" It was disheartening.

The magician grimaced, wanting to offer his aid "Thanks for taking the case" Saguru knew how to take better care of himself than Shinichi. He knew how to take breaks on his own. It also helped that it was only a side case for him. The FBI and PSB were the main ones working on it.

The blond smiled "It's my job" He knew how hard it had to have been for the two of them to step away from the case for their own health.

"Still, I'm really glad that skilled people are still working on it" Knowing that it wouldn't just be the regular police working on the case had made leaving it so much easier. Kaito grimaced, shifting in his seat a bit before getting up, grabbing their emptied drinks "I'll refill these and then we can get back to work"

Saguru smirked when Kaito was no longer in sight. Just because it didn't look like it, the other's bladder was probably still being crushed. His friend's pride was silly at times.

Me: So a month left~ Kaito is still going strong~

Wait, a month QAQ .... Too soon!

Comment? ^-^

Berry: *Gives rats handful of cooked shredded chicken*

Rat 1: *relocates it to pee corner*

Rat 2: *relocates it from pee corner to poop corner*

Berry: *sigh*..... It still gets eaten ateast

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