31. Serious Talk

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1023 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written September 2 2020
Posted October 1 2020

The start of my second favourite month ^-^ and no, I never cared all that much for Halloween~

Kaito let out a happy sigh, feeling well fed and warm as he snuggled against Shinichi. They'd ended up watching a few more movies after dinner before retiring to the sleuth's room. The soft snores coming from the other indicated that Shinichi had already fallen asleep, but that was fine. He felt safe and comfortable nestled against the other. It made the magician wonder if he'd be able to inspire that same level of safeness if he did end up allowing the life forming within him to actually grow. Sure he could make people smile with his magic, but making people smile was a lot different than making them feel safe.

He'd easily realized what his biggest problem was regarding his current situation, well after his initial panic and offer of a way out of course. He wasn't sure if he'd be able to properly care for and raise an actual infant, what if he messed up and in turn messed up the kid? What if his eccentric nature was too much for someone so young and he ended up causing the kid to develop irrational fears?

The magician's thoughts turned towards his mother, she'd messed with him a lot. It was something that he'd only recently realized due to Shinichi. Kaito knew that he could be more eccentric than his mom at times, and it worried him. Whenever he'd ever thought of starting a family one day, it'd involved adoption. He'd always pictured a little girl or boy, or maybe even young siblings, never an infant. Infants were fragile and couldn't even run away from danger.

What if he did have the child, only for some freak accident to happen that would result in it's death? Freak accidents were surprisingly common, or at least they were around both him and Shinichi. Like becoming a werewolf for example. An infant wouldn't be able to save itself, it would be helpless.

"You're crying" Shinichi's voice was soft, laced with sleep as his hand moved to wipe away the tears.

Oh, he hadn't even noticed "Sorry" He breathed.

A small frown curled at the sleuth's lips "What were you thinking about?" The wetness from the other's tears had woken him up.

"It's nothing" Kaito sniffed.

"It's not nothing if it makes you cry without even realizing it" Shinichi argued. He'd seen Kaito cry a lot over the years, but it was always the most painful things that made him cry without him realizing it.

The magician bit his lip, debating on whether or not he wanted to tell the other "Dangerous things always happen around us" They've never gone a whole month without one of them being in danger at least once. It had never bothered him before, but now... It was scary to think about.

Shinichi visibly grimaced at Kaito's words, unable to deny them. They were in danger a lot of the time, he just never really thought about it. It had long since become normal "Yeah, they do" His tone was somber at the admission.

Kaito's eyes watered "Do you think that a baby would be able to survive it all?" Neither of them were perfect, they'd both failed to stop others from getting injured countless times.

Oh, the sleuth's eyes burned with understanding, he wrapped his arms around the other "If you do decide to have it, things will have to change" He gave a gentle squeeze "I won't be surrounded by mostly people who're able to protect themselves anymore" So he'd force himself to be more careful "We'll both have to take less risks" It helped that Kaitou Kid was no longer in the picture anymore.

"But what if I mess up and end up hurting it during its first years of development?" It didn't have to be physical in order to hurt someone.

"I'll be there to help you, and you'll be there to help me" Shinichi soothed "We'll both make mistakes, but we'll learn from them" Azure softened "We both have some experience on how not to raise a child" If they ever travelled, they'd bring any child they had with them, unless it was a short trip and said kid didn't want to go. He wouldn't let them follow in their parent's own footsteps "At least that's a start, right?"

That, made him feel a bit better, but there was still something else gnawing at him "If there's a murder when you're out with a baby, what would you do?" He sniffed "I know that you have a strong sense of justice, but I don't want to treat any child like your father did" Shinichi's father had brought him to crime scenes all the time, even before he could even walk "You're lucky that you never ran into anything truly gruesome with the detective boys when you'd been Conan"

The sleuth was silent as he thought back on his childhood, surely it hadn't been that bad, right? But, wasn't one of his oldest memories filled with blood? He didn't remember ever crying due to the sight of a murder, even as a real child he'd just looked at it for clues... "Shit" No wonder division one had often called him creepy.

"So?" Kaito swallowed "What would you do? I can't have a infant with me all the time the same as you" It wasn't like the sleuth could ditch an infant onto a complete stranger, especially not at a murder scene "I love you but I don't want to mess up any kid, you're lucky that you turned out so well" And even then, the sleuth had weird views.

Concern gnawed at the sleuth "Please don't tell me that you're going to leave me" Not after all this time.

Indigo widened "Never, I love you" They were partners, even without the literal bond that tied them together "We'd just have to forget about any baby and adopt an older child when we're ready" His voice softened "Then they'd have a fighting chance with how crazy our lives are"

Kaito's words stung, but they made sense "I'll refrain from solving murders if I'm ever with a child and not with someone I trust" It would be hard, but he honestly understood where Kaito's fears were coming from.

Me: It recently occurred to me that raising a baby with ho crazy and bloody Shinichi's life is couldn't be healthy for early development...

We're seriously lucky that Shinichi turned out okay and wasn't driven to serious depression with how much death follows him, and in turn anyone he's around

Bringing a child to a crime scene may seem cute in a show, but it's actually seriously messed up

Hope you enjoyed~

•0•!!!! Now I know for sure I hadn't known of MK/DC before reading Hayate the combat butler the first time around

I'm not dense enough to miss this >^<

the character wants to meet Conan so she took everyone to a mountain villa in a snowstorm

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...the character wants to meet Conan so she took everyone to a mountain villa in a snowstorm... because there must be murder for him to show up... XD

I didn't get it the first time, but now I do... Damn Sonoko and her villa retreats

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