22. Annoyed, Teasing

638 46 16

1017 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written May 26 2020
Posted July 9 2020

"I hate you" Kaito glowered as they left Aoko's house, how could his friend throw him under the bus like that?! Now his ears were sore from being pinned after Aoko had spent a good while playing with them. Sure they looked neat, but they were sensitive!

Saguru snorted, seeing through the other's lie with ease "No you don't" He breathed, gold gleaming "You're just tired and annoyed" He countered.

The magician's shoulders dropped in defeat as he let out a small sigh "Now that I've talked to Ahoko, I'm going to drag Shinichi with me to see Akako" He wanted to know what his friends were hiding from him, it was suspicious that Saguru wouldn't tell him what he knew. He peered over at his friend "Want to come with us for emotional support?" He inquired. He and Akako may be friends, but that didn't mean that the witch didn't make him uneasy at times.

The blond perked up "I would love to" He was curious as to what the other's reaction would look like.

Kaito grimaced, eyes narrowing a bit at the other "Your reaction is giving me a bad feeling..." Normally the other would need some convincing since he didn't like intruding. He suppressed a small shiver, at least Shinichi didn't say that he had any plans so he should still be at his house.

Gold gleamed "My apologies Kaito" With that, the two continued off towards the sleuth's house, thankfully without running into any trouble.

Shinichi blinked in surprise when he spotted both Kaito and Saguru enter the library "You're such a coward Kaito" He teased, taking a sip from his beloved coffee, it was a fresh pot. He'd already consumed the rest of the previous one.

Kaito rolled his eyes "And you're an addict" He sniffed, swiping away Shinichi's beverage, ignoring the other's pleading cry about it being a fresh pot. He curiously lapped up a mouthful before immediately spitting it back into the cup "Gah" His face scrunched up in disgust "It's even worse fresh" He whined, easily dodging Shinichi's attempt to recover the coffee.

"At least I don't waste perfectly good coffee" The sleuth grumbled, eyeing the ruined drink.

Saguru smirked "As entertaining it is to watch the two of you argue about coffee" He motioned towards Kaito "You two should really go visit Koizumi-chan" Gold gleamed with amusement "The sooner, the better, in my opinion" He stated.

"I guess you're right" Shinichi's cheeks were pink from the embarrassment of arguing with Kaito in front of Saguru.

The blond nodded "Good" He turned away from them to hide a grin "I'll be waiting by the front door for the two of you" With that he left the two alone in the Kudo library.

Kaito glanced towards Shinichi "Saguru knows something that we don't" And it was really annoying being the one who wasn't in the 'know'. Was this how his friends felt when he teased them? If so, he was surprised that he hadn't been hit nearly as much as he had been.

"Oh?" Well that was surprising, Shinichi gave a small stretch before following the other "Well at the very least, it can't be dangerous" There was no way that their friend would keep something dangerous from them while encouraging them to ask someone else. 

The magician crossed his arms across his chest, pouting a bit "It's still weird, and annoying" He complained as they both put on their shoes.

"Think of it as a bit of payback Kaito" The blond smirked, easily guessing what the other was talking about. Shinichi couldn't help but smile at how Kaito scowled at Saguru's words, clearly annoyed but unable to deny it.

Indigos narrowed "Why did I even invite you again?" Saguru was being unusually snarky, it was odd.

"It was probably because you're scared of Akako" Shinichi teased, not that he blamed the guy. Akako had done some really weird stuff to Kaito in the past, so it would only make sense that he was always a bit wary around her. Yes she was no longer out to maim or kill the magician, but she did occasionally mess with him from time to time.

"I'm not scared" Kaito denied "I just figured more people would be better in case she did anything weird.

Saguru raised a brow "Then why didn't you invite Aoko-chan as well?"

"I don't want her corrupting Aoko anymore" Kaito hissed "The witch introduced her to a lot of weird sites involving shippings" He grimaced "Now she acts all weird around random things" And had weird knowledge about the oddest of things that he really didn't want to know about.

"I'm sorry" Shinichi offered the distressed magician a sympathetic look "Sonoko has shown me some creepy stuff as well" And a lot of it involved himself and Kid, or even more creepy things involving Kid and other members of law enforcement. It'd been so hard not to gag at the things involving Aoko's father since he knew exactly who Kid was. At least Sonoko had been creeped out when it started involving Conan.

Indigos it up "You understand my plight" He breathed, eyes a bit watery as he latched onto the sleuth's arm.

Shinichi just offered a small smile, deciding to let the other be over dramatic "I do" He agreed, azure gleaming.

The blond peered at the two curiously, somewhat glad that he didn't fully understand what the two were talking about. He somehow had a feeling that it was best that way "It's quite late already so should we go out somewhere for supper afterwards?" Who knew how long their talk would take "Or maybe we could go to one of our houses and order in" Depending on how things went of course "It would be my treat" He added.

"Oh food" Indigos brightened in excitement "I can eat extra greasy things again!" He'd totally forgotten.

The sleuth chuckled at Kaito's antics "You can even order some chocolatey dessert"

"Chocolate..." Kaito was already salivating a bit at the thought of chocolate, it'd been so long since he'd had it.

Saguru grimaced "We're eating anywhere but at my house" That way he could leave if Kaito got too energetic.

Me: Kaito can have his beloved food and it won't kill him~

Hope you enjoyed~

Above is new rat Mizu (Izu) very energetic, was so hard to take a non blurry photo of her

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Above is new rat Mizu (Izu) very energetic, was so hard to take a non blurry photo of her. I've already managed to get her to fall asleep against me QAQ

Above is unnamed rat, such a fearful one, had to use zoom to get good pic~ shes tan/white with red eyes

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Above is unnamed rat, such a fearful one, had to use zoom to get good pic~ shes tan/white with red eyes. Poor thing was petrified for the first 2 hours on the bars of the cage

They're so small QAQ little babies fit in the palm of my hand. Blond one is in the macaroni box of the first pic, that's how small

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