9. Whining, Cuddles

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1022 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

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Written February 7 2020
Posted April 2 2020

"Today was horrible..." Kaito whined as he flopped onto the couch in the Kudo manor. He just wanted to curl up and find out that his situation was nothing more than a weird dream. Then he could wake up and hang out with Shinichi as a human.

Shinichi smirked "It wasn't that bad" There had only been one murder, and it had been a very easy case at that. The fact that neither of them had gotten injured was a boon as well in the sleuth's eyes.

Indigos narrowed, Kaito's lips curling up a bit to flash his teeth as his fur bristled "Then once I have hands again, I'll stick a plastic rod up your butt to see how you feel about it" Shinichi had just stood there trying not to laugh when the vet took his temperature.

The sleuth grimaced at the phrasing "I see your point..." It didn't sound appealing in the least. Knowing how crazy the other could be, Kaito probably would do it to prove a point.

Kaito's fur flattened, appeased "Good" His stomach growled "I haven't eaten all day, can you get some of those carrots?" They'd curb his hunger while he helped Shinichi learn about foods safe for dogs.

Azure widened "Why didn't you eat at Saguru's?" Kaito had obviously been with the blond before he'd been brought to him.

The wolf's pelt warmed as he thought about the conversations that he'd had with his friend, including what they'd almost done "I wasn't really hungry then" And he'd been too busy with other things, but Shinichi didn't need to know that. God he'd die of embarrassment if Shinichi ever found out about his crush, especially since the sleuth may already have someone if the face he made while texting was proof enough.

Shinichi rolled his eyes before heading towards the kitchen to fetch some carrots for Kaito to snack on "It would be a lot easier if you'd eat dog food" He stated, putting a plate of the orange vegetables in front of the wolf.

"Only if you eat it with me" Kaito snorted, snapping up a carrot. It felt weird to eat without being able to use his hands. Technically he could use his paws to steady the carrots, but he'd been walking around outside all day so that would be gross.

"I'm good" Even the canned wet food he'd smelt before had smelled terrible, also the goopy looking texture looked disgusting. He didn't even want to imagine what it tasted like. He picked up one of the carrots and held it out for Kaito.

The wolf blinked in surprise before eating it, his tail wagging happily at the thought of Shinichi feeding him. If only he wasn't stuck as a wolf. Shinichi continued to feed him like that until the rest of the carrots were gone. After they finished eating, Kaito forced the other to research foods that were both safe, and unsafe for dogs for the rest of the day. He'd survived against the Crows, so he refused to die due to Shinichi accidentally poisoning him. That would be utterly pathetic.

Groggy indigos blinked when the phone screen stayed the same longer than usual before blackening. He lifted his muzzle up from where he'd been resting it on Shinichi's knee, eyes softening when he noted that the other had fallen asleep. He gently took the phone with his teeth, placing it to the side before snuggling up closer to Shinichi. It was fine since he was currently a wolf and didn't want to wake the other up. It had nothing to do with how it was a good chance for him to cuddle up to his crush, not at all. He just wanted to keep him warm with his fur.

A soft click was what woke Shinichi up, he looked around in confusion before spotting Ai. She was aiming her phone's camera at him "Wha-?" His question was cut off by a yawn, he was really comfy for some reason.

Ai smirked "So you and dog boy?" She left the room, leaving Shinichi very confused.

Dog boy? And why did she even come here in the first place? His brows furrowed in confusion before he felt something move in his arms, he glanced down, a dog? No, not a dog, Azure widened in realization. He was snuggling Kaito like a teddy bear! His face went red when he remembered that Ai had taken a picture. Oh god she was going to tease him for months!

Kaito nuzzled against his chest in his sleep, unaware of the sleuth's turmoil.

Since he was awake, he should probably get up right? He didn't even remember falling asleep in the first place. But it was surprisingly comfy like this, Kaito was warm and his fur was nice and soft. Shinichi gently ran his finger's through the silky fur, marvelling how it felt the exact same as Kaito's hair.

Kaito let out a soft sigh as he pretended to be asleep, Shinichi's fingers felt so nice as the sleuth continued to pet him. Waking up to this almost made up for how horrible the previous day had been. Shinichi was being so gentle that he was on the verge of falling back asleep. He didn't want to get up anytime soon.

Unfortunately, the sound of Shinichi's ringtone jolted them both out of the moment. The sleuth quickly snatched up the phone to answer it. Kaito yawned before stretching how he'd seen many dogs stretch before, stupid phone. Though why was there a faint blush on Shinichi's cheeks?

"Okay, we'll be right there" Shinichi stated before hanging up, he turned towards Kaito "There's been another murder" Which was nothing new by this point.

Kaito's ears flattened in distaste "We're stopping by a store for some food first" He just knew that Shinichi would have left without eating. Though he would have at least made himself some coffee first.

The sleuth's shoulders slumped, but he nodded in agreement "Okay" It was a murder and not a kidnapping, so they should be able to spare a few minutes in order to get some food. Kaito had to be starving by now since he'd only eaten the carrots.

Me: No Kaito will not starve, he'll eventually get a proper meal. Wolves can go for days without food so he's fine for now.

This was fun to write~ hope you enjoyed

•~• chocolate or candy? Berry adores chocolate >^< rarely buy it because she usually eats the whole box too soon or 9 full sized chocobars in 2 days...

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