47. So Much Yummy Food

218 13 7

1020 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written January 21 2020
Posted February 18 2021

NEXT UPDATE is on March 4 2021

Kaito was happy, very happy. Today was the day that he wouldn't get yelled at for leaving the bed, it felt like forever since he'd been allowed to get up, even though it'd only really been a few days. He just liked having the ability to do things if he wanted to, it also helped that Shinichi had been offering him a suspicious amount of desserts.

"You must be trying to make me fat" Kaito playfully accused before eating the final forkful of a mega fudge brownie. It was so soft and delicious, especially after being heated up in the microwave. He actually hadn't done much of anything besides eating today so far, it was actually kinda scary that he didn't feel full yet, even though it was already past noon.

Shinichi shot the other a soft smile "I'm just keeping you happy and still without using force" Since using force usually made Kaito a lot less cooperative, especially if the other was in a bad mood.

The magician pouted at Shinichi's plan but didn't actually complain, he was enjoying all the fancy food he was being given "I'll allow it this time"

"Good" The doorbell suddenly rang "Oh, more desserts are here" He grinned at Kaito's excited look "I'll go get them"

Kaito waited patiently, half curled up on the couch with his injured side straight since it felt a bit sore still "Oh" The magician perked up when Shinichi came back in, carrying multiple takeout boxes.

Shinichi rolled his eyes, putting the boxes on the coffee table that'd been pushed closer to the couch for easy reach "All for you" He opened each box to reveal several different batches of cookies.

"I don't know why I'm able to eat inhuman amounts of food now, but I'm so happy that I can" Kaito happily snatched a few of the chocolate chip cookies, they were still soft.

The sleuth offered a shrug "Maybe it's the babies" The big eating was only a more recent thing, and he was not against taking advantage of it if it made Kaito behave "Magic werewolf stuff" He added on since not even a pregnant mother could eat the amount of food that Kaito has. He eyed the food, making a mental calculation for when he should order the next offering.

Kaito's cheeks flushed "I'm not supposed to get fat, so I don't know where it's all going" He wasn't using the washroom more than normal, so he was definitely using the stuff he was eating.

Shinichi gave a soft hum, joining Kaito on the by leaning against him on the couch "You have a tiny bit of new weight on you" He hugged Kaito "Still muscular and bony, but a bit softer to hold"

The magician scowled but didn't stop his snacking, just this morning Akako had informed him that he'd gain a maximum of 15 pounds, which included the babies themselves. Any more than that would be completely impossible to add, and even then 15 pounds had only ever been gained by one omega before in the records. Said omega had sat on their butt doing nothing but eating the most fattening foods available during the whole pregnancy out of curiosity since humans gained so much yet wolves had never been known to gain much "As long as I'm a healthy weight" He sighed. It had apparently been a very interesting book to read, Akako had weird hobbies.

Glad that Kaito didn't become self conscious and stop eating, the sleuth swiped one of the lemon cookies to try for himself "Oh, this is actually better than I thought it would be" It was both tart and sweet, and very soft to bite.

Curious, Kaito tried one as well "Not my favourite, but I'll eat them" Not sweet enough for his taste, though he could see why Shinichi would like them "Let's watch a movie!" The cookies were worked through at a decent pace after they put on the movie Stuart Little, with the sleuth eating a few of the lemon cookies to help a bit. By the time they finished all three movies of the franchise, it was reaching close to dinner time.

"Kid movies are nice" Shinichi commented "So simple compared to life" Usually less violence was involved, though there were some pretty messed up children movies that existed, he didn't doubt that.

"I'm stiff" Kaito complained, he liked the snuggling, but he hadn't moved much besides his arms and head for hours.

The sleuth breathed out a laugh "I guess you should stretch a bit"

Kaito did just that, grimacing a bit at the pain from the movement. It wasn't much, but it was noticeable "I can't wait until I'm all healed up" He sighed, melting back onto the couch after stretching.

"You started eating more after getting hurt" Shinichi paused "Well more than what you've already been eating. The extra food wasn't new, just the sudden jump in intake was "Maybe your healing is based on your metabolism?"

Indigos lit up "That means that I should heal a lot today or tomorrow"

Shinichi shrugged "Only if I'm right" It was only a guess "It's not like you even used the crutches much today anyways" They heard the front door open "Dinner is here it seems"

Kaito gave Shinichi a funny look "You'd never let a random food delivery person into your house" Too many murders occurred around him for it to be safe.

"I'm not just some food delivery guy" Saguru snorted as he entered, carrying a few boxes of food "Baaya wanted to contribute to the 'Keep Kaito still' plan so she made a nice chicken dinner that should reheat well" He headed towards the kitchen since he didn't trust Shinichi to reheat it properly.

"Baaya's cooking is amazing" Kaito was drooling just thinking about it "Please thank her for me"

"Thanks for coming over Saguru" Shinichi elbowed Kaito "You're supposed to greet the one bringing the food"

Kaito blushed, swallowing the saliva that'd pooled in his mouth "Thanks Saguru"

The blond just shook his head with a smile, the reaction was to be expected, Baaya's cooking was just simply that good. It was only normal for people to focus mainly on it.

Me: I figured that some weight gain would be healthy, but it won't be much or even noticeable unless hugging Kaito XP Less bone to dig into Shinichi.

Hope you enjoyed~

Should I risk mixing both chocolate and blueberries into pancake mix when I've oh ever made plain ones before? Hmm

>^< I was not expecting the Conan reference in the game Disgaea 4... Used a dart and everything...

Then got my butt kicked since I couldn't use my strong character and had to rely on those that belonged to strangers...

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