16. Idiocy At It's Finest

794 58 16

1019 Words excluding (A/N)~ I don't own MK/DC~

Written March 25 2020
Posted May 21 2020

The next day, Kaito was feeling refreshed, resting had really helped him regain his stamina. The fact that Shinichi hadn't noticed that anything was off was also a bonus, it meant that the sleuth wouldn't try to stop him from acting out his plan. Which he definitely would have done if he knew.

He padded along silently beside Shinichi as they made their way towards the station, thankfully Kaito's canine form had already become known enough for him to not need a leash. He kept his ears pricked for any sign of someone joking about Shinichi's affinity with death.

As soon as they reached the station, the sleuth was almost immediately whisked away by Takagi and a few other officers. Since Takagi was with Shinichi, Kaito opted to linger around near the coffee maker. That was usually where the majority of police gossip happened, unfortunately it was also a place that Shinichi liked to visit, a lot. The guy loved his coffee.

The wolf hid in the shadows of one of the filing cabinets that were rarely used, none of the cameras reached the area either. It wasn't a problem for Kuroba Kaito to suddenly appear in the station, he'd done it often enough that nobody even bothered to ask questions anymore. Hours passed, and nothing interesting besides rumours of a new couple met his ears.

Half dozing, Kaito almost missed it "You know that another person died after Kudo-kun arrived at yesterday's crime scene?" A low growl rumbled in the back of Kaito's throat, his heart hurting for the sleuth. Shinichi hated watching people die.

There was a small laugh "Did you expect anything else?" The coffee machine made a few sounds "Death comes to those who hang around Beika's shinigami" Indigos narrowed, okay, that was it.

Kaito silently turned back into a human, looking himself over quickly with a compact mirror before stepping out of the shadows "You have no right to talk about Shinichi like that!" His words were laced with a low growl but he didn't care.

The two officers jumped, one of them even managing to spill his hot coffee on himself "Why not?" The coffee covered one asked, Kaito noted that the guy was new to the force "It's not like it's a lie" The other one stayed silent, at least looking a bit guilty.

The magician leaned against the wall, masking the motion as one for intimidation. He wasn't feeling too good, he could already feel beads of sweat forming "Oh Yamma-san..." Kaito shook his head, indigos sharp "Shinichi isn't the problem" A scowl crossed over his face "The problem is everyone else" He leaned a bit more "If idiots would just stop killing each other there wouldn't be much of a problem"

Yamma caught a glimpse of Kaito's fangs and shivered "I-"

"No, shut up" The magician quickly cut the guy off, he didn't have the time to listen to any of his lame excuses. He was fed up with seeing Shinichi suffer, so he needed to get his point across "And let's not forget the fact that Shinichi is often brought into cases because division one is too incompetent to do its job most of the time!" Kaito harshly poked the other in the chest, earning a wince "He goes above and beyond to make sure that there's as little death as possible" His vision was starting to blur, but he ignored it "And what do you guys do?" He was growling a bit "You mock him and joke about him" He was now resting most of his weight against the wall "He tries so hard..." His voice was growing weak "He never says anything but it hurts him" God he was so hot, he should have chosen lighter clothes "Shinichi hates death more than anything..." He was panting "Yet you accuse him of..."

Shinichi made is way towards his beloved coffee just in time to see a human Kaito collapse "Kaito?!" The case files slipped out of his hands as he abandoned them to make his way towards his friend. He immediately knelt down beside him to check his vitals, he bit his lip at how fast the other's pulse was, not to mention the heat radiating from his body "What happened?" His voice was sharp as he turned towards both of the officers. Why was Kaito like this? Why was he human again?

Yamma stuttered a bit before replying "We were just" He paused "Talking, but then he just fainted" Shit the guy's gaze was scary, why hadn't anyone told him that before?

The sleuth gave Kaito's flushed face another glance "Can you get Sato-san or Takagi-keiji?" Kaito was a werewolf and he didn't want the hospital to find out about it. Both officers were trustworthy enough to drive them over towards the Professor's house. Ai had a lot of medical knowledge, and may even be better at treating Kaito since the other didn't seem hurt "Have one of them meet me near the exit" He breathed as he scooped Kaito up so that he could carry him on his back.

Kaito's body was so warm, it was actually making him sweat a bit, but he dealt with it. Thankfully the other was a lot lighter than he looked "Kudo-kun!" Shinichi almost sagged in relief at the sight of Sato, her crazy driving skills would get them to their destination faster.

"Sato-san, can you please get us to Hakase's?" He asked.

Sato nodded, sensing the urgency in the sleuth's tone "It's been a while since I've seen Kaito-kun" She stated as they made their way to her car.

"He hasn't been well" Shinichi offered as he put Kaito into the back seat before slipping in beside him. He made sure to secure their seat belts properly "I don't know why he was even here" He couldn't help but scowl, why was he so sick? And why was he human?

He called Saguru to notify the blond of Kaito's condition as Sato drove crazily through the streets, surprisingly Saguru had cursed a bit and mumbled something about Kaito being an idiot. The two were close so it wouldn't have felt right not to tell him.

Me: This was interesting to write~

Kaito was too stubborn... And stupid~ But it was for Shinichi~

Hope you enjoyed

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