15. Resting, Food

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1035 Words excluding (A/N)~ I don't own MK/DC~

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Written March 19 2020
Posted May 14 2020

Despite how much Kaito wanted to go through with his plan as soon as he could, he had to admit to himself that he needed to rest for a while first. His plan would take a lot more out of him than just changing had, thus he needed to make sure that he was in a good condition beforehand.

He did his best to act normal despite how tired he felt, not wanting Shinichi to worry about him, especially since he didn't have a good excuse for his fatigue "You should take the day off today" Kaito stated as he watched the sleuth sit down with his morning coffee, there were faint bags under his eyes.

Shinichi was silent for a few moments as he took another sip of his beloved drink "It has been a while since I've binge read Sherlock Holmes..." Maybe staying home today would be good for him, he didn't really feel like being around division one today. It wasn't like he was being paid by them either.

Kaito nodded, pleased "True" Indigos gleamed "It doesn't feel right to not have you reading those books off and on" Now he just needed to somehow turn off Shinichi's phone so that the sleuth couldn't be called in for help. Shinichi shouldn't have to do all their work for them, it wasn't fair.

Since Kaito didn't have fingers to steal with, he'd eventually settled with turning on one of his signal jammers, that he'd left here for some reason. Thankfully it was silent, and the button to turn it on was easy to press. The end result was a calm and relaxing evening of him laying across Shinichi's lap on the couch while said sleuth read through his books. It was a nice break for Shinichi mentally, and physically for Kaito. Especially since Shinichi pet him off and on throughout the day.

Shinichi grimaced once he finished the last book "I can't feel my legs..." He'd lost feeling in them some time ago, but hadn't said anything since he hadn't needed to move.

Kaito snickered "Sorry, want me to move?"

"You might as well" He really wasn't looking forward to the pins and needles sensation that would surely follow after Kaito moved.

Indigos gleamed as he moved so that he was sitting beside the sleuth, he felt a lot better after resting for so long "Today was nice" He breathed, leaning against the other.

"Yeah" Shinichi agreed, gaze soft "Thank you for messing with the signal" He couldn't help the snort that escaped when he felt the wolf tense against him.

Kaito's ears flattened against his head "How did you know?" He whined, he hadn't even touched the other's phone.

Shinichi smirked "I set my phone up months ago to alert me when the signal is being jammed" He'd gotten sick of wasting time fiddling with his phone in an attempt to get a signal whenever Kaito had decided to jam it.

Indigos blinked as Kaito cocked his head to the side "Why didn't you confront me?" Shinichi could have easily left for the station if he'd really wanted to.

Azure gleamed "You know how much solving crimes means to me" Shinichi gave him a soft smile "So I know that you wouldn't have jammed my phone if you truly didn't believe that you needed to" It was kind of touching that the other would go through such lengths to make sure that he took care of himself.

Kaito's pelt warmed at the explanation, he'd totally be blushing if he'd been human "I don't like seeing you wear yourself out"

Shinichi pulled out his phone to check the time "We skipped lunch, but it's still not too late to have supper I guess" He thought about moving for a second before deciding not to. His legs still hurt due to the circulation returning to normal. He still had to wait a bit before he could get up.

The wolf's ear twitched when Shinichi mentioned eating without being prompted. That meant that the sleuth was finally learning! "I'll turn off the jammer, then could you order something to eat"

"Okay" He watched Kaito leave as he began to ponder what he should order. Pizza was bad because too much fatty food could actually kill dogs, sushi was an obvious 'no' since Kaito had actually been good. Maybe he could get himself a pizza, and Kaito a chicken salad without any dressing. He could add in some other fruits and veggies from the fridge if it wasn't enough, and maybe pay for a lot of extra meat to be added. As soon as he got a signal, he made the order.

Shinichi couldn't help but laugh when he spotted the look that Kaito was giving his pepperoni and chicken pizza. The poor guy's ears were flattened as he stared, not really paying attention to his own food. He was also drooling a bit, which was even more funny since it was Kaito "Eat your salad Kaito" He offered the other a grin "Do you really want to risk another vet visit?" The pizza was disgustingly greasy and full of fat, in a good way. Kaito's body probably wouldn't appreciate it if the wolf ate some of the pizza.

Kaito let out a sigh, shoulders slumping as his head drooped enough for him to look at his own meal. A salad VS pizza? Of course he'd rather eat the pizza, but he couldn't with how he was "Mean" He suppressed a shudder at the thought of the vet. He didn't want anything going up his butt again anytime soon, he glanced at Shinichi. Probably never, since he still hasn't found out who the sleuth had texted while blushing.

"Childish" Shinichi retorted with a smirk, knowing that Kaito understood that he couldn't eat it. He wouldn't have to chase the other down to wrestle food out of his mouth, thank god.

The wolf pouted for a few more moments before digging into his salad, he was hungry. At least it was loaded with lots of chicken so that it was more filling than usual.

Shinichi nodded, planning to hide the leftovers in the back of the fridge in case Ran visited him. She didn't like it when he ordered food too often. Especially when he chose pizza.

Me: XP pancreatitis is easily caused in dogs when they steal something too fatty and eat it~

And please don't feed your pets ham or pork (Yes I know they're both pig) It's just not good for them, despite how happily they may eat it.

Hope you enjoyed zee chappy~

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