8. Comfort, Introduction

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1056 Words excluding (A/N)~ I don't own MK/DC~

Written February 3 2020
Posted March 26 2020

To Kaito's great joy, the murder had been a simple case involving the jealousy of a scorned lover. The wife hadn't really thought things out that far since she'd acted on a sudden impulse, which had led her to stabbing her husband in the throat, near one of his major arteries. She hadn't counted on the man's blood pressure causing the blood to spurt everywhere, including all over herself.

Shinichi shook his head in distaste as he walked over towards Kaito, disgusted at the stupid reasoning she'd given "You ready to go?" He inquired, Kaito gave a small nod before nudging the other's hand. Azure softened at the reassuring look, knowing that if the other had been human, Kaito would be hugging him like he always did. He glanced over towards the officers who were dragging the wife away, he was well known enough that they knew that he'd give a report later.

The wolf let out a small whine, nudging the sleuth again. Even though murder happened around Shinichi all the time, he still hated it. He led the other towards a secluded area "You okay?" He inquired softly.

"As fine as ever" Shinichi sighed, clenching his fists. Despite Kaito's problems, the day had been going so well. He'd actually thought that they could return back to his house without running into a murder for once. He'd hoped too soon. He crouched down next to the wolf.

Indigos darkened as his tail swished angrily. Why couldn't people stop killing each other for once?! Why did they almost always have to happen around Shinichi? Throughout the years of their friendship, he'd learned just how much being a murder magnet affected Shinichi. Every death hurt the sleuth, especially if he'd actually been there to witness it. Kaito's ears flattened as he leaned against Shinichi's side, offering what little physical comfort he could "Remember what I always tell you Shin-chan?" The deaths had been slowly but surely destroying his friend bit by bit, until Kaito had intervened.

Shinichi's nose crinkled a bit at the name, though a faint smile traced his lips "I remember" The fact that people just so happened to die around him wasn't a completely bad thing. It guaranteed that the culprits would meet justice. His smile fell "But it still hurts..." Especially since division one had started to refer to him as a shinigami. He wasn't killing anybody, so why did he have to be called a shinigami of all things? He wasn't a monster, nor trying to lead others towards the afterlife.

Kaito let out a breath, resting his muzzle against Shinichi's shoulder. One of the officers must have said something again, a low growl built up in his throat "You should tell them to stop, or you should let me teach them a lesson" The rumours were the reason why his friend was a private detective instead of one connected to the police force.

Azure softened "It's not worth the scene it could make" It would just draw more eyes towards him. He sighed, raising a brow "And what could you even do like that? You'd just end up being put in an animal shelter if you try anything as a wolf"

Kaito nuzzled Shinichi's cheek, he thought that it was worth it. Division one didn't deserve him.

"Kudo-kun?" Both males looked over to see Takagi approaching them. The officer looked tired and apologetic.

"Yes Takagi-Keiji? Can I help you?" Shinichi inquired, standing up to greet him. Takagi, along with Sato were some of the few officers that didn't refer to him as a shinigami. Takagi hesitated, suddenly noticing the big dog by the sleuth's side. It had to be a dog, since it had a collar. Shinichi blinked before offering Takagi a small smile "Don't worry, Kai is well trained" He bent down to give Kaito a few scratches around the ears to prove his point. Kaito for his part leaned into the touch since it felt pleasant.

The officer swallowed, still looking a bit nervous but moved closer nonetheless since he trusted the sleuth's judgement "I heard what some of the others had said, are you okay?"

Azure softened "I'm fine" He glanced towards the wolf "Kai's a good listener"

The wolf's pelt warmed at the compliment. He hadn't done much, all he really could do right now was listen and talk.

Concern filled Takagi "Is he your pet?" As much as he liked the young detective, it was worrying to see him with a pet. Shinichi didn't have the best track record when it came to caring for himself, let alone a pet. He didn't want the poor dog to die.

Shinichi's cheeks flushed, he could already tell what was going through the other's mind "Kai is really smart" Kaito let out an amused breath at Shinichi's words "He wouldn't let me forget about him" He could tell him what was wrong more easily than real dogs.

Takagi nodded, still feeling a bit unsure "What kind of dog is he?" He couldn't recognize the breed.

The sleuth blanked for a moment before replying "He's a mix of some sort" He shot Kaito a glance "He probably has some husky and German Shepherd in him" Those were kinda wolfish dogs right? He couldn't possibly claim that Kaito wasn't a mix since he didn't look like any dog types that he knew of.

"Those are really energetic breeds right?" He glanced at Kaito with concern "You get called out so often, are you sure that you have the time for him?" He wasn't against Shinichi having a canine companion, in fact he thought that it might actually help him. Takagi just didn't want something bad to happen to the dog.

"I'm planning to take Kai everywhere with me" Azure gleamed "He's trained and can follow reasonable orders perfectly" If he wanted to that is. He gave Kaito a pat on the head "He'll be a great help"

Takagi was silent for a few moments before replying "Okay, I'll notify the others about Kai" If Shinichi wanted to bring a dog around murder cases, he could. It wasn't like the sleuth had to help them. He knelt down so that he was at eye level with Kaito "It'll be a pleasure working with you" He held out his hand, indigos gleamed as Kaito put his paw on Takagi's hand. Things like this were why Takagi was one of their favourite officers.

Me: This was interesting to write~

Takagi is my favourite DC officer while Ginzo is my favourite MK officer~

Berry got mistaken for a 13-14 year old....

Berry is 21 •_•

Oh and 'His Magic' has been released early on a potentially temporary schedule... It's a sequel to 'His Feathers'

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