60. Impulse, Contemplation

178 12 10

1024 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written May 21 2021
Posted June 17 2021

NEXT UPDATE is on July 1 2021

The two lazed around in the woods for a little while longer before heading back home. There they spent a few more hours snuggled up together as they looked up some properties online. They couldn't possibly decide on anything without inspecting any of the houses themselves, but looking online had helped to narrow down their choices quite a bit. So far, there were three houses that interested them.

Kaito smiled, nuzzling Shinichi's cheek, an excited buzz thrumming through his veins "Can we go get things set up so we can check them out?" He really really wanted to leave for Kyoto. They couldn't though, not without making some plans first.

Azure widened "You want to start right now?" Normally Kaito allowed a few days to pass between big activities. Shinichi eyed Kaito curiously, trying to figure out what was with all of the sudden activity planning.

"Of course" The magician was still smiling "The sooner we have a house in the woods, the sooner we can work on it to make it ours" They'd make it completely safe for the little ones.

Shinichi hummed "Fine, I'll contact the owners to ask for a viewing" They had a lot of free time now that neither of them were currently working so even if it was over the span of a week, they could stay in Kyoto.

"I can't wait to see the houses in person" Kaito gushed "When we find the perfect one, we'll make it even more perfect for our family" He wanted everything to be set up way before the children were born, that way there'd be no scrambling to get things done. Two months was not a lot of time, even if it seemed like it.

The sleuth just smiled, wondering if Kaito was being wolfy in wanting to set things up like he had with his den, or if he was just being his excitable self "It's not too late, so I guess I'll start calling now" There was no harm in indulging Kaito's excitement.

Kaito shifted into a wolf hopping down from the couch and landing gracefully on four paws, doing a few hops around the room "I need to burn some energy" He'd been still for so long today, he needed to do something, anything.

Shinichi snickered "Go run, just don't stay out for too long" He wasn't too surprised "Do you want to order food later?"

The wolf paused in his bounding, tilting his head as he thought about the answer. What were the odds of him catching something to eat? Probably pretty high with how he was feeling, making Shinichi wait for him would be rude "Just order a bunch when you get hungry if I'm not back, any leftovers will be eaten anyways" Just talking about food was making him feel hungry again...

Azure gleamed "If you say so, be safe and have fun Kaito" Maybe he'll read some books that he'd been gifted but never read for a change. Kaito's energy was making him want to do something different for a change instead of rereading his favourites. Kaito nodded and headed outside.

With Kaito gone, Shinichi started to make the calls that he'd promised to make. To the sleuth's surprise, he actually managed to book all of the viewings so that they all fit within the same week starting two days from today. He'd called the most promising ones first of course. When he was done, Shinichi couldn't help but feel excited. While they already had a home together, the house that they bought would be strictly theirs and not something bought from either of their parents.

The sleuth stared down at his phone, it's screen dark from having been turned off. Maybe if they really enjoyed living in the woods, they might just move there permanently. While Tokyo, or Beika in particular held many good memories for the two of them, it also held most of the worst ones as well. He was too well known, and the comments about him being a shinigami would never truly stop. But did he really want to hide away from almost everyone? Would Kaito even be okay with that?

Kaito was a people person, so surely he wouldn't want to have to travel a good distance just to get to a store right? Though... Shinichi frowned, Kaito also valued being alone as well, he just didn't show it as openly. The magician had also changed enough that he obviously felt a pull towards the woods, even if he never directly said anything about said pull. Azure narrowed... Maybe he should talk to Akako... The witch might have found out more about werewolves since they'd last spoken together.

He wanted to be able to better understand the slightly new Kaito better, the instincts bit had surprised him today. So he wanted to learn more in order to better support Kaito. Asking the magician would help, but he knew that the witch might have better answers since Kaito was still learning himself.

Shinichi rubbed his neck where Kaito had bitten him the first night they'd slept together, the magician hadn't repeated the act since then. Would becoming like Kaito help him understand the other better? If so, then how would they go about doing that? Would he just need to bite Kaito after getting bitten himself? Or would the other need to be in heat for it to work?

Being a werewolf didn't seem to be that bad... Kaito was doing fine and if they shared the same instincts then it would be even better. Maybe. He still needed to question Akako before doing anything too rash. He wouldn't be able to reverse the change once it happened. If it happened. A lot more thought would need to be put into this, more than they were putting into getting another house.

Magic was really confusing, and the last thing they needed was for there to be an alpha directed curse like there'd been an omega one for Kaito... He'd be an alpha right? Since Kaito would be the one to change them? Yes, more information would be required before any actions were taken. It would be awkward if he became an omega too...

Me: Shinichi wants to understand Kaito more~ How sweet~ But oh gosh... Him becoming an omega too... XD Funny

Comment? ^-^

It's nice having a mostly light hearted book ^-^ refreshing ...

I will admit, I was tempted to have someone see Kaito shift and kidnap him to keep him as a pet

A sexual pet but... I was good and resisted the urges >^<

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