61. House?

171 12 16

1029 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written May 29 2021
Posted July 1 2021

Happy Canada Day... =^= A day where fireworks terrify wildlife and prompt them to sometimes abandon their young...

A few days later, had Kaito and Shinichi stepping off of a train in Kyoto and hailing a cab to the first house on their list. The last road leading up to it was one of dirt instead of being paved, if they got the place, they'd need to be cautious in wet weather.

"I'm so excited" Kaito was near bouncing as the cab drove away, his wolf attributes hidden under an illusion just in case the home owners didn't like them. He didn't want to risk being turned away for being seen as weird. The forest was quite thick excluding the stone path they were heading up, Kaito really liked it. Though he seemed to like most forests nowadays...

Shinichi smiled, feeling some of the other's excitement himself "It would be nice if the first house we looked at was the only one we needed to look at" He liked what he was seeing so far, the drive had been decently long, but not long enough to be unreasonable and the stone path had a sort of charm to it. The deeper into the forest the house was, the better. Being secluded was the goal.

Kaito nodded "That would be awesome" He resisted the urge to chase a passing rabbit. It wouldn't be good for him to start hunting on someone else's private property.

Azure gleamed "Lots of wildlife too it seems"

The magician flushed lightly, so Shinichi had noticed that he'd been momentarily distracted by the rabbit "Right" The two of them made light conversation until they reached the house.

The house was a simple yet large two story building. It's brown bricked walls allowed it to blend in a bit with the forest and it's roof was cement for some reason. It was probably to discourage animals from nesting in it... Though that meant that inside was probably smaller due to the wall thickness in order to support such a heavy roof.

They knocked on the door and were greeted by a black haired woman who seemed to be in her late thirties "Kudo-san and Kuroba-san?" She inquired.

"That's us" Kaito beamed.

"Sorry, he's just really excited today" Shinichi replied "Thank you for having us Mitsu-san" He gave a small bow.

Mitsu smiled "I should be thanking the two of you, nobody has really wanted to take my grandmother's home"

Shinichi nodded understandingly "We're seen a lot so an accident doesn't scare us" The grandmother had fallen and broken her hip on the stone path which eventually led to her death when nobody came across her until it was too late. It had some bad stigma, but if they cared about that kind of thing, most places in Beika would be no good to them.

Kaito was no longer smiling "We'll have each other"

The woman stepped aside to let them in "I already took most things except for a few outdoor chairs in here so the two of you are free to check the place out" There was nothing left worth stealing.

Azure gleamed "We'll also check out the surrounding property since we're planning on spending a lot of time outside" Or at least Kaito was "Do you let anyone trap here?"

Mitsu shook her head "No, but there are some wolfdog hybrids due to the wolves that were released years ago" She smiled "They don't really come near here except for when it's winter" They were bigger than normal wolves thanks to their dog DNA.

Indigo sharpened "Even more of a reason to check outside" That hadn't been mentioned in the ad, he'd need to check things out to make sure the property wasn't in any wolf territory, or at least most of it isn't. He turned towards the sleuth "You check inside and I'll check outside?" They'd seen room measurement pictures so they just needed to check the structural stability and material quality.

Shinichi nodded "That's a good plan" The two split up.

In the end Shinichi only managed to find a few minor but fixable flaws in the form of some old pipes and some loose floorboards. On Kaito's end, the magician had been able to scent the wolves, but the markers had been a great distance from the house. If any problems arose he'd probably be able to negotiate with them... Also, the thought of being near the hybrids was exciting. The odds of an encounter were very slim though since the borders were so far away.

"What do you think?" The sleuth inquired as Kaito returned.

"I really like this place, there's lots of land and it's very unlikely that the wolves will be a problem" Kaito hummed "Winter might be more risky but we could deal with any problems" He turned towards Mitsu "You said it's only winter that they come around here?"

"Yes, probably to find more food" Mitsu replied.

Indigos gleamed as he turned back towards the sleuth "I want this place, is the house good?" He just wouldn't hunt as much in the winter... Their kids would be born in the winter, so he'd be too busy this year anyways.

"It's very nice, just like the photos with only a few fixes needed" Shinichi glanced back at the house, he really liked it too. If Kaito wasn't too concerned about the wolves, then he wouldn't be either. He trusted the other's judgement, especially when lives could be put at stake "I think we may buy this place Mitsu-san"

The woman smiled, looking really relieved "I'm so grateful, I have the paperwork here already"

Kaito grinned "That saves us so much time, thanks"

"I've been eager to sell this place for a while" Mitsu admitted "Leaving it empty is no good, but I'm just not cut out for living in a forest" She gave a small shrug "The AC in this place is nice, but it's still not for me"

"Understandable, this place would just be Kaito and I's retreat. Not our main house" The sleuth breathed, he wouldn't like to be here all year round either.

"A nice cozy but distant forest house was just what we were looking for" Kaito added. This place suited their needs, looking at the other houses would just make the decision harder. Anyways, it wasn't like they couldn't afford to make any changes to the house.

Me: So they got the first house they looked at~ Impulsive.... XD

Comment? ^-^


Little child Berry: Can I put tin foil in the microwave? *Has seen it put in the oven*

Older sibling: *Being sarcastic* Yes

Little Berry: *Autistic and has difficulty understanding sarcasm* Okay *Puts tin foil covered food in the microwave and turns it on*

Older sibling:.... *Realization* o.o!!! *Runs into kitchen and opens microwave before fire occurs*

Little Berry: *Confused* You said I could

Current Berry: *Still has trouble with understanding sarcasm unless it's really obvious* ... •^•

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