34. Sweet, Love, Affection

376 21 7

1009 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written October 2 2020
Posted October 22 2020

NEXT UPDATE is November 5 2020

A warm fuzzy feeling buzzed within Kaito's chest as he looked over their room, it wasn't just Shinichi's room anymore, it was theirs. Moving his belongings to the sleuth's room had been easy, though that was probably because his actual belongings were in his own place...

Though sometimes he forgot that he actually lived in an apartment. The magician grimaced, maybe he should do something about that. He didn't need the apartment anymore and he sure as hell wasn't going to live away from Shinichi. Maybe since most of his valuables were already here, he could just fetch the things he wanted before donating the furniture. He'd move his magic tools to a different guest bedroom to keep his old room mainly clear.

"Our room clashes" Shinichi stated as he entered the room, a smirk on his lips.

Kaito snickered "It's great" One could easily tell what items belonged to who. The sleuth's items were a lot less vibrant than the magicians.

Azure softened "It is" He was glad that Kaito seemed pleased, it was easy to tell with how the other's tail was wagging. He was glad that the glamour was working properly.

"I'm going to paint my old room blue and purple" Kaito grinned at the other's confused expression "Problem?" He inquired, raising a brow.

"No" Shinichi eyed Kaito curiously "It just surprised me since it's so random" Though he should have gotten used to Kaito suddenly doing random things by now.

Indigos gleamed "Yup, random" Shinichi looked cute when he was confused "So stay out of it until I say so"

Ah, so the magician had some sort of project planned "Okay" He nodded, not wanting to accidentally mess up the other's plans. He'd once forgotten and had ended up messing up one of Kaito's experiments. It had taken weeks to clear the sparkly green sludge from the ceiling. They'd just ended up painting over the last bits since it'd been too hard to remove.

"Good" The magician suddenly hopped onto the bed "Now we sleep" He patted the sheets beside him, giving Shinichi an expectant look.

Shinichi blinked, a bit startled by the sudden action "I'm not tired though" Kaito reached over, pulling on his arm. The sleuth went with the motion, ending up sitting beside the other.

"Me neither" Kaito planted a swift kiss onto the sleuth's cheek, indigos soft "I want to cuddle" He loved his horribly dense yet brilliant detective. He made him feel safe, loved.

"Cuddle?" Shinichi's tone was curious.

Kaito ducked his head, a small smile on his lips "Yes, cuddle" He glanced up, a blush dusting his cheeks "And maybe more if you're willing"

The sleuth tilted his head "More?" He paused, face burning "Oh"

"Yes 'Oh'" The magician couldn't stop himself from hugging then nuzzling the other's cheek affectionately. He just... Shinichi "I'm perfectly fine with just cuddling though"

"Yes" Shinichi spluttered "I would like—yes"

"I love you" Kaito captured Shinichi's lips with his own, using his weight to pin the other "I'm so glad that I'm with you" He felt like the future wasn't so scary anymore. Not with Shinichi by his side.

When Shinichi woke up, he was surprised to see Kaito still sprawled next to him, fast asleep. The magician's face seemed free of the stress and worry that had been following the other recently. He reached over to pet the other's ears, enjoying the softness of their fur. Actually, now that he thought about it, Kaito's hair now had a different softness to it than before. It's always been deceptively soft, but it was different, had been for a while. Maybe the other's hair wasn't actually hair anymore, but fur instead. A soft sigh passed through Kaito's lips, making Shinichi smile "Kaito, wake up"

"I refuse" The words were skewed by a yawn. Kaito curled up against Shinichi's side "Comfy"

It was tempting to listen, but he had to get to work "Don't you want to be awake to receive your packages today?" He didn't understand how the other could have possibly gotten his order processed so fast, but it didn't seem worth the effort to question it.

Kaito slowly raised his head, blinking the sleep out of his eyes "Fine" He shifted into a wolf before stretching and shifting back. It was more convenient that way. Especially since it was a lot easier to stretch as a wolf.

"I'll be in the shower" He breathed before leaving.

The sleuth's words registered, but Kaito just flopped onto the bed, his whole body was filled with a content sort of tiredness. He wanted to bask in the feeling, if only just for a bit. Though eventually he did manage to drag himself out of bed, only to bite back a yelp when he tried to stand. Ow... Maybe they shouldn't have done so much last night... His body was not used to it, yet.

"Why are you on the floor?" Shinichi had finished his shower, only to return and see Kaito just laying on the floor.

"The floor is nice, the person who cleans it is awesome"

The sleuth rolled his eyes "You're the one who cleaned it last night"

Kaito grinned "Yeah, I know" He'd stay here until the other left, he did not want the other to worry and feel guilty. He was fine, just sore, totally worth it in his opinion.

Shinichi eyed Kaito before nodding "I'll see you later" He had a feeling that he knew what was wrong, but he knew that the other was fine based on his actions. Kaito obviously didn't want him to know, so he'd pretend not to notice it. It had been easy to tell due to the other's position on the floor. He'd snag some nice chocolate for Kaito on his way back.

The magician let out a sigh once he heard the front door click, signalling that Shinichi had left. He then got up and carefully made his way towards the washroom. He'd stayed on the floor since he hadn't wanted the other to catch him moving so slow, thankfully he was weird so being on the floor wasn't all that odd. When it came to him at least.

Me: So a very sweet chappy this is~

Hope you enjoyed~

So random fact: Urine kills sperm (or so I've been told) so the guy will just have to pee in the girl after sex...

But the odds of that being allowed are slim XD

•3• not to mention the infection risk... Ick

Another random fact: One of the most common excuses made to doctors for having something stuck up their but is 'I fell'

XD That's some pretty accurate falling

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