27. Cameras

448 35 16

1016 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written July 14 2020
Posted August 20 2020

Next update September 3 2020

The next day came with Kaito finishing the video cameras first thing in the morning, long before the sleuth woke up. The magician snickered at the sight of the other sleepily making his way towards the coffee maker "The cameras are complete" Now all he had to do was sneak into the warehouse and install them in the best places.

Shinichi turned away from where he'd been watching his cup fill up, blinking in confusion "I thought that I was going to help you make some" Azure narrowed in suspicion "How long have you been awake?"

Kaito snorted "It's more like, how long have you been sleeping?" It was actually almost noon "It was easy to make more after the first" He'd been fine with letting the other sleep in favour of busying himself with the work. He liked being busy.

After taking in a few mouthfuls of his beloved coffee, the sleuth eyed the other curiously. Kaito seemed a lot less stressed than he'd expected him to be "I take it that you're going to install them soon then?" He inquired.

Indigos gleamed "Yup, I don't want to take any chances" What if the killer had killed due to an opportunity? Who's to say that another one won't happen soon? Two confirmed deaths weren't enough to base a habit off of.

Shinichi nodded "Try not to get caught" He obviously wasn't going to tag along and risk them getting caught.

"I only get caught when I feel like it" The magician grinned.

"Or when you're clumsy" Kaito pouted at the sleuth's response.

After a half hour of chatting, the two both went their separate ways for the day with the sleuth going to the station while Kaito headed towards the warehouse.

Since people were usually looking for other humans, Kaito had entered the area as a wolf before hiding in the shadows and switching to his more human form. He'd actually used a cute brown doggy backpack to carry the cameras, leaving the police outfit back home. It'd been a little difficult to shrug it off before changing, but he'd managed. Yes things seemed to magically be okay through the change so he could have possibly not needed to carry them as a wolf, but he wasn't ready to test important technology against the magic of his changes. Ah, maybe he should go and finally collect his phone from his actual house later.

Kaito carefully scouted the area before actually entering the warehouse, dressed in a somewhat sketchy way. His clothing was both dark and looked quite worn with a few tears in some places. This way any potential witness wouldn't instantly connect him to someone working for the police. His hair was also temporarily dyed black with neon blue streaks to prevent himself from being mistaken as Shinichi. It'd wash out with water but that was fine, it wasn't supposed to rain today.

The rafters were nice and sturdy, something which pleased the magician as he scaled around the roof to insert many of the cameras. Some were also placed in natural holes in the walls or floor, angled in strategic ways until every inch of the warehouse interior was being recorded. Unfortunately he'd miscalculated the amount he'd need so there was only one camera placed outside of the warehouse, in a bush near the entrance of the path leading towards the warehouse to catch the driver or any plate numbers.

The sound of an engine made Kaito's ears perk up in alarm before he slipped back into the warehouse, up a few support beams, and hid in the shadows of the rafters. He really didn't think that the killer would be back so soon, so was it the police? He wasn't sure so he decided to wait and see. Multiple pairs of footsteps piqued Kaito's curiosity, there were only so many reasons for a group of people to enter an abandoned warehouse, and few of them were good.

Holy shit, indigos widened as he watched four people drag in a body. The body was in the same condition as the last two. The magician bit his lip, itching to hop down and take the four masked males down. The only problem was that they looked quite strong and he didn't really have any of his tools with him. He wasn't a fighter.

Gah, he could really use his phone right now! The magician went through a mental list of his belongings. He had a big rope that he'd brought in case he needed it to help him climb, and he had his belt? Everything else that he'd brought had been used to set up the cameras. If it was just one person, he could have probably taken them down by swinging down and landing on them, but it wasn't just one person.

None of the males spoke a word as they lazily discarded the body. Kaito grit his teeth, would a wolf be enough to take them down? He readied himself to shift before pausing to take note of the concealed guns, most people wouldn't have noticed them, but he did. The magician lowered his head, sinking back fully into the shadows. He wasn't equipped to take down 4 gunmen, he'd have to let them go for now.

He eyed a few old rusty nails, they'd long since fallen from their place. Maybe he could scratch them then run to get some DNA? People coming in the hospital for tetanus or infected injuries could be inspected to help narrow down the suspect lists.

Plan in mind, the magician carefully picked up 4 nails before swiftly flinging each one in succession at his targets, grinning when all 4 males made a surprised noise before bolting. Good, he at least did something, now he just needed to find the nails again.

Kaito glanced down at the body, grimacing, the noise of a retreating car distant to his ears. Why had it taken four people to drop off the body? Only two of them had been carrying it. After approximately a half hour had passed, the magician deemed it safe enough to leave the rafters in favour of searching for the nails.

Me: So Kaito wasn't an idiot and actually hid~

Hope you enjoyed zee chappy~

I'm more of a chocolate fan, but one of my fav candies is normal skittles >^< they taste so good~

I actually like all the flavours which is rare

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