55. Coffee, Foxy Wolf

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1044 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written April 9 2021
Posted May 6 2021

The next morning ended up moving too quickly for Shinichi's taste, one moment he was heading for his first cup of coffee for the day, the next he was sitting groggily next to Kaito in a taxi. The sleuth was sorely tempted to smack Kaito, how dare he stop him from consuming his morning coffee? So all in all, Shinichi was feeling tired and irritable.

A small smile tugged at Kaito's lips as he watched the other sulk. He hadn't deprived Shinichi of his coffee for no reason, that would just be cruel... No, he'd done that to prevent the other from being too alert. It had been easy to leave the sleuth's phone behind while said sleuth had been complaining about the lack of coffee. If there was ever a real emergency, the station knew that they could just call Kaito to either get to Shinichi, or to have the magician help out himself.

"When we get there, I'm sure that there'll be a booth that sells coffee"

"Overpriced coffee that's unable to stand up to the stuff at home" Shinichi grumbled, still not looking at Kaito. They could have waited long enough for him to drink coffee before leaving, it wasn't like there'd been a time limit.

"True..." Not many places could get away with selling the dangerously strong poison that his boyfriend preferred to consume in order to start his day. Kaito nudged Shinichi with a thermos that he'd been hiding, earning a disinterested grunt in response "I'll guess you don't want your poison"

Shinichi perked up, turning his head to look over. The moment azure rested on the thermos, he snatched it "Jerk" Why hadn't he given it to him sooner? Shinichi popped the lid and busied himself with drinking his beloved beverage. The thermos had been a good one, it was still hot enough to almost scald his mouth. Perfect.

The magician snickered at the other's antics, thoroughly amused at how silly Shinichi could act at times "You're too dependent, maybe you should have coffee restricted like my chocolate" He was only half joking. In truth, the thought sounded like a great idea to him, Shinichi would be healthier, and less cranky when he missed his coffee "I'm sure that a certain scientist would be happy to join the cause" Kaito teased.

Azure narrowed "I'd rather not thank you"

"But that much coffee can't be healthy for you" Kaito complained "You'll probably live longer if you change your consumption of it to be a more reasonable amount" Seriously, Shinichi's coffee was just too strong. How did the other manage to sleep? He didn't bounce around how he himself did, so how did Shinichi manage to not die? The taxi stopped, oh, they've arrived "Please?" He whined after they exited and paid the driver.

"My life will be short but content" Shinichi deadpanned. Kaito was not going to separate him from his coffee.

Both Kaito's ears and tail drooped "Please don't say that" They hadn't even met their children yet!

Shinichi sighed, noting that his comment had genuinely upset Kaito "I was joking, Haibara already checked, my coffee isn't hurting me for some odd reason" Not that he wanted it to hurt him, he was just surprised that it hadn't damaged anything "She actually checks often because it confuses her" He offered a small shrug "She theorized that since I most likely had lots of coffee in my system when I shrunk, any bad effects from it have been neutralized with the antidote" It was iffy at best, but that was the only thing Ai could think of that would allow Shinichi to consume such strong coffee in the horrible amounts that he did.

Kaito eyed Shinichi as they entered the zoo, the answer was suspiciously convenient "I will fact check that with the little scientist later" He usually trusted Shinichi, but not when it came to coffee consumption. He snatched a nearby map, grinning when he located what he wanted to see "The maned wolves are somewhat near the entrance" That was better than on the other side of the zoo, not that they wouldn't go if they had been. They began heading in the direction the map said.

"Are there any other animals that you want to see?" Shinichi inquired, not really having a strong opinion on the matter. He was content to just spend time with Kaito.

The magician hummed "Maybe the otters..." They were adorable, zoos weren't something he was a huge fan of, but he liked otters.

"Okay, we'll see the maned wolves and otters then leave for some ice cream" It wouldn't be a long zoo trip, but hopefully an educational one. Talking to animals was cool, hopefully the animals here were happy and didn't make Kaito sad. Shit... Why hadn't he thought about that possibility before now?

Indigos gleamed "I see no flaw in that plan" Ice cream was the best!... Even the non-chocolate kinds were good, they just weren't as good as the chocolate kinds.

Shinichi snorted "Of course you wouldn't" He would have worried if Kaito had actually objected to the plan.

"I-" Kaito cut himself off, staring at the exhibit sign with confusion "They look more like foxes than wolves... Why aren't they called maned foxes?" He hurried over to look down into the exhibit to see that yes, they did look like the pictures. They looked like foxes... Just with longer legs.

"You didn't look them up?" Now that was surprising. Shinichi would have thought that Kaito would have at least looked up a quick picture of one.

"I wanted to see them in person first" They were still cool and cute. Something he'd hug if the chance of death wasn't so high. Kaito swivelled his ears curiously "I'm going to loop around to see if there are any close enough to hear properly" The maned wolves had no reason to shout to each other after all.

Shinichi nodded "I'll wait here" He could see a few well enough, Kaito could handle himself.

Kaito eventually found a nice spot that was overlooking a few maned wolves that were somewhat close. Now he just had to speak to them... "Eh?" The magician blinked, feeling a bit shocked as he felt himself be pushed.

"This is for arresting my brother, Kudo Shinichi..."

Shinichi's name was spat out as Kaito felt himself fall.

Me: So the rich people visit a zoo just to see a few animals then leave... XD ... I don't want to encourage zoos much... Only endangered animals should be kept, especially wolves! Protect the wolves from the heathens that slaughter them for fun >^>

Oh... And of course Kaito gets shoved in the exhibit...

Hope you enjoyed~

>^> My rat holds up her paw when I try to kiss her... Rejecting my affections

But then she goes ahead and trys to get in my mouth when I'm just laying down reading or something •^• (I don't let her) so why can't I kiss her cheek!?!


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