30. chaoptrhrst

426 30 36

1013 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written August 12 2020
Posted September 17 2020

NEXT UPDATE October 1 2020

Shinichi was now regretting the fact that they'd chosen to watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Listening to Kaito sing along to the Oompa Loompa songs was embarrassing him even though he wasn't even the one who was singing it. It didn't help that Kaito was singing badly on purpose, sometimes mimicking the actor's voice. Thankfully though, the movie had finished, so there would be no more cringy songs or singing.

"Aww" Indigos gleamed as he eyed Shinichi from the corners of his vision. He couldn't see him fully since he was leaning against him "What's with the face?" He was grinning "I thought that it was a very enjoyable movie to watch"

"This is just reinforcing my stance on never going to the movies with you" He wouldn't be able to handle the secondhand embarrassment. It was already bad enough now and there wasn't even anybody around except the two of them.

Kaito snorted "That's no loss" It wasn't like he'd ever be able to drag Shinichi to said movies in the first place. A dark place with tons of people too distracted to observe others? Yeah, he could easily see a murder happening and he wasn't even a detective. Indigos softened "Sorry, but I couldn't help it" It was adorable whenever the sleuth blushed, and Shinichi had blushed from embarrassment a lot during the movie. It was cute.

Shinichi turned on his phone to check the time "There's still a good chunk of time before we should start thinking about eating, do you want to watch another movie?"

The magician rested his cheek against the other's shoulder, letting out a low hum "Sure, I like snuggling you"

"Kaito" The sleuth's face was red, he still wasn't used to proper intimacy. He turned his gaze away "What do you want to watch next then?"

"The first Fox and the Hound movie" The second one annoyed him because it made no sense at all. The characters were adults near the end of the first, but in the second they were young again.

Shinichi blinked "I don't think I have that movie..."

"No prob!" The magician was smirking as he pulled out his own phone "I downloaded it after buying the movie" He pressed a few things and moments later the movie began to play on the TV.

"Okay, that works..." The sleuth wasn't going to bother to inquire about when could have Kaito possibly synced his TV to a phone. Said TV was quite old and from the attic since the professor had blown up the newer one. It was old enough to not be a flat screen.

By the time the second movie ended, the magician was a bit teary eyed "What is it with animal movies that make them more emotional?" He inquired softly.

"It's probably due to the fact that animals are seen as more innocent, thus it makes us more emotional when things happen to them" The sleuth replied as he moved Kaito off of him so that he could stretch. He felt stiff from being so still for so long "Animals are often added to darker plots just to get a reaction from the audience when they're killed"

Kaito grimaced "I don't like that"

"Most people don't" Shinichi shrugged "But it's done anyways for the reaction"

"Enough animal death talk" The magician huffed "Let's get something to eat, I'm hungry" Animal death was sad, and he didn't want to talk about it anymore.

Shinichi raised a brow, glancing at the coffee table, it was covered in chocolate bar wrappers and some candy wrappers "You're joking" He felt a bit sick himself after realizing just how much chocolate Kaito had eaten.

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