28. Chapter 28

412 38 9

1012 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written July 23 2020
Posted September 3 2020

Said nails had been a bit difficult to find, but in the end, he'd managed to find them all. Thankfully he'd done so without stepping on them and making his efforts null, now they were safely tucked away in his pocket. It would have taken him a lot quicker to find them if he'd been able to shift and use his nose, but he hadn't been able to due to the cameras that he'd just installed. It would have seemed too suspicious if the time stamps had been tampered with, it hadn't been worth the risk.

With his task complete, the magician hurried away from the warehouse, confident that the only things watching him were his cameras. Though that didn't mean that he hadn't stuck to the shadows as a precaution.

"You should be proud of me!" Azure blinked, eyeing Kaito curiously as he burst into the library. The other had been gone a lot longer than he'd anticipated.

"What happened?" Kaito was looking oddly proud for having done such a simple task, well simple for him that is.

Indigos gleamed as the magician sidled up to the sleuth, wrapping his arms around Shinichi's neck to nuzzle him "I saw the culprits but refrained from trying to capture them" Though he probably would have tried if he'd had the right tools, though Shinichi didn't need to know that.

Alarmed, the sleuth pulled away from the other, his azure gaze swiftly scanning Kaito for any injuries "You saw them?!" Why had they returned to the crime scene so soon? He grimaced "So there's another body isn't there?" That wasn't good.

Kaito nodded "Yeah, but thankfully the cameras were already working when they'd arrived" It was a good thing that he hadn't slept in. He pulled out a Ziploc bag from his pocket, showing off the rusted nails "I got some of their DNA though" Even if there were no matches at first, it'd help with later identification.

Azure narrowed as Shinichi took the bag, feeling exasperated at the possible risk the other must have taken to get said DNA samples "I've got to call Megure-Keibu" He sighed.

"I'm going to go eat something while you do that" He'd been the one to find the body, so he was obviously going to be involved. By now, he knew that police work could take a long time so he didn't want to risk the chance of going hungry, again.

With food on the mind, the magician raided the fridge, eating small amounts of all of the fruits and veggies that Ran had brought before making himself a peanut butter and blueberry jelly sandwich. After he finished eating his own food, he went about making the same for Shinichi. Knowing him, he wouldn't want to take the time to make anything for himself before heading out.

"Eat" He demanded the moment the sleuth popped his head into the kitchen. Kaito was so used to Shinichi's antics that he hadn't even needed to move his gaze away from the dishes he'd started to clean "You'll do better on a full stomach"

Shinichi blushed as he fully entered the kitchen "Thanks" Was he really so predictable? He should try to fix that "A team is heading over there while Megure-Keibu is going to come here to question you" He sat down in the chair where the sandwich had peen placed.

Kaito grimaced "Eww, I hate being questioned by the police" Yes he didn't mind helping, but there were so many useless questions that they tended to ask. Not to mention the fact that he often had to repeat himself.

The sleuth snorted "It's Megure-keibu so it should be fine" The inspector was thankfully used to Kaito and knew that the magician wouldn't miss things like most people would. The guy knew not to repeatedly question him, it'd only make Kaito harder to work with.

"It's still a pain" Kaito's shoulders slumped as he finished up the last of the dishes "It's not like I know who they are or anything" Maybe if he met them without a disguise he might recognize them, but there were millions of people in the world.

Azure gleamed "You'll be fine" Kaito's pout was cute "Would you rather go to the station or back to the warehouse instead?"

Kaito let out a small sigh, taking a seat at the table "Not really, if only I had my phone" Things could have been a lot more simple that way "I could have called the police, then shown myself with my phone to make them chase me" Since he'd have just been biding time, it would have been fine. Killers usually chased people who they think saw something, and he'd faced skilled shooters "I wouldn't have even needed to get too close"

Shinichi just gave Kaito a blank look "And here I was starting to think that you've improved" Kaito was still the reckless idiot that he knew and loved. He sighed "Such a disappointment"

"Oi" Kaito scowled at the insult, playfully whacking Shinichi on the head "There's no need to be rude" Indigos were gleaming, he wasn't actually angry.

The sleuth raised a brow "Oh?" There was a mischievous glint in his eyes "Since when has telling the truth actually been rude?" He was grinning "Isn't it more rude to lie?"

"Eat this instead of talking" Kaito magicked a banana onto Shinichi's empty plate, it had a few small brown spots indicating it was ripe "I already ate some fruit"

Shinichi smirked "Fine" He unpeeled "You just don't like being proved wrong"

Kaito blinked, tilting his head innocently "I have no idea what you're talking about" Though who didn't know him would have easily believed his words "I just want to make sure that you're healthy"

There was a faint pink tint to the sleuth's cheeks, he knew that the other's last statement was the truth "I've been doing fine so far" Just because Ran was the one who stocked his fridge, it didn't mean that he wasn't capable.

The magician gave a small hum in response, not believing Shinichi "If you say so" He teased, he couldn't help but grin. Shinichi was in denial.

Me: This was interesting to write~

Hope you enjoyed~

Gah just updated the app... why did they think that it was a good idea to move the buttons around?! >^<

I keep clicking on the wrong things out of ingrained habit... it's like when I rearrange my home screen...

It feels so awkward to me now

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