65. Instinct to Dig

207 9 29

1020 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written July 10 2021
Posted August 5 2021

The next day had Kaito feeling a bit antsy, they'd been away from Tokyo for a good while, but he'd grown very attached to their current abode. Sure he knew that being isolated from mostly everyone that they know couldn't be healthy, but life in Kyoto had been so peaceful! Even when Shinichi did head into town, he didn't run into crime nearly as often as he did before. Everything had been going great, so the magician was tempted to just stay here until their kids were old enough to be brought into society.

It wasn't completely up to him though, Shinichi had a say in things just as much as he did. So while staying in Kyoto may be the healthiest choice for the two of them stress wise, Kaito knew that his partner loved his job too much to just stop.

Kaito pawed the ground, having woken up early. His whole body felt stiff, though thankfully today seemed to be warmer than the last. Since there was a chance of them staying in Kyoto, he was starting to feel the urge to make another den here for himself while he still could. Even if they didn't stay, what would happen if the pups came early or late during one of their ventures in Kyoto?

The wolf shuddered at the thought, yup, he was going to find the perfect place to den here. With a sudden burst of urgency, Kaito ran around their large property, looking for the perfect place. It couldn't be in the middle, he didn't want anyone to disturb it, so it had to be near the outskirts but still sheltered enough to keep him hidden. The only problem was that he'd already checked the outskirts and there wasn't anything that looked good!

With a frustrated huff, the wolf snacked on a few rabbits before moving in a bit deeper into their property. He eventually came across a very large and nice looking shrub, there were no rocky cave areas or extra large trees so digging near the shrub would have to do. It was very overgrown and untidy, but that was just fine, it would make it all the more easier to hide the entrance that way.

Perfect spot now found, Kaito set himself to digging out a narrow entrance that opened up into a decently sized area that was large enough for him to sprawl out and even roll around. The ground was thankfully sturdy and held together by the shrub's roots quite well. It was nice, and cozy. Kaito was mostly pleased. Indigos narrowed in thought, he should probably dig a second entrance, just to be safe. Maybe even drag in some long grass or relocate some moss onto the den's floor. He set to work on making a second entrance. When said second entrance was complete, Kaito was surprised to see Shinichi sitting on the ground with a bag a few feet from where he'd surfaced.

"It took me a while to find you" Shinichi stated "But I eventually came across all the discarded dirt" Shinichi glanced towards the clearing where dirt was just scattered everywhere "You should be resting today, not starting another digging task" The sleuth lightly scolded as Kaito pulled himself out of the newly made hole.

Kaito blinked before the other's words registered to him "I needed a den here, just in case" A den was a must.

Shinichi sighed, unable to argue with that since it was mainly Kaito's wolf instincts that's prompted him to make a second den "I brought some food" He opened the drawstring bag he'd brought and pulled out three bento boxes, pushing two of them towards Kaito "I figured that you'd be hungry by now" It was a bit past noon, and Kaito had already been gone by the time he'd woken up. He then handed over two bottles of water and some hand sanitizer.

The magician shifted, heart warming as he cleaned his hands with water before using the hand sanitizer "Thanks Shin-chan" Time had flown by fast, had he really spent half the day on digging out the den? He opened his bento, noting that both of them were filled with rice, hamburger steak, and steamed broccoli. They weren't as neatly packed as the ones he could make himself, but he was sure they'd taste just fine "You've never made me bento before" Kaito stated softly, happy.

"I've been practising how to cook better since takeout can take a while here" They lived quite far. Shinichi ate some of the rice in his own meal.

Indigos softened "I appreciate it" His tail waved lazily behind him "I'm thinking of maybe replanting some moss" The food tasted nice, the meat was only a little bit overcooked, nothing his sharpened teeth couldn't handle.

Shinichi nodded "This spot is also on a bit of a hill, but moss would help with water absorption"

"It's also very soft"

The sleuth snorted "True" Shinichi peered at the entrance hole, he wouldn't be able to fit through it without crawling really low "Just don't put blankets or anything in there, they retain water and freeze solid" It was winter, and would get colder.

Kaito hummed "I'm thinking just moss should be fine" His fur was very warm, actual bedding probably wouldn't be needed.

Shinichi shrugged "If you say so, it's your den" He gave Kaito a funny look when the other seemed to jolt in surprise, dropping some rice onto the ground "What's wrong?"

"I wasn't expecting to feel movement..." The magician grimaced "Why is my bladder the first thing they go after?" It was strange to feel them when it wasn't really visible in his current form "I thought I wouldn't feel anything like this"

Azure softened, resisting the urge to touch Kaito's stomach to feel for himself "It just means that they're healthy" Kaito wasn't comfortable with his body being pregnant, so he wouldn't push to make him more uncomfortable.

Kaito frowned "I'll be back in a few moments" He put down his food and left.

Shinichi guarded Kaito's food from the odd bug that was still out until Kaito returned.

When he returned, Kaito used the hand sanitizer before picking his bento back up.

Me: So Kaito's instincts got the better of him again~ At least Shinichi is keeping him fed~

Comment? ^-^

I dropped my carrot dish... While it was full of water QAQ

 While it was full of water QAQ

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I've had it since my first rat... Gotta buy a new one >^< ... It's too cute not to be replaced

...glad that I keep my floors clean or else the water would have been sticky and gross to clean up >~< but wish I didn't have to dirty a fresh towel... Gah

Gonna buy cabbage dish too °^° when they're in stock.... QAQ cabbage is never in stock

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