26. Murder, Plans

493 36 4

1016 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written July 10 2020
Posted August 13 2020

Kaito peered around curiously as he explored the warehouse, he was in his wolf form, wearing his dog shoes and the cute police jacket that he'd been gifted. Shinichi had been called in about another body being dumped at the same place as before and with the victim being in the same condition as the last. The situation was the exact same as last time, which made the fur along the wolf's spine stand on end. He really hoped that the sleuth would catch the killer this time, or at the very least the similarities were just a coincidence.

He shook away his uneasy thoughts in favour of sniffing around in an attempt to single out some new smells. Unfortunately, he couldn't remember exactly what the place had smelt like the last time he'd been here.

"Has the last victim been identified yet?" Shinichi inquired as he glanced towards Megure. He hadn't gotten any call regarding it, but he just hoped that was because division one had been busy.

The inspector shook his head "Unfortunately no" He sighed "The victim didn't match up with any of the reported missing person cases" Even though it'd been long enough that the person's absence should have been noticed by now "We think that they were a foreigner"

Shinichi clicked his tongue, annoyed "That makes things a lot more difficult" Though why would the face be destroyed if the odds of being recognized were already low? He glanced down at the newest body, this time they were a male, destroyed face and prints "I really don't want this to turn out to be a serial killer" Those cases were always stressful and messy.

Megure's gaze darkened at the sleuth's words "I'm going to have officers stationed here just in case"

"Maybe instead of officers, you could leave some hidden cameras?" Shinichi offered "Leaving officers might just make the killer change their drop off location" Then who knows how long it'd take for the possible next body to be found. Azure gleamed "Kaito is good with electronics so I'm sure that he'd be able to rig up some cameras with long lasting batteries"

Kaito's ears pricked in the sleuth's direction at the mention of his name, yeah, Shinichi's idea was doable. He wouldn't mind using his talents to catch a killer.

The inspector nodded, a contemplated look crossing over his face "Your magician friend is also very sneaky isn't he?" That boy was just as gifted as Shinichi, though in a different way "He'd be able to switch batteries and install the cameras discreetly" If Kaito could sneak around the station to pull pranks, he had to be skilled.

Shinichi grinned "Kaito is one of the sneakiest people that I know" It was both annoying and useful "I'm sure that he'll do it since he hates death"

"Then that's the plan" Megure's shoulders drooped as he gave the warehouse one last look over "There's nothing else to do until we can identify the victims, you and Kai should head back"

The sleuth nodded reluctantly as Kaito padded over to him "I hope they're identified soon" He breathed. Their families should at least be notified.

Once they'd left the stuffy warehouse Kaito felt safer to speak "Nothing smelt off and I didn't see anything either" His tail drooped, it was so weird that nothing was found between the two of them "I'm worried, so let's get back so I can start building those cameras" His current ones weren't heavy duty enough for and long lasting spying.

Azure gleamed "I'll help build the bodies of them once you have the design figured out" He was decent with electronics, but he was nowhere near skilled enough to be able to trust himself with such a task on his own. He had enough base understanding to make things with instructions, just not the in depth mastery that the magician had.

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