33. Some Plans, Other Plans, Just Plans?

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1020 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written September 22 2020
Posted October 15 2020

Shinichi eyed the food put out in front of him with interest "How can you cook so well? It's not fair" He sighed. Neither of them had had their parents around when it counted for that kind of thing. Logically, he should be the better cook since he'd had Ran around growing up.

Kaito snorted "I couldn't cook until sometime after I became Kid" He admitted, sitting down at the table "I realized that some of my disguises could easily fall apart if my cooking isn't up to par" Not being able to sneak in as a cook had seemed too limiting. He gave a small shrug "I'm a bit of a perfectionist so I actually went out of my way to learn" The 'unlike you' was left unsaid.

Since it had been too late to make anything too complex, the magician had opted to make a nice mild curry. He didn't want the sleuth to stay up long enough to get caught up in a cold case or something. Sleep was something that he wanted the other to get more of, not less.

"Do you think that I should get the FBI to help with the case?" The sleuth inquired after swallowing a mouthful of his curry, he let his spoon rest on his plate "I don't want to rely on them too much, but I also have no clue regarding the case" He didn't want more people to die because he was too prideful.

Kaito hummed, spoon in his mouth before he removed it to speak "Maybe you could wait one more week?" He offered "You can just say that you wanted to end this before too many people died" He offered a reassuring smile "They can't fault you for wanting to limit the amount of deaths" The magician gave a small shrug, indigos gleaming "It's not like they don't know that you're better than them. They just have more resources than you" While rejecting their offer to join them had allowed the other to retain relative freedom, it had also prevented him from gaining a lot of valuable resources.

Shinichi's cheeks tinted a light pink at the high praise "That seems like a good plan" He paused "Unless something big happens" Like for example, the body count going up too fast or high.

The magician was silent for a few moments, wondering if the other had jinxed it "Then it's a plan" He nodded, not bothering to mention his previous thought. It would only give Shinichi more paranoia than his usual borderline unhealthy amount. It was only natural that the sleuth always had at least a little bit of paranoia at this point, it would be stupid not to.

"So a week..." Shinichi frowned "Wasn't there something else that needed to be done in a week?" He was bad with dates, unless it involved murders.

Kaito hummed, gaze soft "Not really" He snatched a bit of the other's food "I'm going to go and figure out my working schedule that day" It would be bad if he ended up missing anything.

Shinichi blinked "Oh, I guess that's kinda important" The magician hadn't done any official shows since he'd become a werewolf. It was a good thing that the other was never strapped for cash.

"Yeah" Kaito smiled "Just a little" He needed to sort out a lot of things with his manager, maybe even buy her some chocolate as an apology for going missing, then not telling her that he was okay. He looked down at their empty plates "Since I cooked, you can do the dishes"

The sleuth grimaced "I should get a dishwasher installed..." That was another reason why he preferred takeout. It was a pain to do the dishes whenever he bothered to actually eat something that wasn't takeout.

Kaito rolled his eyes "As if you use enough dishes to warrant buying one" Though actually... The magician went silent for a few moments before meeting the other's gaze "I wouldn't mind building and installing one for you" He grinned "For a price" A dishwasher would be nice...

Knowing that Kaito wasn't talking about money, Shinichi winced "What do you want?" Kaito could be unpredictable.

The magician snickered "I'm not sure, how about you just owe me?" Even if Shinichi denied, he'd still build the dishwasher. It was a worthy investment in his eyes.

Shinichi sighed "Fine" He trusted Kaito enough to know that owing the other wouldn't be risky. It'd just be something silly or stupid at best and annoying or tedious at worst. The last time he'd owed Kaito, he'd ended up playing the role of his assistant. Thankfully, he hadn't been forced to crossdress at the time.

"Okay" Kaito nodded, pulling out his phone "I'll order the required parts while you clean" He wasn't going to use a common blueprint, he'd create the perfect dishwasher himself. His own creations tended to last a lot longer than store bought versions after all. It also wasn't like this would be his first dishwasher either, he'd built one for Baaya's birthday a few years ago to let her have more chances to rest in her old age.

The sleuth collected the dishes before heading towards the sink. At least he knew how to do the dishes properly. It was kinda hard to mess that up. By the time he was finished, Kaito was just relaxing in his chair "I thought that it would have taken longer" He mused.

"Nah" The magician shook his head "I already had the list saved from years back, I only had to change a few bits that weren't in stock anymore" He blinked "And I had to change the outer colours to match the kitchen" It was simple really, he'd ordered more complicated assortments of parts before.

"I see" Shinichi smiled, Kaito was talented.

"Yup" Kaito leaned back, stretching his arms before resting the side of his head on the table. Indigo met azure "Hey Shinichi, can I move into your room?"

Shinichi blushed "Of course" Kaito spent enough time there, they might as well make it official.

Indigos softened as a small smile tugged at Kaito's lips "I'm glad" Now he just had to move his stuff from his room.

Me: A nice calm chapter of them being domestic with a touch of murder talk~ But it wouldn't be them if a bit of murder wasn't involved~

Kaito is more calm~

Hope you enjoyed~

Rereading Inuyasha... O.o there's a lot more nudity in the manga than I remembered

•~• I think my school had some volumes of it though... hmm

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