5. Shinichi Gets A Dog?

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1017 Words Excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written February 1 2020
Posted March 5 2020

Shinichi blinked in surprise when he opened the door, Saguru for some odd reason, had a huge dog with him. The dog looked disgruntled as he eyed it for a moment before meeting the other's gaze "I wasn't expecting you" He breathed, peering past the blond suspiciously, Kaito usually accompanied Saguru whenever he visited.

Saguru raised a brow, resisting the urge to smirk. He could already guess that the sleuth was wondering about Kaito "Something came up" He offered the purple leash "Can you take care of this troublemaker for a while?" The dog snorted, nipping at Saguru's hand in displeasure.

"Sure?" He accepted the leash, feeling a bit confused. Though he knew that the other wasn't one to bother others without reason, so he figured that it was important.

The blond offered a warm smile "Thank you" He glanced down at the dog "I'm sure that the two of you will get along perfectly" He stated before leaving.

Shinichi stood there dumbly for a few moments until the dog nudged him. He gave the dog an uneasy smile, just what had he gotten into? If he couldn't care for fish, he sure as hell couldn't take care of a dog "Let's get you inside?" It was house trained right? Surely Saguru would have warned him if it wasn't.

Kaito rolled his eyes, Shinichi must have just recently woken up from a nap. No wonder Saguru had been brief with him before retreating, otherwise Shinichi might have rejected his presence. That would have forced out an explanation, which wouldn't have been any fun. He wanted to mess with his crush a bit before revealing who he was.

Once they were both inside, Shinichi just looked at him stupidly for a few moments before removing the purple leash from him "Why is your leash one of Kaito's ribbons?" The sleuth murmured in confusion, was Kaito involved in what Saguru was doing? He examined the collar to see that it too was nothing more than a flimsy ribbon.

The wolf just snorted, it wasn't like they had any collars laying around. Saguru wasn't into the kinky stuff, not that he would have allowed the blond to properly collar him anyways. If he didn't let Saguru handcuff him, there was no way in hell that he'd let the blond collar him.

"Your eyes are really pretty..." Kaito's pelt warmed in embarrassment at the compliment while Shinichi gave his ears a good scratch. His eyes were the same colour as normal, that meant Shinichi thought that he had pretty eyes! He couldn't help but wag his tail happily.

"Saguru never told me your name..." Shinichi mused as he continued to pet Kaito, the wolf was visibly enjoying the massage "Your eyes are like Kaito's..." He trailed off, a faint blush tinting his cheeks at the thought of the magician "So I'll call you Kai for now" If Kaito questioned him about the name, he'd deny it being related to him.

Kaito gave a small bark at the name, glad that he was good with his voice. Sure dogs with weird barks can be cute, but he didn't want to be one of those dogs.

Azure softened, the dog was really cute, Kaito would adore it. He pulled out his phone, sending a text to the magician about the dog he'd ended up with. Blushing a bit as he imagined the other's smile when Kaito spotted the dog. God Kaito would look so cute hugging the giant fluffy dog, maybe he could sneak a picture and use it for his background.

Curiosity filled Kaito at the sight of the blush, just who was Shinichi texting? His eyes were shining and he was also smiling softly. He'd never seen the other look like that before. His ears lowered, suddenly feeling a little nervous. What if Shinichi had gotten a new girlfriend? He let out a small whine, nudging the other's leg. Maybe he could see the screen if Shinichi knelt down.

Shinichi sent the text before glancing down from the screen, knitting his brows in confusion "What's wrong Kai?" Kaito let out another whine, this time pawing at him. The sleuth ruffled the fur on the top of his head "Are you hungry?" Did he even have anything that he could feed a dog? He switched off his phone, pocketing it "Let's see what I have"

Kaito let out an annoyed breath, now he'd have to wait until Shinichi took his phone out again. He was pretty sure that he couldn't pick pockets with his paws. Since he'd failed, he followed the other into the kitchen. The last time he'd eaten was his lunch the previous day since he'd forgotten about supper.

He really needed to keep a larger variety of foods. Shinichi frowned at the pathetic contents of his kitchen, he wasn't sure if any of it was toxic for dogs. He eyed some uncooked chicken for a few moments before sighing, meat should be fine. He snatched some carrots before grabbing the meat, it should suffice until he headed out to buy some proper dog food. Dogs were omnivores like wolves, and he knew that at least carrots were safe.

The wolf stared blankly at the plate of raw carrots and chicken that Shinichi had placed down for him. He was not going to eat raw meat, just because he wasn't human, didn't mean that he couldn't catch salmonella! Meat was supposed to be cooked before given to pets! Didn't Shinichi know that? Sure he could end up fine, but it was still risky!

"Go on Kai, you can eat" Shinichi stated after watching the dog just stare at the food, it must be well trained. He grabbed his cup of coffee that he'd left to open the door and began to drink it.

Kaito looked at Shinichi fearfully, then at the chicken. He was definitely going to die or get sick if he allowed the other to think that he was just a normal dog. He let out a sigh, survival was more important than playing pranks "Are you trying to kill me?" He deadpanned, meeting Shinichi's gaze.

Shinichi choked, swallowing his coffee down the wrong way.

Me: Shinichi's inability to care for an animal has forced Kaito to act in self preservation... And it hasn't even been an hour...

Hope you enjoyed~ This was fun to write~

This story is much more lighthearted than my others XP

Such silly plans I have

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