40. A Chapter A Chapter... Meow

327 19 6

1014 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written November 21 2020
Posted December 17 2020

Kaito sighed as he flopped down on the couch, it was kinda disappointing that they'd come across two pointless murders in the same day. They could have been prevented easily, if only people hadn't been so selfish. The one involving the animal lover had hit him the hardest though.

Shinichi eyed Kaito with concern, not liking how sullen the other looked "How was your time with Saguru?" He inquired, wanting to move Kaito's thoughts to something more pleasant. The sleuth never liked seeing the other upset.

The magician was silent for a few moments before a smile bloomed on his face "It was very interesting" He wasn't going to go into much detail, that would give away the fact that he was planning to have the children growing inside him "He explained that I'll probably have more days where I just have to be a wolf in order to feel comfortable" It was the truth, just not he whole truth.

Azure softened at the other's smile "That's really interesting, I hadn't thought that would happen" Since the other didn't seem concerned, he was pretty sure that Kaito hadn't become a wolf mentally, which was good.

"Same" Kaito stretched, sprawling across the couch "I killed and ate some animals before cooking them" He tilted his head "It was weird"

Shinichi couldn't help the grimace that covered his face, Kaito had kissed him before they'd gotten home. He really hoped that the blond had brought some toothbrushes and toothpaste when he'd hung out with Kaito "That's kinda shocking" And gross, very gross. At least Kaito had been in his wolf form, or so he hoped that had been the case. He didn't know what else to say in response to that.

Kaito snickered, finding the other's disgust amusing. It was obvious that Shinichi was trying to hide it, he was just failing "It was tasty, the blood was nice and warm" His own words were creeping himself out, but seeing Shinichi's face scrunch up was worth it.

"Please stop before I get the image of your normal form mixed up with it" That was an image that he did not want in his head. Blood was not something he wanted associated with Kaito.

Indigos softened "Fine, I'll behave" For now.

The rest of the day and week passed by like normal, murders were common and easily solved. Unfortunately, on the last day of said week, another body had been dropped off at the same warehouse as before.

"So..." Kaito's ears were laying flat against his head as he watched the body get taken away "I guess this means that you're going to contact the FBI?" His voice was low, just loud enough for the sleuth to hear.

Shinichi nodded, face pinched in a frown "Yeah, we haven't been getting anywhere with this case" Four people dead was way too many in his opinion.

The wolf nodded, disappointed "I hope they'll be able to identify the victims" The families deserved to know what had happened to their loved ones, to at least have a body to bury "I've got to go soon to settle some things with my planner" He breathed, a fluttery feeling building within his chest. It'd been two weeks, today was the deadline they'd set for the potion. The one that he was no longer planning to take. He needed to make sure that all performances will be within the next two months, none later. He wasn't sure how he'd feel later on but it was better safe than sorry. Setting things up then cancelling would disappoint his fans.

Azure blinked "Oh, I forgot that was today" At least Kaito could leave whenever he wanted since he was a wolf.

Kaito gave a wolfish grin, indigos gleaming with amusing "I figured" It wasn't the only thing he forgot. He couldn't wait to see the other panic when Shinichi realizes that he's messed up. With that he padded past the officers before starting a steady pace away from the warehouse. They still hadn't tested to see if his electronics would survive a magical shift like his clothes did, so he needed to get home before making any calls.

With Kaito no longer by his side to keep him company, the sleuth sighed. Shinichi knew that he still had a lot of paperwork to do, so he might as well go get started on it, that way he'd be free by the time Kaito got back. Maybe he'd even check in on Ran first, sometimes it took Kaito hours to deal with his planner.

The sleuth's thoughts darkened as he thought about his childhood friend, he hadn't yet told her about his and Kaito's relationship. He really should, before she found out by herself, he'd already messed up a lot when it came to her. Not telling Ran about something so important would hurt her.

Mind made up, the sleuth headed back to the station to get started on his paperwork. He was so used to it, that it'd probably only take half an hour at most. That would give him plenty of time to visit Ran before Kaito got back. If not, then Kaito could just find something to do.

Approximately 45 minutes later had Shinichi knocking on Ran's door, she lived surprisingly close to the station. A small part of him wondered if it was because he got into so much trouble that the woman had just deemed it easier to just live near it.

"Shinichi?" Ran blinked in surprise, the sleuth rarely visited her, usually it was the other way around. Concerned by the change, she frowned "Did something happen?"

"Everything is fine Ran" Shinichi smiled "It's actually great, I have a lot t o tell you"

Relieved, she returned the smile "That's great" She moved aside, opening the door more to allow him inside "Come in" She was curious to know what her friend had to tell her, and a little happy that she wasn't going to find out on her own. It was progress, good progress.

Shinichi stepped inside, removing his shoes and following Ran into the living room "Kaito and I have started dating" He breathed, face pink as they sat down.

Me: So Shinichi isn't going to mess things up with Ran~ Shocker XD

Hope you enjoyed~

•3• White, milk, or dark chocolate? My fav is milk, and least fave is dark~

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I just wish bribing demons wasn't so expensive XP and even then, they'll stab me in the back

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