54. No Rest at All

186 10 5

1018 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written April 2 2021
Posted April 22 2021

NEXT UPDATE is on May 6 2021

To the sleuth's relief, the amount of dead bodies in his house remained at the number zero. While most would assume that his concern was silly, Shinichi just hadn't been able to help but worry just a bit even though he'd been well acquainted with everyone who'd shown up. It was just... A party, one that was surprisingly mild in nature considering Kaito had been heavily involved. It had shocked the sleuth that by the end of it, there'd been no big trick.

"Thank you" Shinichi breathed, wrapping his arms around Kaito once the last guest had left. The magician adored parties, especially ones that had tricks, so it meant a lot to him that the other had seriously toned down on his mischief "That was the least nerve wracking party that I've taken part of in a long time"

Kaito smiled, indigos soft as he returned the embrace "That was the plan" The only semi-important thing that'd happened during the party was him getting the idea to have his wolf ears visible all the time. Nothing else had really happened besides that "You're so good to me so I figured that I might as well do what I can to help" It was a miracle that Shinichi didn't have blood pressure problems with how stressed he could get.

The sleuth's cheeks warmed "I still appreciate it a lot"

With a hum Kaito gently broke the embrace "Want to go to the zoo next?" Another distraction, though this time it was a bit more risky since strangers would have to be factored in. There was absolutely no way that he was going to take Shinichi to an amusement park. Sure the sleuth has visited a fair few after becoming Conan, but that didn't mean that visiting them was a good idea. Especially when the objective was to lessen Shinichi's stress.

Shinichi blinked, a bit surprised at the sudden yet strange topic change "Why do you want to go to a zoo?" He questioned, feeling a bit uneasy. It would be so easy for someone to shove somebody into one of the exhibits... "I thought that seeing the trapped animals made you sad"

Kaito sighed, shoulders slumping a bit as he took note of the other's unease "I want to see if I can talk to wolves?" Sure some people had illegally released a bunch of wolves into the wild a few years ago... The problem was that the thought of meeting a wolf without proper protection kinda scared him "I can understand a bit of dog..."

Azure widened "You never told me that" Talking to animals? He would have thought that Kaito would have mentioned something like that sooner. It was like something most people wondered about at least once in their lives.

"Well it's not exactly talking... But I can sort of understand them a bit anyways?" Never anything too meaningful, maybe that would change with wolves "Anyways..." Kaito waved his hands "I figured that we might go to the Ueno Zoo in Taitō since it has maned wolves" It was both somewhat close and had the desired animal.

"...It's not actually a wolf" Shinichi couldn't help but state the fact.

Kaito blinked "Really?" That was annoying, why were names so misleading? "But it might be close enough?" Or at least closer than dogs due to them not being domesticated. Maybe.

"If you're using that logic then maybe you could try talking to foxes too" Shinichi replied. While they weren't canines, they were somewhat close in the family.

The magician grinned, Shinichi was sounding curious, that meant that they were almost guaranteed to go and test it out "That would be awesome!" If only he could speak to birds... He could not, he'd tried after hearing a small chihuahua mumble something about chewing fingers "So we're going?" He inquired, feeling hopeful.

"Yes" The sleuth relented, too curious to turn down the suggestion. He didn't like not knowing when he could easily do something to fix it "When do you want to go?" Since Kaito had suggested it, the magician might already have a time in mind.

Kaito smirked, feeling playful "We can go out tomorrow?" He half questioned.

Shinichi grimaced "Why?" He needed to refuel after such a big social interaction... His social skills had been getting a bit rusty ever since he'd started to prefer to stay at home.

Indigos gleamed as Kaito tilted his head "Rest is for the weak?" Or rest will allow Shinichi's brain the chance to overthink things and eventually become over stressed about what could happen. While Shinichi's brain was a big part of him that made him sexy, sometimes it just sucked "And I may have already gotten the tickets?"

"Fine" The sleuth sighed, feeling tired "I'm going to sleep, you need to clean everything up first" He'd need all the energy that he could get if they were going to the zoo tomorrow.

Kaito grinned "That's fair" Cleaning everything up would be a breeze, and he didn't need that much sleep anyways "Now go get some sleep" Kaito snatched a leftover chocolate chip cookie from a nearby table. The leftovers had been left for Kaito to inevitably eat.

"Chocolate" Shinichi muttered before heading upstairs. He really was tired.

The magician paused, looked at the cookie, then sighed "I'll start being good tomorrow..." He eyed the clock, there was plenty of time to eat what chocolate he could before then. Kaito savoured the baked goods before starting the cleanup, eating from the leftover displays as he went along. In the end he finished the task in less than an hour, having figured that he'd be tasked with the cleanup, he'd made sure that everything would be simple to deal with.

When Kaito slipped into bed, the magician couldn't help but pause to admire Shinichi's sleeping face. The sleuth looked so calm and unstressed while asleep, he just wished that that could be the care while awake as well. With a happy smile, Kaito snuggled up to his partner, effectively snatching away the other's warmth for himself. He silently snickered when Shinichi shivered in response to the heat theft. Their combined body heat would soon warm the blankets properly.

Me: So the zoo... I never cared much for those but meh~

I'm kinda disappointed in my expectations for Conan movie 25... The short teaser... Bleh, I don't care about the character that I read the voice belonged to (Matsuda?) •3•

And yes, the footage looked like it was from inside a theater so it might get taken down XD

Hope you enjoyed~

Expired toothpaste isn't dangerous... It just loses its effectiveness more and more until it's just useless 0.0

*Rushes to buy new toothpaste*

ヽ((◎д◎))ゝ So glad I have routine dentist check, cavity could have happened

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