45. Rest

223 16 13

1025 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written January 8 2021
Posted February 4 2021

"I don't like this" Kaito complained, resting his head back against the pillow that'd been propped up behind him. He couldn't feel that much pain due to the medication he was on, but that also made him want to get up and do something since there was no pain to distract him.

Kaito had been taken to a hospital, but then they'd quickly got him discharged under the guise of having a private doctor when the doctors became curious about the age of the injury. The magician apparently healed just fast enough for to be noticeable to trained eyes. The trip hadn't been a complete waste of time though, they'd at least been able to have Kaito looked over properly before they'd had to leave. It had been a relief to the sleuth to know that he hadn't messed up in helping Kaito.

"Deal with it Kuroba" Ai snapped, going through the information that she'd gathered "You're lucky that Kudo was there to help you or you might have ended up starting the process of healing wrong before help even arrived" The magician's pelvis had actually been broken in some spots according to the X-rays, healing wrong would have caused much worse problems later on. It actually still was broken, but not to the point that his bones were 'floating' around. The swelling had hidden the damage quite well.

"I know" The magician pouted, already bored despite the fact that he hadn't even been resting in the bed for a day yet "But I'm so bored"

The scientist shot Kaito a dark glare "Just because you're healing faster than normal, it doesn't mean that you don't have to be careful" She pointed her pen at the other threateningly, causing Kaito to wince "In fact, it means that you have to be more careful, any recovery problems will take less time to cause since your body is healing faster"

"It didn't seem broken when it happened" Kaito sighed, Shinichi hadn't even noticed either when he'd checked "Not fair"

Ai rolled her eyes "You've never had this sort of injury before" Of course Kaito wouldn't have been able to identify it.

Kaito scowled "I don't want to be stuck like this for two weeks" Who knows how many chances he'll miss to stalk the killers? "Can't I just shift and not walk on my leg?" Three legs was better than having only one good one.

"No" Ai's glare hardened "I'm not against putting you in a short coma"

"What?" Shinichi's eyes were wide as he walked into the room, he'd gone to the store to pick up some entertainment for the magician.

The magician eyed the teen worriedly "You can't"

Ai turned towards Shinichi, a deadpan expression on her face "Do you trust that idiot enough to keep still for the next two weeks?"

Shinichi blinked "No" Wincing at the automatic response. He cast Kaito an apologetic look "Sorry but it's the truth" Kaito was not capable of staying still for so long "Maybe we should just cut off the pain medication?" He didn't like suggesting it, but he was concerned that Ai may not have been joking.


The scientist seemed to contemplate the option "He would be in too much pain to move" She agreed "And near the end I can inject him with something to make him feel more pain to keep him down" 

"Oi!" Kaito was now eyeing Ai fearfully. He did not like that idea at all.

Shinichi smirked "Stay in bed and that won't happen, we both know that you'd end up miserable if you heal bad enough that you can't walk well" Kaito's antics could be crazy, and there was a very real chance of him hurting himself again and healing wrong because of it. Though he was joking about the meds. He wouldn't allow something that inhumane to happen to Kaito unless the magician wished for it, and that would be only if it were for Kaito's own benefit. The sleuth would not fuel any self-destructive actions.

The magician grimaced, uneasy at the implication of what could happen if he didn't rest properly "I'll rest" He sighed, feeling defeated. There was no way he could argue against that.

Azure softened "Don't worry, you won't be left all alone for too long" Kaito would be less stir crazy if he didn't feel isolated "We have plenty of friends who'd be willing to take turns keeping you company" He couldn't hang around too much more than normal or else Kaito would probably start to feel guilty about taking his attention away from too many crimes. The magician was a good person like that.

"I'll be fine" Kaito sighed "Long hours alone aren't strange for me" Research took a lot of time, same with practising and planning new magic tricks "They don't need to coddle me" Though he was perfectly fine with being pampered by Shinichi.

 "Since I'm not needed right now, I'm leaving" Ai paused in the doorway, shooting Kaito one last warning glare "Behave or else" She threatened before leaving.

"... Just because I don't share Haibara's mindset, it doesn't mean that I won't find an unpleasant way to keep you in bed" Shinichi warned softly, handing Kaito a book on bones. It was a medical grade textbook and should keep Kaito busy for a good while "Read this"

He already knew stuff about bones, he didn't want to read that "Shinichi" Kaito whined, the book was heavy in his arms. Why couldn't it have been about something cool like physics or engineering? He already knew all that a non-doctor needed to know about bones.

Shinichi just smiled "Read it and you'll maybe understand why we both are so insistent on you keeping still" He placed a quick kiss on the other's cheek "I need to go look over the paperwork of the crime scene" He stood up "Have fun, and please just rest"

Kaito sighed once the sleuth left, frowning at the book. He wasn't going to read it. He snatched the bag that had been conveniently placed within his reach, grinning when he saw the contents. These were the fun textbooks that he'd rather be reading, plus there were a ton of foreign word puzzles for him to work out.

Me: I can totally see Kaito having fun reading a textbook if it's on certain topics~

Hope you enjoyed~

•3•.... *Casually drinks milk that expired 9 days ago*

It tastes off but it hasn't killed me or made me sick before... TV must be overexagerating by making the characters require the washroom

... I've been stretching it out as long as I can to reduce outside trips XP

Would have tried for longer but I ran out of milk...

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