19. Stuck

863 60 13

1011 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written April 23 2020
Posted June 11 2020

Trust me, this chappy isn't sexual... Just silly

Kaito felt floaty, completely content as he nestled against the sleuth. It didn't matter that his bottom was sore, because the reason for the soreness made his heart flutter. A small, light giggle passed through his lips as he curled his legs around the other, wrapping his arms around one of Shinichi's as he nuzzled him. Shinichi was his, and he was Shinichi's, his tail wagged excitedly at the thought.

Though he did feel a bit bad, he'd bitten the other quite hard for some reason, right where the shoulder and neck met. He let out a small apologetic whine as he began to lick up the bloody mess he'd created. The blood didn't taste that good, but it at least wasn't horrible. He just felt like he needed to clean up the blood.

"Kaito" Shinichi shivered at the feeling of the other's tongue lapping at his neck "If you don't stop, I'll end up wanting to continue" Kaito's tongue was nice, really nice. Azure fluttered open to meet the other's gaze. Kaito blushed, ears lowering a bit as the sleuth reached out and began to pet them, rubbing them between his fingers "They're so soft" His voice was sleepy as he continued to play with Kaito's wolf ears

"Sorry" He glanced sheepishly at the blood, he'd just felt the need to get rid of it "Weird instincts" Though that didn't mean that he didn't appreciate the fact that the other was no longer soft. They'd fallen asleep with Shinichi inside of him.

Shinichi smirked "I sort of figured that was the case since you randomly bit me" He was too tired to do anything with his arousal "Not that I mind" It had sent a rush of endorphins though him. He used his other hand to give Kaito's tail a soft tug, it fascinated him.

Indigos softened, despite the fierce blush on his face "I'm going to go clean up" He moved to get up when he felt a sharp pain in his lower region "Ow" He let out a pained hiss, he'd been fine when they had been still.

"What's wrong?" Concern laced Shinichi's words, had he been too rough on the other? He bit his lip, Kaito had said that he was fine at the time.

"I-" The magician paused, brows furrowing. He tried to move again but the same thing happened "Shinichi... I think I'm stuck" Oh god this was embarrassing.

Azure blinked "You're stuck?..." Kaito gave a silent nod, cheeks burning "Oh..." They hadn't really used lube "Do you think that you can make your butt secrete that fluid again?" They hadn't needed lube.

"Oh god" Kaito buried his face in his hands "Don't phrase it like that" Now that they weren't having sex, the fact that his body had made a weird fluid to help them was now seeming quite weird. He hadn't really questioned it before since he'd been distracted by the sight of a naked Shinichi.

"I still love you" Shinichi assured, it wasn't Kaito's fault that his body was different.

Indigo softened "I know" His shoulders sagged "But that doesn't fix the fact that I'm stuck"

A small flash suddenly startled the two, having not expected it. Kaito let out a pained whimper as a small piece of paper fluttered down to them. The sleuth snatched it from the air, shooting Kaito a concerned look "It's from Akako" He breathed before starting to read it. Kaito stayed silent, trying to ignore the pain their sudden movements had caused "Oh..."

That didn't sound good "What's wrong?" Kaito inquired, Shinichi's expression was kinda odd.

"You bit me during sex so I'm in the process of turning but it's less violent since you had no ill intent..." He flushed "You're stuck because my lower anatomy has changed a bit" At Kaito's curious look he explained "You'll be free after I either release in you or my arousal fades"

Kaito frowned "I'm too sore for anymore"

"And I'm too tired" Azure softened "Good thing you like to cuddle right?"

A small smile tugged at Kaito's lips "Yeah" He settled himself against the other "I'm sorry for biting you" He hadn't meant to, it had just happened.

"It's fine" The sleuth began to card his fingers through Kaito's hair "The note said that your instincts made you do it because you loved me" His heart fluttered, even though he'd already known, the confirmation felt amazing. He could deal with being a werewolf if it meant that he could be with Kaito.

Eventually the two fell back asleep, and when Kaito woke up, he swiftly got off Shinichi before the other unconsciously reacted to him again. Once he was free, he curled back up under the blankets to snuggle the other. Indigos softened when he realized the new fluffy wolf ears atop of Shinichi's head. They made the sleuth look adorable, he snaked his hand around and smiled when he felt a tail as well. They were the same.

"Get up" A voice woke Shinichi up.

Azure blinked open, the sleuth dumbly looked around before freezing "Haibara!" His voice squeaked as he hastily checked the blanket, good they were both covered "Get out of here!" His cheeks burned with mortification, why was his friend so intrusive?

Ai smirked, enjoying the view of what little she could see "I'm your doctor, it's not like I haven't seen it all before"

"That's not the point!" Kaito shifted a bit at Shinichi's words.

"Shinichi?" The sleepy magician looked around, eyes suddenly locking with Ai's "Oh" So that's why the other had sounded upset.

"The two of you should get cleaned up and come over for some blood tests" Ai stated before leaving the room.

Kaito grimaced "Does she always invade your personal space like this?" He wasn't fond of the thought of her walking in on them again.

The sleuth buried his face in his hands "Always" Ai was a dear friend of his, but sometimes it felt like she was trying to kill him with embarrassment.

The magician's shoulders sagged "I guess we should get dressed then before she comes back to check in on us" He'd wanted to stay snuggling for just a bit longer.

Me: This was fun too write XP

Don't worry~ This story isn't going to switch to sex orientated

So some of you guys probably know what kind of werewolf Shinichi is due to how Kaito got stuck... XD

And yes, I made it so Kaito produces slick like a lot of omegas but I added it mainly for humour~ He's not going to be all sex this and sex that like some omega characters are depicted.

Kaito is still Kaito~

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