56. Deadly Fangs

190 12 9

1021 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written April 20 2021
Posted May 13 2021

The magician managed to right himself mid fall, unfortunately that only made it so he didn't break his neck. Feeling sore, Kaito scrambled to a crouching position, a nervous laugh passing through his lips as the nearby maned wolves turned their attention towards him. Oh this was not good, they had a very good reason for attacking him if they wanted to. He was intruding in their territory after all...

Kaito shot a quick glance around, frowning when he realized that nobody had noticed him or had seen him fall. Swallowing nervously, Kaito flattened his ears before lowering himself closer to the ground. There, now he wouldn't be deemed a threat... Right? It wasn't like he could outrun them if they gave chase so he should try not to threaten them. They should be skittish right? And not starving?

It was hard not to flinch back when a pup curiously made its way towards him. Indigos frantically glanced towards the full grown maned wolf, hoping that it didn't get upset. Being near baby wildlife was a big no no, especially when said adult wildlife could kill you. Thankfully the adult just seemed extra alert. The magician squeaked when a cold nose touched his arm, earning a growl from the adult. Alarmed, Kaito gave into the urge to roll onto his back, shifting into a wolf as he did so. Absently he suddenly became grateful that the area he'd fallen into was well hidden.

The magician forced himself to stay still as the adult maned wolf came over and began to circle and sniff him with the pup. It's teeth were so close to him... Maybe he should have tried running. Kaito shifted nervously when it nosed his stomach, unhappy with the contact.


If Kaito had been human, his jaw would have dropped "Yes?" He kept the response simple, just in case the communication was minimal.

The adult moved back, tilting its head as it eyed Kaito curiously "Odd... Male" It gently pawed at his stomach "Strange smell"

Since it didn't seem like the adult was going to kill him, Kaito rolled over so that he was resting the right way up. Standing up still seemed a bit too risky "Yes strange" He replied, there was no way that he'd be able to properly communicate his situation to the other. Kaito glanced down at himself, inwardly frowning when he realized that his stomach looked a bit bigger than the last time he'd actually looked at himself. The magician didn't know how to feel about being visibly pregnant, even if it was only as a wolf so far.

"Why come?" The adult inquired.

"Pushed?" Kaito grimaced as the pup decided to use him as a playground. It was best to ignore it for now. Even if it kinda hurt.

The adult growled, momentarily alarming Kaito until he heard the pup whine and hop off of him "Leave, carrying young"

So it was going to let him be because he was pregnant? That was very civilized of it "Yes" Since he basically had permission, Kaito got up, shot a hesitant glance at the adult, then shifted back into a human. Kaito gave them another wary look before climbing up the wall. Hands were great for things like that. The magician ignored the startled looks he received as he hopped over the guard. That was annoying, it didn't matter if someone got pushed in but climbing back out is what caught people's attention? Rude.

Breathing out a sigh of relief, Kaito brushed himself off before setting out to regroup with Shinichi. The person who'd pushed him had been after the sleuth, so he needed to inform the other about what had happened. Maybe the security cameras had caught the person's face. Kaito did not want that person wandering around, what if they tried something else when they realized that they'd failed? No, he didn't want to risk the chance of them actually succeeding. What if Shinichi had been the one pushed into the exhibit instead? The thought was worrying.

Thankfully finding Shinichi had ended up being a simple task, mainly because the sleuth hadn't moved at all "I'm back" Kaito smiled, glad to see that the other was okay.

Shinichi went to smile, but ended up frowning instead when he took in the other's appearance "Please don't tell me that you crawled into the exhibit" Kaito was covered in scratches, and his clothing was dirtier than it should have been.

Kaito grimaced "Not exactly..." He moved closer and continued in a quieter tone "I was mistaken for you and got pushed in" Now that the adrenaline was fading from his system, he was really starting to feel sore from the fall.

The sleuth's shoulders slumped, of course something like that had happened "I'm sorry"

"It's fine, I had a weird chat" Kaito waved his hand in dismissal "It was because you arrested their brother, you did nothing wrong" He'd actually be more upset if Shinichi let a killer escape "I wasn't harmed and I'm sure that you would have been so it was better this way" Kaito clapped his hands together "Anyways let's go check the security cameras"

Despite still wanting to argue, Shinichi let out a sigh "I think a security station is over there" He pointed to the left.

Indigos softened "It's fine" Kaito placed a quick peck on the other's cheek "It's better than someone getting murdered isn't it?" Sure there'd been an incident, but it hadn't ended in death, that was great. At least compared to the usual patterns it was "I don't think it was planned so this should be easy" The person wouldn't have any reason to hide their face until it was too late. Rewinding and backtracking the cameras would easily give them the culprit "Though I'd like to erase the exhibit footage while we're there just to be safe"

Shinichi nodded "I'll slow them down for you" While illegal, it was for a just cause.

Kaito grinned "I already knew that you would" He'd always be able to count on Shinichi, the sleuth was quite reliable like that. It was one of the things that'd drawn him to him in the first place.

Me: The part with the maned wolves wasn't that long... But that's because he wouldn't have been able to stay long anyways XD Shinichi would get suspicious or someone would eventually notice that he was in the exhibit

I recommend that you look up maned wolves and their pups... So adorable

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