1. Curse

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1013 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written January 2 2020
Posted February 15 2020

Extra chappy since I don't like just having a prologue posted =~= .... I thought I could tolerate it but I can't...

When Kaito awoke to find himself as some sort of dog, he wasn't nearly as freaked out as he probably should have been. Which kind of said a lot of things about his life. He hopped up onto his feet, the movement surprisingly easy despite the fact that he now had four of them. Indigos glanced around curiously for Akako, he was in her house for some reason so his current state was probably caused by her.

If he hadn't woken up within the red witch's house, then maybe he would have panicked. He snorted, amused at how the witch's association could cause anything but concern. Akako really had changed since they're high school days. She was a trusted friend, one who sometimes liked to cast weird spells on him.

"Kaito" His ears perked up at the calling of his name, he glanced over his shoulder to see the witch. Akako gave a weak smile as she made her way towards him "How do you feel?" Her voice was oddly gentle and the concern in her voice was worrisome.

He could talk like this? That was interesting to say the least "I feel fine" He admitted, there were no aches or pains. He glanced at where his front leg should be injured "I was hurt, but now the injury is gone" Which was weird, but he wouldn't complain about being healed.

"That's good" She reached over to scratch between his ears, Kaito couldn't help but lean into the touch, it felt amazing. After a few more moments of petting him she pulled her hand away "You're oddly calm" Her gaze darkened a bit as she looked away "Is it because you suspect that your transformation was my doing?"

Kaito froze at her words, dread pooling within his stomach "It's not?" His heart rate picked up, did that mean that he was stuck like this?!

Akako looked at the wolf in sympathy "You were bitten by a werewolf" Lucifer had told her to warn the other, and she had, despite not knowing what she was warning him about.

He opened his mouth to growl out that werewolves didn't exist, but quickly held his tongue at the knee jerk reaction. If witches and magical gems that granted immortality could exist, why couldn't werewolves exist too? "But I can turn human right?" Many stories regarding werewolves often had shape shifting as a common ability. If he could look human, then he could probably just carry on with his weird life.

The witch pursed her lips "That depends..." At the curious cock of Kaito's head she continued "Are you a virgin?"

Kaito spluttered, pelt warming in embarrassment. He did not want to discuss his sex life with Akako "Does it matter?" He sniffed, both ears and head lowering when she gave a silent nod. He averted his gaze "No" He'd had sex twice, both times with Saguru. They'd both been curious about gay sex and had figured that the other was a safe bet. Neither of them had wanted to risk catching STDs or a stranger developing feelings for them. Thus they had sex twice so that they had a chance to both top and bottom. Things weren't awkward between them at all afterwards, they were still good friends who weren't romantically attracted to each other. Sure they thought the other was good looking, but neither had any desire to be anything but friends.

Akako winced at the answer "That complicated things then" She'd started her research immediately after returning with Kaito "The werewolf that infected you came from an alternate world during a more medieval era" They were extinct in this world, or at least they had been "In that era the omegas have had a curse cast upon them" She glanced away guiltily "A blue witch felt scorned by an omega that she wanted since they hadn't been 'pure' when they'd met"

The wolf moved his paws uneasily, blue magic was the opposite of red magic. That meant that Akako couldn't counter the curse, whatever it was "What did the curse do?" He'd heard the term omega before when screening the web, but he hadn't looked into it.

Scarlet met indigo "They made it so that any omega who copulated before they had their first heat would be bound to the first person they slept with after or during said heat" She grimaced "It was apparently the price to pay for being a 'whore'" Kaito bristled "Sorry, I was just quoting the tale. I know that you're not a whore"

"I don't understand" Heats? Like what happens to an animal?

"You're case is special" Akako breathed "Despite being recently turned, your body is acting as if it's been on heat suppressants for approximately 10 years. Which isn't healthy at all" She gave Kaito a comforting scratch "Normally a heat would just make you mildly aroused, but it would be manageable to just ignore" Her tone softened "But since your body is acting like you've been on suppressants for too long, you'll painfully burn up unless you're taken care of by a partner" She ran her fingers along his spine soothingly "You're fine now because you're in your wolf form, but when you turn human..." Her voice trailed off, Kaito was smart enough to understand "You'll feel like your on fire, and not in the aroused sort of way"

His ears drooped "So I'm stuck like this until I find someone that I want to spend my life with?" How could he possibly seduce someone as a wolf?!

"And you can't just go talk to just anyone" Kaito's options were limited, but not hopeless "Maybe you can ask Kudo-kun for help" Her eyes gleamed, the two had been stepping around each other for years.

"No!" Kaito yelped, mortified "He will not be told anything!" His pelt burned at the thought of the other finding out about his situation "I'll just stay with Saguru until one of us thinks of something" The blond would be a sympathetic friend, he wouldn't turn him away. He lowered his gaze, even if he did pursue Shinichi, he wouldn't tell the other what was required for him to turn back safely. It would be too manipulative if he did.

Me: So Kaito won't be a mindless person when he's in heat like a lot of depictions of omegas~

Berry will not write smut in this book, any sex will be implied to have happened during a scene break. But there may be some touching~

And just in case there are some weird thoughts, Kaito will of course be human during any implied sex scene... People who would wish otherwise do exist within the world... Berry has seen the unspeakable....

There will be a lot of poking fun at Kaito since he'll be stuck as a wolf though... Can't wait~

Hope you enjoyed zee chappy~

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