67. New Life

252 12 4

1031 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written July 24 2021
Posted August 19 2021

NEXT UPDATE is on September 2 2021

When Saguru arrived, he wasn't all too surprised to see that Shinichi was freaking out. He himself was nervous just as a friend, so Shinichi being nervous was completely understandable. Looking at the recently bought items, the blond was surprised at how unprepared his friends seemed to be. He'd thought that they'd bought everything that they'd needed before getting to work on the yard. Apparently he'd thought wrong.

"While you cook whatever it is that you're cooking, I'm going to put together the cribs" Saguru stated as Shinichi spilled flour all over the floor. They had cribs in the Kudo mansion but there weren't any built here, yet. They were ones suited for toddlers, because the children were supposed to grow faster than normal for the first three months of their lives.

"I forgot about that..." Shinichi grimaced as he attempted to clean up the mess that he'd just made. What else could they be forgetting?

Saguru just shook his head in exasperation, checking the time. It'd been approximately 3 hours since he'd first texted the sleuth. Kaito should be done by now, but he'd wait to say anything until Akako contacted him again just to be safe. Thankfully werewolves took more after wolves than humans when it came to hours of labour.

By the time he finished building two of the cribs and was contemplating on building the third one, he got a second message from Akako, this one telling him that Kaito wouldn't try to kill them if they approached him. Saguru glanced at the still sealed box, well that made the decision easier for him. He checked the time, noting that it had been little over 4 hours since he'd initially texted the sleuth.

Knowing that they probably shouldn't keep Kaito waiting for too long, Saguru grabbed a bunch of blankets, draping them over his arm as he headed downstairs. Hopefully the kitchen didn't look too bad. He'd probably be the one having to clean it up "I hope nothing's in the oven" Saguru called as he passed the kitchen, not bothering to look into it just yet "You should turn it off if there is, we need to go" The sound of metal clattering together followed after his words, Saguru just smiled and began to put his winter clothes on.

Shinichi came speeding out of the kitchen, he was covered in flour and some sort of chocolate batter "It's time?!" Kaito was already done?! He quickly scrambled to get his winter clothes on, not caring if he got them dirty.

Saguru smirked, hopefully Kaito would get a kick out of Shinichi's dishevelled appearance "Yes, we're in no danger of being killed by him anymore" The sleuth practically ran out the door at his words, the blond just rolled his eyes and followed after at a more sedate pace. The snow was falling a lot harder than it'd been when he'd first arrived so the blankets were tucked into his coat. His own body heat would warm them.

When he caught up to Shinichi, Saguru couldn't help but laugh. They wouldn't be able to see anything since it was dark out "I brought my phone"

"Kaito?" Shinichi ignored the blond, eager to hear from Kaito.

"Shinichi?" Kaito's response was soft, more tired than pained.

"I'm here Kaito, can I come in?" He should be able to fit, Kaito's stomach as a wolf had made him wider than him "It's really snowing out here so bringing them out wouldn't be good"

"There's enough room" Kaito replied, having dug his den out with the intention of having an adult human inside it. He'd also known that he wouldn't want to leave his den.

Perking up, Shinichi crawled into the den, unable to really see anything until a soft light shone in from behind him. Saguru had turned his phone's light on before partially covering it to make it less harsh. Shinichi froze, azure softening at the sight of Kaito curled around two small wolf pups. One was a dark grey and the other was a light brown "There's two of them..." He breathed softly, awed by the sight.

"The brown one is a boy, the grey is a girl" Kaito added softly, tempted to just fall asleep. He was tired, too tired. He gave each pup a lick on the head "I don't know what to name them..."

"Maybe seeing their human forms would help" Saguru suggested as he made his way into the den, it was a very tight fit with all five of them in there at once. He took out the blankets he'd been warming "Can I?" He inquired. Kaito nodded so he gently picked the grey pup up and wrapped her in the blanket. Kaito touched her and the pup shifted from canine to human. Saguru gently held her out for Shinichi to hold.

"So tiny..." Shinichi whispered, she was smaller than one of his hands.

"They're healthy" Kaito quickly piped in, they were perfect and healthy.

Shinichi scooted over so that Kaito could see their daughter's face as Saguru picked up their son "She has your eyes" He paused, noting that what hair she had was messy "And your hair"

Kaito shifted forms now that he no longer had a pup lying against him "Oh no, it's going to be a nightmare when she's older" He gently took the boy from Saguru, allowing his son to shift "He has my hair too..." Kaito laughed fondly.

"My eyes though" Shinichi smiled. The two cuddled and cooed over the babies until the girl started to cry.

"They're hungry..." Kaito murmured, shifting both himself and their children into wolves. The two pups immediately scrambled to his side and began to nurse without any prompting. He was too tired to feel weird about it.

Saguru glanced at the bloodied snow off to the side. When Kaito had shifted, he'd noticed that his friend's clothes had started to get soiled "I'll go fetch you some clean clothes for later" And give Kaito enough room to clean himself up.

Shinichi blinked, suddenly taking notice of the bloody mess Kaito was half laying in "Oh... I'll help clean the den" There were no doctors to clean up the gross stuff that normally comes when children were born.

Kaito laughed, eyes half closed "I'd appreciate that"

Me: Kaito is understandably very tired~ And two kids, fixing up both their hair could be a pain... XD

Comment? ^-^

3• What flavour juice would you be most likely to drink of you had to drink juice? I would pick strawberry or strawberry banana.

... Just plain strawberry juice isn't that common to find, at least where I am >^<

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