52. Shinichi the Furry

225 14 4

1016 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written March 12 2021
Posted April 8 2021

The day of the Halloween party ended up being more pleasant than Shinichi had thought it'd be, at least so far that is. The sleuth dressed as a vampire had yet to be unwillingly brought into a group conversation, instead people approached him off and on for some idle conversation. It was nice, while he was technically at least somewhat fond of everyone who'd come, that didn't mean that he wanted to talk to everyone at once. Kaito must have advised them that he was feeling stressed, the simple favour made the sleuth feel all warm inside. It was nice not to be swarmed for a change.

Kaito grinned, tail wagging contentedly as he glanced over to check on the sleuth. The other looked so much more peaceful than he normally did at parties. He really should have informed everyone about Shinichi's distaste for being crowded a lot sooner. Apparently most had been vaguely aware that Shinichi hadn't been fond of it, but none had actually known just how much Shinichi had disliked it since the sleuth never really voiced it.

The magician's plan was really going better than expected to be honest, not to mention that he was absolutely loving the attention everyone was giving his own 'costume'. Being around everyone without using the glamour felt amazing, it was nice to have people actually seeing the current him instead of the old human one that was the everyday illusion put up for most people.

"Your tricks really are amazing Kaito-kun" Sonoko gushed as she eagerly caressed one of Kaito's 'false' wolf ears. It was so soft and fluffy "I can't believe how reactive they are" Kaito's free ear was pinned against his head from the ministrations "It actually feels real since it's warm too"

Ran smiled, taking pity on the obviously slightly overwhelmed magician "Sonoko you're being rude" Since the ears were 'false' Kaito had had no plausible reason to get her friend to stop touching his ears.

Seeing his chance, Kaito stepped back a bit, plastering a grin across his face "Can't have you learning my secrets after all" It was the truth, though only a select few would truly understand the meaning behind his words. He'd have to get Ran something nice after this, his ears were still really really sensitive to touch.

"I think those ears suit Bakaito" Aoko joined in with a grin "Maybe he should wear them all the time"

Kaito blinked, momentarily confused before a realization hit him "It would confuse so many people" He grinned, it was easily mistaken as him thinking mischievous thoughts to those not in the know "I really might do that, though I'd probably have to use the headband for them" There was no headband, yet. Maybe Akako could make a special glamour that only activates when a headband is removed from his person. The headband would allow people to see the ears as fake even if they seemed perfectly real.

"Oh?" Sonoko leered mischievously at the magician "I didn't take your man as a furry Kaito-kun"

"What?" Kaito spotted Shinichi choking on some food in the corner of his eye, Takagi was checking on him "Shinichi isn't into that kind of thing, and neither am I" Kaito grimaced "Ears are about as much as he'd tolerate and I think I look cute wearing them" Due to the nature of Sonoko's leer, he refrained from mentioning anything about tails because he was aware of the implications that could bring up.

Ran let out a small laugh "They really do look cute" She admitted before turning to Sonoko "I think most people can think that animal ears on someone can look cute while not being a..." A small blush dusted her cheeks as she finished her sentence "Furry" The last word was whispered like it was a taboo.

Aoko's eyes glinted "Though I bet Kaito wouldn't mind if Kudo-kun collared him in bed" She couldn't help it, the things that she'd read online... It made her really want to watch something like that in real life.

Kaito's cheeks burned a dark red at the thought of being at the other's mercy like that "I don't want to talk about anything involving our bed" His ears were practically plastered against his skull, burning hot with embarrassment.

"It's okay Kaito-kun" Sonoko put a reassuring hand on his shoulder, the other one giving him a thumbs up "I approve" The idea was hot, even if Shinichi was involved in it.

"I'm going to go check on Shinichi" Kaito quickly made his escape, wondering why he'd thought that bringing Aoko, Sonoko, and Ran together had been a good idea "Hi Shinichi" The magician blurted out as he stopped next to the other.

"Hi" The sleuth repeated the greeting, face somewhat red from the earlier furry comment. He'd stopped listening after that, something he was thankful for if Kaito's flustered expression was anything to go by. He casually tilted his cup around to make the coffee swish around "I take it that I shouldn't approach them for a while?"

Kaito hastily nodded "Ran-chan is probably safe though" Probably, the other two might corrupt her though.

"I see" Shinichi was silent for a few moments "Thank you for setting this party up" He offered a small smile "I'm actually enjoying it for once" For the most part, he could deal without the furry comments though.

Indigos softened "I'm glad, I really was hoping that you'd enjoy yourself at least a little bit"

The sleuth's cheeks tinted a light shade of pink, Kaito was a really kind partner "So are you really thinking of keeping your wolf ears?" He inquired curiously.

"Yeah" Kaito's voice lowered just enough so that only Shinichi would hear the rest "It feels nice to actually be seen" It hadn't bothered him before, but now he liked actually being seen.

"Well.." Azure gleamed mischievously "At least your weird personality is already widely known so it wouldn't seem too odd if you went out like that" Being quirky had odd benefits it seems.

Kaito snickered "I'll post it on my fan social media too to help get the word around" The truth would be hidden in plain sight.

Me: Well that wasn't what I was expecting to write when I sat down... XD

Hope you enjoyed~

Berry despises raw vegetables... But really limp/steamed ones are good...

Why doesn't canned broccoli exist!?! I want!... (I know it won't survive the canning process, I'm just sad that it doesn't)

I grew up on canned veggies... So crunchy ones are ick... My veggies must not crunch °^°

I also never use dip for them, just some butter/salt ^-^

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